Whats your opinion on immigration??

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Well comeback and answer for yourself and your opinions then Kaendar... Don't be scared homie...

Salivating after smelling the next door neighbours food cooking on the barbeque does not equate to it being a drug... as that is just part of your bodies natural function to let you know that there is tasty food around... and salivating over delicious scents is part of your normal bodily functions and does not alter it...

You may be confused as to the use of the term drug when associated with Cannabis as it is being used in the pharmacological sense...


Well-Known Member
Salivating after smelling the next door neighbours food cooking on the barbeque does not equate to it being a drug... as that is just part of your bodies natural function to let you know that there is tasty food around...
Based on the definition of a drug, you just described one.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
you are aware you're quoting facts from a hate group, right?


facts are that despite some legitimate costs of illegals, they overall contribute to our coffers. they pay property taxes and sales taxes and often pay into SS and medicaid just like any legal citizen.

oh, there' crime amongst illegals? guess what, there are crimes amongst legal citizens too! imagine that.

it's probably not a wise idea to quote statistics from hate groups who are more or less white supremacists. kind of reflects badly on you.

Nice try UB. I don't know where you came up with the idea I used a hate group. I guess you just can't believe that you might not be as correct as you think you are.

Those facts came from the University of Pennsylvania.


Well-Known Member
My native ancestors. And im not married.
There is a big ass Saint Mary poster in the hallway and an endless supply of corn tortillas and coca cola in my house. I certainly dont like any of those things, but you can thank my mother in law (from mexico) for those nice touches.
I'm calling shenanigans on Kaendar. Anyone 2nd my shenanigans? If 2nd he will be forever know as the liar he truly is.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
But nobody does that. I drive around everyday and what do I see? Mexican and Salvadorian flags everywhere.. the one time I mentioned to a Mexican how disrespectful it was to have a foreign flag flying over the US flag we almost got into a fist fight, the guy thought I was being racist cuz I said that. I still hate that guy.
But you where??So what if he was waving a his flag??This is America?lol, but it's cool for everyone else to wave there's?


Well-Known Member
My native ancestors. And im not married.
There is a big ass Saint Mary poster in the hallway and an endless supply of corn tortillas and coca cola in my house. I certainly dont like any of those things, but you can thank my mother in law (from mexico) for those nice touches.
I'm calling shenanigans on Kaendar. Anyone 2nd my shenanigans? If 2nd he will be forever know as the liar he truly is.

double posting cuz this board messes up last posts on every page


Well-Known Member
I def. agree on this one. I think this is one of the main problems. They mooch off of our welfare system.
If they are paying taxes then they are as entitled to welfare as you are aren't they? Even if they don't pay income tax (which would presumably only be done because they have been classified as illegal, therefore can't pay income tax) they pay US sales taxes on purchases, which means they entitled to mooch at least a little back off the system.

Entreprenuers are often at pains to point out that their success is all due to their own efforts. But people like Bill Gates owe governments all over the world for providing him with a healthy and educated population from which to employee people.

Likewise, the US is benefiting from Mexican taxes, which were spent raising the people who subsequently eloped to the US and now provide invaluable labour in many key industries such as agriculture.

What goes around comes around. Never forget that.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
If they are paying taxes then they are as entitled to welfare as you are aren't they? Even if they don't pay income tax (which would presumably only be done because they have been classified as illegal, therefore can't pay income tax) they pay US sales taxes on purchases, which means they entitled to mooch at least a little back off the system.

Entreprenuers are often at pains to point out that their success is all due to their own efforts. But people like Bill Gates owe governments all over the world for providing him with a healthy and educated population from which to employee people.

Likewise, the US is benefiting from Mexican taxes, which were spent raising the people who subsequently eloped to the US and now provide invaluable labour in many key industries such as agriculture.

What goes around comes around. Never forget that.
Are you here in the USA? If so, you should know there is no Federal Sales Tax. So no money from them there.

They don't file a Federal Tax Return so no money there, too. They don't file a State Tax Return so no money there.

And about Bill Gates, he helped create a whole new industry and thus created job. Now my personal opinion of Gates I keep to myself, but it isn't very nice.

It won't be long and the ag business will be very automated.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Are you here in the USA? If so, you should know there is no Federal Sales Tax. So no money from them there.

They don't file a Federal Tax Return so no money there, too. They don't file a State Tax Return so no money there.

And about Bill Gates, he helped create a whole new industry and thus created job. Now my personal opinion of Gates I keep to myself, but it isn't very nice.

It won't be long and the ag business will be very automated.
Not true, my people pay taxes!Just like you?But they are illegal, and have to use a fake ssn, so where does all that tax money go, because they can't clam it??????
Uncle buck... Winter Woman gave corect statistics with web sites to back up what she said! I think you are just a troll and maybe even an Illegal yourself! UB your post 195 is complete bullshit! There are lots of americans that cant find work because of illegal's.. The illegalls work for cheap because we are paying their way! And by the way the consumers are'nt getting a good deal from the mexican's, their work is sub standard quality because they cut every corner possible! Truth is they are ripping off the people they are working for unless they are doing un skilled labor! Obviously you have no clue because you sit at home and live off your wife! Ive been in construction for over 25 years and I have been called to repair many mexican done jobs... People like you are the reason our country is in dept! I think you are nothing but a dip shit troll that has nothing better to do than suck Obama's dick! Its easy to talk shit online! Winter Woman gave you corect info w/ web sites, Smokebomb made many good points, and Cannabineer is politically corect and very inteligent! You need to wake up old man and quit trolling in threads that you have no clue what your saying..Seems to me like mostly young un-informed kids have posted in this thread and they still live at home under their parents roofs! Illegalls are hurting our economy, big time and the ones that dont see it are blind....

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I'm calling shenanigans on Kaendar. Anyone 2nd my shenanigans? If 2nd he will be forever know as the liar he truly is.

double posting cuz this board messes up last posts on every page

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Uncle buck... Winter Woman gave corect statistics with web sites to back up what she said! I think you are just a troll and maybe even an Illegal yourself! UB your post 195 is complete bullshit! There are lots of americans that cant find work because of illegal's.. The illegalls work for cheap because we are paying their way! And by the way the consumers are'nt getting a good deal from the mexican's, their work is sub standard quality because they cut every corner possible! Truth is they are ripping off the people they are working for unless they are doing un skilled labor! Obviously you have no clue because you sit at home and live off your wife! Ive been in construction for over 25 years and I have been called to repair many mexican done jobs... People like you are the reason our country is in dept! I think you are nothing but a dip shit troll that has nothing better to do than suck Obama's dick! Its easy to talk shit online! Winter Woman gave you corect info w/ web sites, Smokebomb made many good points, and Cannabineer is politically corect and very inteligent! You need to wake up old man and quit trolling in threads that you have no clue what your saying..Seems to me like mostly young un-informed kids have posted in this thread and they still live at home under their parents roofs! Illegalls are hurting our economy, big time and the ones that dont see it are blind....
Yup that's true.Most American people want stuff for cheap!They don't want to pay contractor price.I know too, I work in the Landscape field.When they want a job done, half will call a unlicensed contractor, because they don't want to pay what a job should cost.So the way I see it, it's more Americans fault for letting this stuff happen.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
there should be an alternative to the ss# for immagrants so they pay all tax's and lic and ins as a requirement to stay then we cant cry burden.there is a reason they are here.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
there is more of a net benefit than a drain or it would not happen everything on immagration on both sides are just tokens for there side they dont really want to fix the problem at least not yet.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I think we have these sort of anti-immigration panics every 50 years or so. First it was the dutch and their reformed church, then the Germans, then catholic Irish, Chinese(actually created a law banning them), Italians, now Hispanics.

Same shit different day.
there is more of a net benefit than a drain or it would not happen everything on immagration on both sides are just tokens for there side they dont really want to fix the problem at least not yet.
Where is the benifit? Do you mean for the wealthy that hire them? There is no benifit to our economy by them using the welfare system to live here while sending their pay to mexico every week! Our ancesstors were all immigrants, but my ancesstors did'nt climb a fence to get here and they were'nt bring drugs into this country when they came! I see no benifits from them being here...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well nobody else would give the illegal immigrants a job so why not?
Yes, yes you are a dick. You don't know these guys' life stories. You don't know the shit they had to go through. It's easy for you to say get out when you were born here and didn't have to live life in their shoes.
I didn't ask if it was legal where you lived. I asked if I should turn MYSELF in since it's illegal to smoke pot where I live.. So should I? I mean I am cheating the law..
No she is not she simply pointed out that your father is EXPLOITING them because they are illegal aliens. Paying people low wage, cash under the table and pushing the burden for the most basic infrastructure taxes the workers healthcare etc... onto OTHER taxpayers (me and Winter Women etc....), is NOT helping them it is exploitation. If the US Businesses would stop exploiting these people they would ONLY come here legally. Illegal immigration is a HUGE problem and your father is one of the causes.

The problem isn't the holes in our border it's employers. It's the cronyism in government that allows these workers to no longer be deported that is part of what is crushing our country.


Well-Known Member
We looked into bringing my wife's brother over here legally. They told us 7 years. And then they basically told us to stop trying because it'd never happen.


Well-Known Member
I've always thought that we should just share our land.. Bad people go to prison or sent back to their countries and good people helping the economy stay.


Well-Known Member
No she is not she simply pointed out that your father is EXPLOITING them because they are illegal aliens. Paying people low wage, cash under the table and pushing the burden for the most basic infrastructure taxes the workers healthcare etc... onto OTHER taxpayers (me and Winter Women etc....), is NOT helping them it is exploitation. If the US Businesses would stop exploiting these people they would ONLY come here legally. Illegal immigration is a HUGE problem and your father is one of the causes.

The problem isn't the holes in our border it's employers. It's the cronyism in government that allows these workers to no longer be deported that is part of what is crushing our country.
It's up to the workers if they want to work for my dad..