Zimmerman bond revoked


Well-Known Member
is it really that hard to make a cockpit door that can not be opened from the outside without a key?


Well-Known Member
I believe they fortified most cockpit doors after 911. The key now is training so pilots don't open it in a bad situation.


Well-Known Member
I believe they fortified most cockpit doors after 911. The key now is training so pilots don't open it in a bad situation.
Like when the terrorist starts killing passengers one by one until the pilot opens the door? Start with the children.


Well-Known Member
Like when the terrorist starts killing passengers one by one until the pilot opens the door? Start with the children.

what are they killing passengers with one by one? and how long before the passengers say fuck this guy and tear him apart literally.


Well-Known Member
Like when the terrorist starts killing passengers one by one until the pilot opens the door? Start with the children.
you've got it all wrong.

before 9/11, it used to be normal to not fuck with the hijackers.

but 9/11 marked the first time (i believe) that hijackers turned planes into flying bombs.

what happened on 9/11 probably can't be repeated anymore because people won't allow it to happen.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you've got it all wrong.

before 9/11, it used to be normal to not fuck with the hijackers.

but 9/11 marked the first time (i believe) that hijackers turned planes into flying bombs.

what happened on 9/11 probably can't be repeated anymore because people won't allow it to happen.
You're probably right. Terrorists are clever, though. There is always a chink in the armor, they will find another one.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
what do you have against asians anyway? are you threatened by their penis sizes? :razz:

i keed, i keed.
You know, that play on words did occur to me as I wrote that and I figured it would to others as well. I figured I was safe, though, since I was not writing about a terrific, Harvard educated Asian basketball player. Language is a dangerous, and wondrous thing.


Well-Known Member
There is no way a government run program can be defeated by people who live in caves...no fucking way.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
That's because your armed as well, your with your own. I prefer to be around people who have a little more faith in human kind.
Very few people feel the need to carry around a weapon all the time. I question the state of mind of the ones that do.

BTW I don't think all gun folks are nuts, but like aviation, it isn't very forgiving of fools or idiots and I don't want them crahing their lives in my neighborhood. I won't vote to take your precious guns aaway, but I will vote against any law designed to sell more guns (SYG) and make people less responsible for their actions. Our self defense laws are fine without SYG.
I don't carry, so I am almost never armed. I do have a handgun at home, and I do shoot occasionally just for fun.

Actually, it is gun-phobes who have no faith in their fellow man. Isn't it you guys who assume that anybody carrying a weapon is just begging for a reason to murder somebody? Isn't it Unclebuck who makes the claim, over and over, that all he has to do is sucker somebody into hitting him with a love-tap so he can then pull out his hand-cannon and kill them legally? My experience with gun-phobes is that they get all nervous and fidgety at the first sight of a gun and most of them know absolutely about guns or shooting. All of this despite the fact that studies show that violent crime decreases in places that have SYG laws?


Well-Known Member
I don't carry, so I am almost never armed. I do have a handgun at home, and I do shoot occasionally just for fun.

Actually, it is gun-phobes who have no faith in their fellow man. Isn't it you guys who assume that anybody carrying a weapon is just begging for a reason to murder somebody? Isn't it Unclebuck who makes the claim, over and over, that all he has to do is sucker somebody into hitting him with a love-tap so he can then pull out his hand-cannon and kill them legally? My experience with gun-phobes is that they get all nervous and fidgety at the first sight of a gun and most of them know absolutely about guns or shooting. All of this despite the fact that studies show that violent crime decreases in places that have SYG laws?
when you start calling "violent crime" something else, like "justifiable homicide"....it doesn't take an einstein to figure that one out.