PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
And you know what else is slippery horseshit your propose? I'm not claiming anything. Certainly I don't claim All Atheist anything.
These are the low debate techniques of mental midgets.


Well-Known Member
I know. Cobbwebby. I think this may be a link. The military labs are experimenting with quantum communications. Seems the spin properties of some particles can be manipulated whch causes remote particles to instantly pick up that spin change, regardless of how far the distance is physically. Dit, dit, dit, dah, dah dah, dit, dit, dit, dit. :)

Seems also, some of the brain parts contain ions in quantum states. The implications are vast. It's not proof of anything.


Well-Known Member
I hate to post the updated version of Twilight Zone's "Shadow Play," but Peter Coyote is a solid actor for the part, and it was the only full episode of it on youtube. No full original. Boo.


Well-Known Member
And a tribute to the original Twilight Zone episode and the Joy Division song all in one video.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
F*ck this shit. I'm still trying to figure out how I got outta the metal cage they had me welded into. We'll find out when we get there.


Well-Known Member
But, it was you that said animals practice no religion, I pointed out that you can't know that. So, bullying and the rest is more simply more of the same. More bullying. And its a full flush attempt to silence me. Throwing your weight around doesn't work. A lot of effort, big guy, for nothing.

I never said anything about knowing how an atheist feels or lives their lives. I do see an anti-religious sentiment growing worldwide and I think it can become another jehad.

Is your logic so unassailable that you are fearless, or do you get riled at the discussion? It's obvious. I don't have to accept your specious FACTS.
Even after showing you you refuse. Then call me more names. How did I "Throw my weight around." You DID try to tell others how they felt, in spite of them posting other views. It's obvious. And you started speculating, and I said no proof. I said there is no indication animals practice religion. Sorry you feel "Bullied". I didn't mean to scare you, just show you directly that you're refusing to accept how others feel. There ARE religious antagonists and "Militant Atheists", but you never made the distinction, as I illustrated. And you NEVER admitted that Atheism is the original state of mankind. This is getting boring. Your just dancing around the facts. And they're not MY facts. I can't OWN any facts. They're just facts. Sorry if they don't play into your "Objective view of your own version of the universe". After all, you stated an Objective observance is possible by ones self, not me.


Well-Known Member
And you know what else is slippery horseshit your propose? I'm not claiming anything. Certainly I don't claim All Atheist anything.
These are the low debate techniques of mental midgets.
More name calling. So you trolled me then? Look back at your posts. You claimed nothing!!? OK, I get it.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know Religion does not prove anything and these trueism are circlular logic. Deny Christ. Meaningless. This is the reason used by the Church to persecute Jews. Religion is stinky bathwater, we want the baby, but not the bathwater. We have been round and round on the topic. :) And even Einstein's name's been used in vain. So, just because religions define God as this or that, and the silly definitions change, don't let religion confuse us. Power trips are important subjects or else there is no power to trip about, I guess. IAC, I'd say my view is closer to Albert's. There is absolutely no evidence, for me of a Just, Loving, Smooting and Smiting, Micro-managing, Busybody, Lfetime-helper-friend, santa claus God. I just have to presume that this is the bathwater that stinks to so many here. It is the mental cop-out, and means that Christianity today, especially evangelicals, are practicing a Fate based belief.

Can Tarot or Dice, Joss Sticks, etc, be any different, than fervent gemme gemme praying?
Knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. (Albert Einstein)

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)​

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)


Well-Known Member
More name calling. So you trolled me then? Look back at your posts. You claimed nothing!!? OK, I get it.
Nope, not claiming anything and you still can't produce your claims of Proof and Fact so you seem to be getting a kick out of trying to belittle me. Think your .sig is big joke? Ya look like a fool, a buffoon. And I never said you were a mental midget. You took the mantel, I offered. The shoe must fit.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree here. Religion these days has nothing against science. And science these days is not out to disprove religion. Science looks at an obviously Subjective world and calls that Objective research. Religion takes the only Objective knowledge we have, of our own Self and calls that Subjective Experience.
Not a claim? Hmmm.


Well-Known Member
I have no point, except to point out you were raised by your parents into a belief system. You were raised in a secular home. You have strong beliefs "faith is unnatural." That points to doctrine, since no one can know that. And by the same token it seems quite likely your definitions of "empirical evidence and lore" are likewise compromised. There is a very slippery dividing line between these two. Lore can turn out to be science and science can turn out to be lore. We cannot escape nature or nurture.
No claims here. Certainly not claiming I was doctrined into believing "Faith is unnatural." I didn't talk about faith with my Parents until 12. No claims...


Well-Known Member
Well, you define your world as if your parents were not involved in your pre-verbal upbringing. And these statements that you make with such weight of conviction are not facts. Emphasis alone IS!!!! not enough. That's the beef with religion, fancy night gowns for emphasis. And you know very little of the religions and beliefs of other animals as you seem to know very little about this topic. Religion seems quite the natural order of things for humans.

To just deny that fact is somewhat thoughtless, in spite of your secular upbringing, as wonderful as it may have been. Obviously secular humans are made, not born. Yet, Religion has been here "forever." And you don't know what is a religion to humpback whales , do you?

So, you have opinions, only. So what?
"Secular Humans are made, not born." Still no claims folks, move along.


Well-Known Member
It's classic in that I never called you any names and never pointed any fingers. Since religion has been part of the human experience always and there has never been a time when it has not, just stamping your foot and claiming it's unnatural is a joke.

It's like the joke of claiming whales have no religion. You don't know. And now your speech is becoming riled. So, it's a rhetorical device to lash back like this. There is no right fight here.

Just submit your proof that religion is unnatural, if you can. Just restating it is.....not useful?

As for the rest, let us calmly approach it this way. Are you actually saying that indoctrination is not necessary to reject the entire notion of a spirit world? You must have had secular upbring to suggest that, right? How can a baby survive without indoctrination? You don't know that either, do you?

You're beliefs are being challenged, so what? We do that for all non-denominations alike. :)
Here you accuse me of name calling. I hadn't called you anything. You called me thoughtless though, along with telling me my facts were opinions, and dim ones at that.


Well-Known Member
If one makes up definitions of gods and then accuses others of believing in that definition, again, there is your Subjective Illusion that you call Reality. You assume we all buy it. You wish to assume, with the other self described Atheists, that these oxymoronic juxtapositions are not just self serving pretzel logic. It's a twisty form of rhetoric that echo the other religions. Yes, to me Atheism is another religion of the outer Subjective. It seeks to deny what is proposed, in a rather zelot portrayal of passion. Not religion nor science have anything to do with the Inner Objective Self.
No claims about how Atheists feel, huh? SHEESH...

I don't want to stretch this out, but you're wrong. Unless you were arguing a point you don't hold yourself, and fancy footed to continue the debate. This is trolling.


Well-Known Member
I'm a punk for quoting you in context. I guess I'm a punk then. And I never attacked you. Just in awe that you believe we're not born Atheists and that Atheism is a religion. And yet you stamp your feet and refuse to accept facts, even after being presented by other posters. I don't blame you. Faith ignores all evidence.
You keep taking about all this evidence, as if you have revealed it. You have not. The rest is just personal attacks. You can't say you have proof and then not provide it. Well, you can forget to. But, it you continue to dodge and weave. It looks foolish.


Well-Known Member
The study was led by Jacqui Woolley, a psychologist at the University of Texas and published in a paper titled Developmental Changes in the Use of Supernatural Explanations for Unusual Events and published in the Journal of Cognition and Culture. It was reported by Tom Rees inEpiphenom. He includes the graphic at right which does a good job of summarizing the findings. [click to enlarge]So it's clear that although we might like supernatural or magic explanations when we are young, they don't come to mind naturally - we have to learn to do that.

I'm sure you have a cute come back for this as well, along with more names.


Well-Known Member
No claims about how Atheists feel, huh? SHEESH...

I don't want to stretch this out, but you're wrong. Unless you were arguing a point you don't hold yourself, and fancy footed to continue the debate. This is trolling.
Since, to me you don't seem to have to have my views stated correctly at all, but are warpping them in a religious sense to suit your religious seeming , fact less belief system,. And since you are also, persecuting and attempting to belittle me personally, then maybe you should butt out. I don't accept your pansy label of "trolling."