Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member

Why Chez Pazienza, of course. Renowned journalist, author, and blogger on Huffington Post.

I'm not even gonna copy paste the link to his latest garbage. Instead, here is his stupid article word for word:

Reefer Madness

The quote of the day comes from ESPN Writer LZ Granderson, who, during a recent appearance on CNN, kind of summed up my thoughts on the people who consider the legalization of marijuana to be Priority One in the 2012 presidential race:
If you're basing your vote on who's going to be president about whether or not they let you roll up a blunt then you're just an idiot and I hope you don't have the right to vote anyway.​
I've never been a big fan of smoking pot. Yeah, I've done it a few times, but being that I seem to have lived by the motto "Go Big or Go Home" when it came to kicking off my storied career in drug use -- diving directly into LSD and ecstasy rather than going through the various "gateways" -- I always kind of found pot smoking to be a bit anti-climactic. Great, so you laughed a lot and ate too much shitty food and were often forced to hang out with idiots who spent hours engaging in long-winded discussions that employed a lot of stoner logic. Sounds like a blast. That being said, I don't begrudge anyone their habits as long as they're not hurting anyone else in the process, and I accept unequivocally the absurdity of demonizing a plant simply because it happens to make people feel good; the political pressure to keep marijuana illegal amounts to nothing more than the senseless perpetuation of a puritanical blue law, and one that needlessly damages the lives of innocent people. If alcohol is legal I see no reason why pot shouldn't be as well.

A couple of weeks back, though, Bob Cesca and I had a little debate going on our podcast and radio show about the merits -- or lack thereof, in my opinion -- of the "culture" of marijuana. I'm not talking about the folks who simply enjoy smoking it on occasion; I'm talking about the organized effort -- as organized as a bunch of stoned people can be, anyway -- to celebrate marijuana and its many supposed merits in an effort to help it gain wider social acceptance and to essentially destigmatize it.

You know, the "movement" full of people who basically take the diametrically opposing side of the argument to those who feel that pot is the devil's weed, mythologizing it rather than castigating it, claiming that it heals all wounds and has near-magical properties that can be used in the service of mankind if the closed-minded politicians would just give it a chance. The people who actually kind of consider "4/20" a holiday. The people who always have a dissertation ready on the history of hemp and how it's different than the part of the plant that fucks you up. The people who swear that marijuana is medically necessary for millions and that they can prove it.

Yeah, that nonsense.

Here's my issue with the marijuana culture -- the, ahem, "fight" to gain national acceptance of pot beyond the fact that a hell of a lot of people use it or have used it at one point in their lives: it's for the most part disingenuous. It's based on a lot of near-comical rationalization, the kind of reasoning a four-year-old comes up with and rattles off when he or she wants to do something a parent won't allow. Sure, maybe hemp can be made into all kinds of wonderful products; maybe pot-smoking can ease the pain of terminal cancer; maybe there are religions that require it as part of their ritual; maybe it's been used throughout the years by brilliant minds and its history is so interesting that university-level classes can be taught on it; the fact is none of that would make a damn bit of difference to those who advocate loudly for the legalization of marijuana and who rally around it if it didn't get you really, really high. If you removed the "it gets you high" element of the equation, the rest of it would pretty much fall apart because no one would give a damn. Pot is popular because it messes you up good -- everything else is incidental.

Again, I have no issue with people wanting to make themselves feel good -- I did drugs for years for exactly that reason, although I never felt the need to concoct a "holiday" honoring my use or to create a feeling of solidarity with other drugged-up doofs just like me -- but for God's sake be honest about why you like weed. You like to get high. That hemp-is-beneficial-to-mankind and I-need-it-as-medicine horseshit is exactly that: horseshit. If you require proof of the farcical nature of the latter argument, you need look no further than Venice Beach, near where I live in Los Angeles. Got a hundred bucks and a headache? Congratulations, there are 800-some-odd "doctors" available right on the shore who'll be happy to give you a medical marijuana card -- because it's, you know, medicine.

A couple of months ago, the front page story here at the Huffington Post was, for a time, a mildly outraged report on how the feds had cracked down on a popular Oakland pot business with the amusingly high-clever name "Oaksterdam University" and how it represented the most pronounced salvo yet in "the Obama administration's nationwide assault on medical marijuana." The article detailed the ways in which President Obama's justice department had targeted medicinal marijuana dispensaries and users and even included the inadvertently hilarious line, "There's no question that Obama is the worst president on medical marijuana," from Rob Kampia, Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project. While I couldn't agree more that expending federal resources and tax dollars on fighting marijuana use is a monumental waste, I also can't work up a whole lot of indignation over the fact that Barack Obama isn't doing right by the pot bloc. Hitching your political wagon to the singular question of whether or not the President of the United States is friendly to your desire to do drugs is way beyond ridiculous. And again, you can attempt to couch it in whatever supposedly principled terms you'd like -- in the end, you're pushing for the legalization of pot because it makes you feel good.

There's nothing wrong with feeling good and the government shouldn't play nanny and decide how good is too good to be permitted. But those who excitedly ballyhoo weed and the use of it like they're doing important, necessary or admirable work need a serious reality check. You like to get high and it's very likely nothing more noble than that. Admit it.


Alright, look. I'm not gonna pick his article apart or write up an elaborate rebuttal. I think all of you can get just how screwed up this guy is from reading his crap? And it's not just on our favorite topic, either. Chez strikes me as a pedantic prick with very little real knowledge to support his opinions concerning a whole range of subjects.

So help me become the blogger I need to be in order to counter jackasses like Chez. It's one thing for a conservative asshole to say shit like this about mmj, but when a liberal leaning media figure starts spouting shite like this, someone has to step up. And that someone is ME.

I now know why I was born. To take on Chez Pazienza and his kind in the blogosphere.

I'm coming for you, Chez.

Okay, I said I wasn't gonna, but I can't resist just this little one:
Chez: "and I accept unequivocally the absurdity of demonizing a plant simply because it happens to make people feel good; the political pressure to keep marijuana illegal amounts to nothing more than the senseless perpetuation of a puritanical blue law, and one that needlessly damages the lives of innocent people. If alcohol is legal I see no reason why pot shouldn't be as well."

Jin: How the fuck does he think these flaws in our society will ever be corrected without activism? Does he think writing obnoxious articles that contradict themselves is enough to effect any kind of change on a rigid societal model that's been in place for far too long?

I say Chez has proven himself to be a self-contradicting moron once again -- proclaiming one thing and then ridiculing the hard-working activists who are actually out there fighting for it.

His articles are directionless and nothing more than demonstrations of his sense of how great Chez is. Gag.

Fuck, okay, okay... one more.

Chez:"Here's my issue with the marijuana culture -- the, ahem, "fight" to gain national acceptance of pot beyond the fact that a hell of a lot of people use it or have used it at one point in their lives: it's for the most part disingenuous. It's based on a lot of near-comical rationalization, the kind of reasoning a four-year-old comes up with and rattles off when he or she wants to do something a parent won't allow. Sure, maybe hemp can be made into all kinds of wonderful products; maybe pot-smoking can ease the pain of terminal cancer; maybe there are religions that require it as part of their ritual; maybe it's been used throughout the years by brilliant minds and its history is so interesting that university-level classes can be taught on it; the fact is none of that would make a damn bit of difference to those who advocate loudly for the legalization of marijuana and who rally around it if it didn't get you really, really high. If you removed the "it gets you high" element of the equation, the rest of it would pretty much fall apart because no one would give a damn. Pot is popular because it messes you up good -- everything else is incidental."

Jin: What the fuck is his point? So if pot didn't have its psychoactive properties then it wouldn't be pot? NO SHIT. It would be tobacco, wouldn't it? So again, what's his fucking point? First he quite adeptly rattles off a list of pot's merits and interesting facts about pot, then he ineptly attempts to negate everything in that list with, "If it didn't get you fucked up, then there wouldn't be any of this..." Really, you fucking asshole and moron? You make no sense and no point! I can't believe I lowered myself by even being bothered by this bullshit.

If anyone has presented the childish rationalization of a four year old, it's Chez.



Well-Known Member
Hi, crazy. I do have OG fever. I don't even remember what other strains look like.

No, I think I'm gonna grow PO cuts again. I can't imagine a bagseed from a dispensary could match them.

Fuck tolerance breaks is right. I'm getting ready for work. Loading my pre-work wake and bake bowl.

I'll be back when I arrive at work nice and baked. :D
your lucky you live in cali and you have a choice on what strains you can get. i gotta go down the street and hope for something frosty, god knows what they'll try to call it. and yeah, at least im gonna get higher than a motherfucker when i start again. im gonna pack a straight hash bowl when i do. and nice, any ideas of what cuts your gettin next? if i could suggest herijuana, i think youd like it since you like those super potent strains. they have herijuana OG im pretty sure, just thinkin about heri and tahoe mixed... i gotta go change my pants. hahaha


Well-Known Member
your lucky you live in cali and you have a choice on what strains you can get. i gotta go down the street and hope for something frosty, god knows what they'll try to call it. and yeah, at least im gonna get higher than a motherfucker when i start again. im gonna pack a straight hash bowl when i do. and nice, any ideas of what cuts your gettin next? if i could suggest herijuana, i think youd like it since you like those super potent strains. they have herijuana OG im pretty sure, just thinkin about heri and tahoe mixed... i gotta go change my pants. hahaha
Fuck yeah. I would jump at it if PO had Herojuana. I'm open to SFV, Skywalker, or Herojuana as possibles for the next. You have a good eye for OG.

I just checked PO's site. These are the strains they list under their OG heading:

Louie XIII

Now I know their Diablo is probably waaaay better than that shite I grew prior, but I'll pass on that. Tahoe? Hey, hard as it is, gotta let go sometime. Larry? Pass. So it's Skywalker, SFV, or Louie XIII depending upon the health of what they got when I'm there. If they all look healthy then I'll go to a more involved criterion for selection.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah. I would jump at it if PO had Herojuana. I'm open to SFV, Skywalker, or Herojuana as possibles for the next. You have a good eye for OG.

I just checked PO's site. These are the strains they list under their OG heading:

Louie XIII

Now I know their Diablo is probably waaaay better than that shite I grew prior, but I'll pass on that. Tahoe? Hey, hard as it is, gotta let go sometime. Larry? Pass. So it's Skywalker, SFV, or Louie XIII depending upon the health of what they got when I'm there. If they all look healthy then I'll go to a more involved criterion for selection.
if they dont got it, sannie's always does, or royal canadian mj collective does, although sannie does have mortabel's original. rcmc also has heri beri, its blueberry x herijuana, looked like a very good yielder and the super dense nugs that heri seems to always have.
heres a few of the heri crosses they have.
they have a c99 cross too, i love classic genetics so this one is a must have, and i think youd really like red heri fruit too, thats strain looks frostier than shit! highly medicinal too.
and thanks, ive always had a knack for OG, i grew tahoe back in the day with my pops, a few friends of his even made a few crosses with it, i know one of them crossed it with pre 98 bubba, thats another strain id love to get my hands on if i could.

and diablo has a good rep, as well as skywalker(thats probably one of the most popular OG strains right now). SFV is also pretty good, ive heard nothing about good things about these last couple strains. havent heard of louie XIII though, may have to do some research on that one.


Active Member
I vote Skywalker! :hump:only because that's the next PO mom i want tho & I want to see how good you can make it come out in comparison to the Tahoe Jin ;)


Well-Known Member
if they dont got it, sannie's always does, or royal canadian mj collective does, although sannie does have mortabel's original. rcmc also has heri beri, its blueberry x herijuana, looked like a very good yielder and the super dense nugs that heri seems to always have.
heres a few of the heri crosses they have.
they have a c99 cross too, i love classic genetics so this one is a must have, and i think youd really like red heri fruit too, thats strain looks frostier than shit! highly medicinal too.
and thanks, ive always had a knack for OG, i grew tahoe back in the day with my pops, a few friends of his even made a few crosses with it, i know one of them crossed it with pre 98 bubba, thats another strain id love to get my hands on if i could.

and diablo has a good rep, as well as skywalker(thats probably one of the most popular OG strains right now). SFV is also pretty good, ive heard nothing about good things about these last couple strains. havent heard of louie XIII though, may have to do some research on that one.
I vote Skywalker! :hump:only because that's the next PO mom i want tho & I want to see how good you can make it come out in comparison to the Tahoe Jin :wink:
Nobody likes the 91? The SFV sounds cool - it is one of the original OGs.
Thanks, gents. I have to admit all this talk of genetics for the next grow has me pretty jazzed.

I made this little thank you card as a token of my appreciation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, gents. I have to admit all this talk of genetics for the next grow has me pretty jazzed.

I made this little thank you card as a token of my appreciation.

there should be a like button, and a love button. i would choose the love button for this post.


Well-Known Member
I'm here! We had a stupid fire drill and everyone was crowded around our building on the surrounding sidewalks when I arrived!


Well-Known Member
It's nice to have you standing proud with the rest of us!

Medical Marijuana States Add Number 17, Connecticut,marijuana

"Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy on Friday signed a bill permitting the medical use of marijuana statewide, making Connecticut the 17th state to enact such a law."


What's up, Chez Pazienza? What's up? Ha ha!

"Hi, Im Chez... and I don't know shit."
Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Bravo, Chez.

So here is a list of states writing their legislation based upon the reasoning of a 4 year old:
1. Alaska1998
Ballot Measure 8 (58%)$25/$20
1 oz usable; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature)
2. Arizona
2010Proposition 203 (50.13%)$150/$752.5 oz usable; 0-12 plants[SUP]2[/SUP]Yes[SUP]3[/SUP]
3. California (first and still best!)1996
Proposition 215 (56%)$66/$33
8 oz usable; 6 mature or 12 immature plants[SUP]4[/SUP]No
4. Colorado2000
Ballot Amendment 20 (54%)$35
2 oz usable; 6 plants (3 mature, 3 immature)
5. Connecticut2012House Bill 5389 (96-51 House, 21-13 Senate)*One-month supply (exact amount to be determined)No
6. DC2010Amendment Act B18-622 (13-0 vote)**2 oz dried; limits on other forms to be determinedunknown
7. Delaware2011Senate Bill 17 (27-14 House, 17-4 Senate)***6 oz usableYes[SUP]5[/SUP]
8. Hawaii2000
Senate Bill 862 (32-18 House; 13-12 Senate)$25
3 oz usable; 7 plants (3 mature, 4 immature)
9. Maine1999
Ballot Question 2 (61%)$100/$752.5 oz usable; 6 plants
10. Michigan2008Proposal 1 (63%)$100/$252.5 oz usable; 12 plantsYes
11. Montana2004
Initiative 148 (62%)$25/$10
1 oz usable; 4 plants (mature); 12 seedlings
12. Nevada2000
Ballot Question 9 (65%)$200 +fees
1 oz usable; 7 plants (3 mature, 4 immature)
13. New Jersey 2010
Senate Bill 119 (48-14 House; 25-13 Senate)$200/$202 oz usable
14. New Mexico2007Senate Bill 523 (36-31 House; 32-3 Senate)$06 oz usable; 16 plants (4 mature, 12 immature)
15. Oregon1998
Ballot Measure 67 (55%)$200/$100[SUP]7[/SUP]
24 oz usable; 24 plants (6 mature, 18 immature)
16. Rhode Island2006
Senate Bill 0710 (52-10 House; 33-1 Senate)$75/$10
2.5 oz usable; 12 plants
17. Vermont2004
Senate Bill 76 (22-7) HB 645 (82-59)$50
2 oz usable; 9 plants (2 mature, 7 immature)
18. Washington

Initiative 692 (59%)****

24 oz usable; 15 plants


Well-Known Member
hahaha sounds like one. and Connecticut supports MMJ now? sweet, too bad i live in fl, probably the last state thatll accept MMJ. goddamn old people.
Yeah, FLA is a tough one, bro. Get your ass to one of the friendly states if you ever get around to it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, FLA is a tough one, bro. Get your ass to one of the friendly states if you ever get around to it.
im workin on it buddy, i actually might get myself out to cali if i can. my 1st choice would be canada although, i just want to go somewhere where the feds are chill and plant counts arent really enforced, cause its not like i can only grow a said amount of tomatos. trying to regulate the growth of mj is standing against nature itself, i think other cultures may understand that better than we do. i might give maine a chance, whatever fits in my budget really.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
how much do you wanna make a bet that PA will be the last state on the East Coast to make medical MJ legal?
i guess Philly and pittsburgh think they have enough drugs in the city that makin legal wouldnt make a difference.
im looking forward to your next grow.


Well-Known Member
im workin on it buddy, i actually might get myself out to cali if i can. my 1st choice would be canada although, i just want to go somewhere where the feds are chill and plant counts arent really enforced, cause its not like i can only grow a said amount of tomatos. trying to regulate the growth of mj is standing against nature itself, i think other cultures may understand that better than we do. i might give maine a chance, whatever fits in my budget really.
Maine is beautiful. If you don't mind a little chilly weather, I understand the lobster is good.

Also, cold weather growing would make things really easy for an indoor hot light jockey like me.