Well-Known Member
mamamamamam amamamamamam amamamammam (sucking on those big blonde boobies) lucky babies
Lucky babies indeed! Suddenly I have a craving for milk.
OMG i wanna suck on those budS. this is such a sexy journal. smokin schmokin smokin hot. why was your roomate moving out? i hope you find a new one soon.
your so funny and entertaining lordjin anyone would be lucky to have you for a roomate!
You're nice to say that about me. I can be sorta messy at times, and I smoke weed all the time, but I'm very respectful and I don't make a lot of noise... So as roommates go, I'm okay.
Already done! One of my favorite roommates from my roommate past came back to me! That's why I kicked out the one I had! Lol. Couldn't stand the one I had! So glad she's gone and the other one came back.