SEM0R5 Outdoor Grow


Active Member
5/23 Update.

All Qush seeds are a week old today doing great! 100% Germ on all the seeds and all sprouted.

5 in the box are Qush and Single cup is og 13.

Now my clones are being retarded and look like they are starting to flower. They have been through a lot and have been nothing but problems for me. I am only allowed to have 6 Mature & 12 Immature plants. So I have the 7 seedings(1 of which is Auto Blueberry) and 2 clones(9 total Plants). Im thinking about giving to clones to a friend but i've been thorough a lot with them and don't want to give them away. Anyway does anyone know what the deal is and why these are flowering ? I need help deciding which ones to keep but its still early to tell. Who knows maybe ill get 3 Qush males.




Active Member
I was 15 my first grow and it was a fail of epic proportion. I had the light on them at night and I turned it off during the day but they were sitting beside my tv, IN A WINDOW! so they were getting 24 hours of light and getting too tall too quick and falling over and dying miserably lol. Anyway im also 22 now and I have that OG13 Freebie on the way so im subbed tf up.


Active Member
Did you ever end up germing that Sourjack?
Yep I popped the Sour Jack a few days ago. I ending up giving those clones to a buddy. I now have the 5-Qush, 1-OG 13, 1-Sour Jack, 1-La Musa Auto, 1-Madness.I only want to keep 6 of the 9 so we see whos stays and goes. I will post up some pictures tomorrow. I haven't updated b/c they are still so small.


Active Member
DAY 16

The Qush and OG 13 are 16 days old. I Transplanted Q2-5 a few days ago into bigger 1 gallon pots with Mykos by Xtreme Gardening .OG 13 gets a 2 gallon for now.Q1 had the seed casing stuck and the plant and it finally pushed it out the way so it can continue growing. I am currently using Happy Frog mixed with ocean forest and all the plants. SourJack and Madness are 3 days old doing great. I will let these grow in the 16oz cups for a bit longer than the Qush.

Random Picture of everything I will be using on than Super Soil and water.


Well-Known Member
looking good! cant believe that i just now found your thread. fashionably late i guess lol.



Active Member
Day 19

So I saw a few Gnats and look like spider mite webbing on the bottom round leaves. I couldn't find any SM but did find some thrips(3-4)running a muck on the bottom of the leaves of the Qush #2. It looks like I caught them right when they moved in. I can't fucking stand the thought of bugs being on my plants or in my buds. So I went with a azatrol soil drench and foiler spray on all the plants. I even sprayed all other misc. plants/flowers in my backyard and all around my grow area with azatrol.

It has now been 2 days since using the Azatrol and they are looking great. All the pest are gone, I havent seen any new gnats on my traps. I used MYKOS by Xtreme Gardening when transplating and I have seen amazing growth. The last 3 days

The shine on the leaves is from the azatrol.



Active Member
Day 26 Qush & OG13

Day 13 SourJack & Madness

So It looks like I fucked up with the azatrol and overdosed my plants. After Foliar Spary and Soil drench my plants were looking pretty shitty. I noticed leaves having burn marks on them 1 day prior to the soil drench. I decided to try and flush the soil which stressed them out even more. On a positive note all the plants seem to be recovering.



I am a first time grower, I live in Mesa AZ and I can only grow outside does anybody have any advise 602-615-4946


Active Member
You know if u go over your limit a little bit nobody is gonna give a shit..
yea I was actually thinking about going a picking up some Ace Of Spades and growing those out also . Im keeping what ever is a female regardless.


Active Member
Day 31 Qush & og13
Day 18 on SourJack & madness

The plants are growing along nicely. Still waiting to see the sex on the Qush. Anyone know when I should be able to tell the sex ? I want to transplant into 5 gallon pots with super soil asap...

I just tansplanted the Madness(Stabilised male hybrid: Cinderella 99 + Matanuska tundra) into a 5gallon SP with SuperSoil.

QUSH 1-5



Active Member
Day 33 Qush & OG13
Day 20 sourJack & madness

Still waiting on the sex of the Qush to transplant.Hopefully the males show within the next 2 weeks so they can be put into their final homes.

I LST Qush 1,2,3,5 and the og13 this morning .
Qush 4 was topped about a week ago.
SourJack was transplanted into a 2 gallon.

I need help deciding if I should finish all my plants in 5 gallons of 7 gallons?? anyone have any advice ??
Qush 1-2-3-4-5->


my most vigorous plant Madness


Well-Known Member
The madness and the sourjack were freebies right?

I have a Madness I havent germed yet, gonna wait to see how yours turns out ;)

Our SourJacks look way diff too.

You mind if I put a pic up to show you?

As far as container size; I would put them all in 5 gal Geopots..