What's For Dinner Tonight?

I almost exclusively reserve the bacon fat sautee for brussel sprouts...OMG, you haven't had delicious until you've had a thoroughly cooked brussel sprout that has been sliced in half, and carmelized in bacon fat...Brussel sprouts have a tendency to be bitter if not prepared properly, and this is HANDS DOWN my favorite recipe for them. Just cut in half, blanch, shock, and cook in bacon fat with S&P till the outer leaves get a nice golden brown on them, and turn a bit crispy on the edges as they fry in the bacon fat....mmmmmmm...

I saw one of ina garten's gay friends cook brussel sprouts that way... looked good.
I almost exclusively reserve the bacon fat sautee for brussel sprouts...OMG, you haven't had delicious until you've had a thoroughly cooked brussel sprout that has been sliced in half, and carmelized in bacon fat...Brussel sprouts have a tendency to be bitter if not prepared properly, and this is HANDS DOWN my favorite recipe for them. Just cut in half, blanch, shock, and cook in bacon fat with S&P till the outer leaves get a nice golden brown on them, and turn a bit crispy on the edges as they fry in the bacon fat....mmmmmmm...

This I definitely have to try. I hate Brussels sprouts. Maybe this will change my mind.
Y'know what is an awesome sub for the oinky stuff? Salmon. Even lightly smoked sardines are really good as the meat. I call it Eggs Maledict. I make a holl/mayo hybrid that gloriously offsets the mild smokiness of the fish. Jeeezus, the munchies will be murderous tonight. cn

My favorite breakfast growing up was crab benedict...Some jumbo lump instead of the pig, and you know how well crab goes with eggs....yummy! I've done it with smoked salmon, but never just a straight up filet. Done it with kippers, though.
I saw one of ina garten's gay friends cook brussel sprouts that way... looked good.
Yeah, it's dynamite!
This I definitely have to try. I hate Brussels sprouts. Maybe this will change my mind.

You never know. My problem wiuth brussels is often times they aren't cooked enough to my liking, and a wet cooking method in which they ARE thoroughly cooked results in that footy off-putting smell...Thoroughly cooked and dry cooking methos is my recommendation. Some people just hate 'em though.
Nutritional yeast is surprisingly yummy stuff. My xgf had a popcorn recipe: pop the corn in a minimum of canola. Garnish with flax oil, Bragg's Aminos (a sort of mild soy sauce, essentially) and nutritional yeast. Can't look at death-by-moo movie popcorn any longer. I'm ... roont. cn

Earth Balance margarine and unrefined wet sea salt FTW.

Just get a low salt soy sauce. Brag's Aminos is hippy brand bullshit which costs too much. I'll tell you my brand next time I shop.
An old work bud shared my general opinion of Brussels sprouts, perhaps the Antichrist of edibles. He called them the Devil's Testicles. I PG=rated that for home use as Lucifer's Crucifers. Aiyeeeh! ~run~ ~hide~ cn
An old work bud shared my general opinion of Brussels sprouts, perhaps the Antichrist of edibles. He called them the Devil's Testicles. I PG=rated that for home use as Lucifer's Crucifers. Aiyeeeh! ~run~ ~hide~ cn
One of my dishwashers(DMO's) at work doesn't speak English very well...He tries though...I was cutting cherry tomatoes, and he asked what they were called, so I told him "Cherry tomatoes"...A few minutes later, I was slicing brussel sprouts, and he walks behind me and says "Oooohh...Cherry Cabbage?"

Priceless...I still call 'em that in the kitchen. "One order of cherry cabbages, on the fly!"
An old work bud shared my general opinion of Brussels sprouts, perhaps the Antichrist of edibles. He called them the Devil's Testicles. I PG=rated that for home use as Lucifer's Crucifers. Aiyeeeh! ~run~ ~hide~ cn

Brussel sprouts and beets are the only two veggies I refuse to eat.
That WAS funny...But seriously...Pickled beets are pretty awesome. My grandfather pickled beets when I was little, never liked 'em back then, but now I cant get enough...
My parents liked beets. I I I (by contrast) was not born in east-central Yerp, and don't have that particular congenital defect. They DO taste like spoiled earth to me.

This thread has been grand fun tonight. thank you one and all. cn