My garden. :D


Active Member
I was requested in my bell pepper thread to post pics of my garden. So, I figured that I'd make a garden journal thread to put the pics in.
here's my plants today 6/10/12
2012-06-10 12.14.54.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.10.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.19.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.25.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.33.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.48.jpg2012-06-10 12.18.31.jpg2012-06-10 12.15.00.jpg

The soil is not the best I know but it has been mixed with black gold potting soil, I need more to put as topsoil for the cabbage and broccoli i just added. I ran out of soil.


New Member
Just keep aplying compost tea on a regular basis and the soil will improve. Always use plain water for the next watering after applying tea or ferts! Nice cage work! It looks like it will kepp animals out. One reason I don't grow crops is cuz I have some wild animals like armadillos, racoons and possums that will eat my fruits and veggies! Once they would find it, I would have trouble dealing with them all!



Active Member
i got some bloodmeal to add some n to the soil too.
planning on getting the mushroom compost too. I seen it at the local store.


New Member
Blood meal is a much faster release than bone meal. You can add 2 tablespoons to your compost tea and it becomes good for young plants and new green growth!


Well-Known Member
Careful with that blood meal...I had some nice success with a little sprinkle so I added another sprinkle top dress a week and a half later and burned thes hit out of my Alaskan Ice.


My alaskan ice was so beautiful too. She survived and is thriving after a flush AND a scrape of my top layer of soil. Ugg....I feelz like a fool.


New Member
^^^ Yes,! that's true.... blood meal is high in nitrogen- The brand I buy is a 12-0-0. 12 is basically the highest # you will get in organics- and it has iron . It is pretty water soluable, so you are using more than you think. Keep that in mind. Never top dress with it. Always use it diluted either in soil or in water


Active Member
good to know. I top dressed(added to the topsoil, that's what you meant right?) and then watered it in. So I shouldnt use it again for a month or add straight water for a couple weeks?


Active Member
Going to buy mushroom compost and maybe more other compost today, and 2 more bags of black gold potting soil. this time I am planning on grabbing organic potting soil. is it okay to switch it up like that? I don't have room for 2 of my cauliflower so theyre going in 1 square ft containers with the new potting soil.

Going to make compost tea today probably too! Let it sit for 2 days? or whats the plan?


New Member
good to know. I top dressed(added to the topsoil, that's what you meant right?) and then watered it in. So I shouldnt use it again for a month or add straight water for a couple weeks?

^^^ Make sure not to add any more nitrogen for 3-4 waterings...I would just use a basic compost tea (water, compost, molasses) and plain water for a 5-7 days to be sure nothing will get burned


New Member
Organic plant food for veggies and fruits are high in phosphorous. That means that the # in the middle is higher. So, a 3-6-2 is good for flowers/fruits/veggies. A 5-2-1 is good for new green growth. I like Jobes Organis cuz it comes in a small 6 lb bag

Let your tea sit 1-3 days

Going to buy mushroom compost and maybe more other compost today, and 2 more bags of black gold potting soil. this time I am planning on grabbing organic potting soil. is it okay to switch it up like that? I don't have room for 2 of my cauliflower so theyre going in 1 square ft containers with the new potting soil.

Going to make compost tea today probably too! Let it sit for 2 days? or whats the plan?


Active Member
Also. I figured I'd list my plants. Right now I've got: Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Savoy & Head Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Fennel, Garlic, Onion, Tomatoes, Strawberries, (Heart Of Gold) Squash, and Zucchini. :D

All are doing pretty good except the Squash was getting really yellow. After I added the bloodmeal the squash plants are getting greener already. :D

A couple bell pepper plants are in question too because they've had some bad leaves.

Planning on adding Potatoes also, but they will be in a growbag or a garbage can or something where I can keep adding soil and get alot of taters. x3


Active Member
I also got some nutes the other day that are organic I believe. and it comes as little pebbles? lol it is 5-10-10. Is that okay? or should I stop using it? Can get back to you with specific brand if needed.


New Member
^^^ Wait until your plants start producing pre-flowers or mini fruits to apply and your plants will love you for it! A 5-10-10 is good for fruits and veggies but only when they are starting to produce and have a bit of age. Top dress with it and you can also just put a tablespoon in your teas from time to time. Just be sure that your plants are alternating between nutes and plain water



Active Member
That's one of the things I've been pounding into my head, alternate nutes & flushing. :D

Started a small 2gal or so batch of compost tea with nulife compost, it has some of most kinds of compost, and i threw in a handful of mushroom compost aswell. 2 handfulls of nulife n 1 handful of mushroom compost. 2 days and i'll use my first compost tea! :D

is my compost tea also good for my Cannabis?


New Member
^^^ NP! Compost tea is good for cannabis, yes. The same applies. It helps treat & prevent disease plus it rejuvenates the soil. The bacteria and fungi feed and it breaks down some soil into parts that are easily absorbed by the plant. Plus, these benefitial bacteria & fungi will fight against the bad bugs. It's kinda like the compost tea becomes full of benefitial insects. You can add nutes to your teas and if your MJ plant gets to a decent size (like 2 ft) it can start to handle some pretty heavy feedings..BUT, you need the right Ph, which is around 6.8. I strongly recommend adding some granulated sulpher into your cannabis soil mixes. You can also add some apple cider vinegar to your teas to add some acidity + some micro-nutes


New Member
^^^ Post a could be too much food or its outdoor conditions...Also, how did you plant your tomatoes? Because whenever I plant anything, I take the existing soil and mix it with 50% compost or landscape mix and then I add some of the kind of plant food the plant will want- tomatoes want high phosphorous nutes+ the last number should be higher than a 3. I'm not sure I like what you are using for mulch. Cedar mulch is best. It can act as a bug repellant....and lastly, it could be some kind of problem in the root system

If you are still new to gardening, relax....cuz you are going to make some mistakes


New Member
I will tell you what my secret weapon is, Reppinhigh,....It's these below. This is a soil moisture meter. It can go 12" into the soil and tell when to water. Some will also tell you light and Ph

This is the most important gardening tool I have and they are like $10-$15......I guarantee it wil help you get your waterings just right. Very, very, important

Choose your supplies wisely to conserve money. A lot of gardening is learned by trial & error. I've made numerous mistakes and I've had to re-plant a 35 square ft garden cuz I got it wrong



Active Member
I used my compost tea for the first time today, can't wait to see the results. :D
I forgot to take a pic of the tomato plant to show the canoeing, sorry.
Yeah I'm gonna have to find a fancy meter with ph, moisture and temp.

garden pics tomorrow probably.