the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
so I removed all my pictures off of photobucket because of recent events it seems that piracy is going to be making way for a whole new age of lack of internet privacy and corporations sharing information freely with FBI and DEA and shit.

so pretty much I'm not uploading pictures unless i've delted all the metadata and taking precautions to makesure that it cannot be traced back to me in any way. so far I don't feel like I've been safe enough so I'm taking precautions now before it bites me in the ass. I suggest you all do the same.

any of you that actually talk about anything like this on facebook you better stop asap and delete everything related to it off your facebook because otherwise the information just stays there forever and pretty soon facebook will likely have the RIGHT to share it with the FBI if it feels like it. I say don't take the chance, clean it up.


Well-Known Member
With a scrubber program. I've been knowing this about facebook for a while now, watched a documentary on the company and it's privacy issues. They let police read your private messages...used facebook to arrest a woman who was court ordered not to drink again. She wrote a PM to a friend saying to meet at a certain gas station to get drinks and they busted her there.


Well-Known Member
I live in do you remove the metadata etc...?

what part of nor-cal?? I've found the centeral valley (redding and below) has a less intense sun than the upper valley where I live. so-cal desert seems to be just as strong sun wise. maybe specific spots of the centeral valley. if it stays more humid where you're at the sun will be less intense.


Well-Known Member
With a scrubber program. I've been knowing this about facebook for a while now, watched a documentary on the company and it's privacy issues. They let police read your private messages...used facebook to arrest a woman who was court ordered not to drink again. She wrote a PM to a friend saying to meet at a certain gas station to get drinks and they busted her there.

yeah I cleared everything that was related to cannabis off of there and any of my friends that talk about bud I will be telling them to stop or I will remove them from my facebook basically.


Well-Known Member
what part of nor-cal?? I've found the centeral valley (redding and below) has a less intense sun than the upper valley where I live. so-cal desert seems to be just as strong sun wise. maybe specific spots of the centeral valley. if it stays more humid where you're at the sun will be less intense.
Sacramento-bordering Elk Drove measured 103.3 at 4:20 yday! humidity 22% News said sac was 96*lol Mine is right as I have 2 thermometers both in the shade different brands and within .4* of each other. I think the news lies or just gives the lowest temp from like downtown.


Well-Known Member
Sacramento-bordering Elk Drove measured 103.3 at 4:20 yday! humidity 22% News said sac was 96*lol Mine is right as I have 2 thermometers both in the shade different brands and within .4* of each other. I think the news lies or just gives the lowest temp from like downtown.

yeah the sun is much lighter down there compared to up here or way south. chitown definitely needs to let his plants have atleast 5-6 days in full shade.


Well-Known Member
yeah the sun is much lighter down there compared to up here or way south. chitown definitely needs to let his plants have atleast 5-6 days in full shade.
Some strains are tougher than others. I had a 4 ft Bubba I took outside 2 yrs ago in early may and it burned up, I put a Blackwater 18" tall this yr end may and no issues at all, it actually loves it.

If this is light sun, I feel sorry you everyone else!!


Well-Known Member
Some strains are tougher than others. I had a 4 ft Bubba I took outside 2 yrs ago in early may and it burned up, I put a Blackwater 18" tall this yr end may and no issues at all, it actually loves it.

If this is light sun, I feel sorry you everyone else!!
its not exactly'light sun' I think it's more like the sun up here is very extreme... but yeah so far I haven't really seen much difference in strains as far as leaf burning or not. I've seen differences in which ones can take the HEAT in general, but not much difference in leaf burning when they're not prepared strain vs strain.


Well-Known Member
its not exactly'light sun' I think it's more like the sun up here is very extreme... but yeah so far I haven't really seen much difference in strains as far as leaf burning or not. I've seen differences in which ones can take the HEAT in general, but not much difference in leaf burning when they're not prepared strain vs strain.
What strains have you found vulnerable to heat?


Well-Known Member
What strains have you found vulnerable to heat?

mainly sativa dominant strains. but not all of them.

for now my desertvalley haze is very sensitive to the heat and it does best grown in full shade. but I'm sure through a few generations of climatization that can be fixed. I have yet to breed it in my area, it came from seeds from this area but that's only one generation and not proper breeding ya know. so hopefully this year if I get a male. last year I didn't get ANY males :O

makes me think they were originated from hermie seeds and th at might be why it's more sensitive to heat.


Well-Known Member
put a bubba outside all day yesterday it didnt burn i need to get shit outside asap cali has neen kicking mybass spending too muh money n shit



Well-Known Member
so what's happening Slice? everything good? you still alive?

I talked to him yesterday and he's doin alright but the money is getting tight and he's not sure if shits gonna work in cali or not. I told him to make some connections with people at minimum if he's gonna go back to chicago. atleast make some friends here so you have some sort of connection to california for future things.....

as for me, I moved out of my moms house because she's fuckin psycho. I"m gonna be watering the plants and shit but I will not be feeding them even 1/10th as much as I intended to. I still have leftover flowering nutrient from last year and I'm going to use that on them when the time comes .