Fuck me, another! I was the last to post! Maybe this place was hacked again...
From: Marijuana Growing <admin@rollitup.org> Add contact
To: Badboy73577@hushmail.com
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 20:35:53 -0500
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[HR][/HR] Dear Dirty Harry,
desert dude has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Zimmerman bond revoked - in the Politics forum of Marijuana Growing.
This thread is located at:
Here is the message that has just been posted:
---Quote (Originally by londonfog)---
I didn't get it because it seems you have done nothing to get. So basically you have done nothing for the cannabis community but bash others who have ?? Hmmmmm you sound strange to me now. Two years on a cannabis site with nothing to offer but political dribble.. Dude who are you really ??
---End Quote---
Let me lay it out for you. I am a Libertarian. I don't use drugs, or sell them, or grow them. I do, however, support the right of people to ingest whatever they want.
My reason for joining this site was prop 19. I naively thought this would be a place of more or less unanimous support for prop 19. My discussions about P19 on RIU was an eye opener for me. It became apparent that some of the most ardent supporters of prohibition were those who engaged in the cannabis business; in retrospect it was silly of me to expect that a bunch of guys making big bundles of money to support a change in the law that would significantly lighten their wallets.
If cannabis is ever going to be re-legalized it will be because of people like me. The dopers (some, not all) are either too dumb or too selfish to legalize, and most of the squares (like me) are too apathetic or too moralistic. I think legalization is coming but the "when" of it is not clear.
I sometimes engage in discussions about other topics because they interest me.
Who are you, really?
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All the best,
Marijuana Growing