Active Member
I dont think they can sense heat from outdoor they only catch bigger paches of weed if you space them out good you should be fine indoors your best of in the basement they cant see your heat under ground but if they here about you their going to run through your entire life with a fine tooth comb as soon as they catch a drift of you your best off shutting down and leaving state somewhere noobody knows you and make your hook ups come to the state you moved not to your grow cause that would be stupid if they tell one friend where your grow is more will find out and you'll be putting your self at risk of robbery cause the cheddar brings jealosy and envy they think their intitled or some shit I know first hand on jealos envyist punks that call themselves your friend I don't trust nobody but my wife and my dogs your dog won't never turn on you and always protect you plus you get bigger charges for owning a gun but if you have 3-4 big dogs nobody will fuck with you if they do you won't be the one killing them so no murder case just make sure you have a beware of dog sign and if you keep a fence around the house the cops won't be coming on your property for a closer look wich they will do and right in front of you I've seen them do it trying to find evidence fuck the police fuck em all
Thermal scans can recognize anywere from 1 plant to 100 no matter the size grown outdoors. Even if they are grown sub-terrain (in a hole level were the plant does not exceed the height or width of the hole) or in a greenhouse