clone tomatoes


Active Member
BS you can clone tomatoes any time
If you cut a healthy tomato plant and put the cutting directly into a glass of water, in 5 days you will see roots. Ive seen it in less but I suspect the stem had already formed rootlets from excessive rain.
I've rooted tomatoes that had green fruit on it. Took forever to ripen and tasted like crap, but didn't stop the plant none.
No rudeness intended, Bmoney from 'bama, but ya gotta try it some time, its so freakin easy and it beats payin 20$ a flat.


Well-Known Member
You can totally clone tomatoes. The REALLY cool thing to do though, is "grafting". You can use the lower portion (basically short stump with root mass) of a hybrid plant (whose seeds are non viable) and 'attach' or 'graft on' the upper portion of an heirloom variety (whose seeds ARE viable). and make an awesome tomato! You get the strength, yield, disease resistance and other positive attributes from the lower and you get the taste, color and seeds of the upper! It's amazing to me that we, as humans can reverse engineer even a plant who has been genetically modified already! And doing it 100% naturally (yes, they do this with cannabis already).


Well-Known Member
I clone mine all the time for friends that want heirlooms. Just put em in the clone machine with all my other cuttings.


Well-Known Member
you can clone almost anything. see my grandma do it all the time lol. shes always cloning shit although she dont call it cloning. she calls it taking a cutting


Well-Known Member
Yes and yes...I know you can clone tomatoes... not sure about the peppers...I mean they take weeks to germ, so they would potentially take weeks to clone...but the tomatoes will definitely clone...
Hell there is a company that sells Grafted tomatoes...they graft a tomato clone onto a set of roots from a hardier non fruiting plant....Mighty Mato'


Well-Known Member
I accidentally cloned a tomato in my outdoor garden...a branch got ripped off or something and I guess it got under another pot I had an ice plant in...anyway it was growing pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
<div class="signaturecontainer">aim for your boat<img src="" alt="" title="Headshot" class="inlineimg" border="0"></div>

cary schellie

Active Member
Thats sweet, say my cousin has some secret strain tomatoes he's bragging about, I can sneak in the garden at night take a cutting now I got killer tomatoes!!!


Active Member
Super easy, they grow little root bumps all over the stalk anyway. Seen a special queen do it once, wish I'da cloned that bitch.


Look up grafted tomatos.Are you trying to make a new variety, or deal with soil diseases?I'd think you could clone a tomato like you would weed, just curious why you want to.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing an indeterminate (vine-type) tomato, you can use the bits you need to prune (the armpit's from the lateral growth) as 'free' cuttings. Unfortunately, here in the U.K, we are lucky to get one grow in a season growing outdoors and I have found these grow way too big to grow to fruit under lights.
I use my indoor hydro system to get a 'head-start' on the season. (also with aubergine, peppers, cucumber and basil) before planting out. Then I leave a few hot peppers (Cayenne) and basil in.
At the moment I am chuffed to have a weed plant growing, ready for my birthday!