Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


Well-Known Member
Look at the bottom...notice that the screen isn't attached to anything, there is space. Left myself some to fit under. But again, this is probably not the best way, especially during flowering. You really need to be able to freely get under your plants and see everything that's going on. Things can easily hide from you. That's why I removed it! If you could figure a way to put the trellis over the pots individually, then you can freely lift them from the box. I'm sure you'll figure out something!


Well-Known Member
Hmm maybe I'll take a trip to wal-mart tomorrow and see if anything pops out at me. I'm not too concerned about checking my plants so much as watering from above while I had buds isn't a good idea. I'll take a look tomorrow as well about some possible LSTing to buy me a little time. I might be able to possible put a trellis over each pot with some sticks similar to yours, but at this point the entire bin is filled so I would need to cover a wider area than the size of the pot.

Maybe getting a hose or some sort of tubing and watering that way. Stick the hole in the center of the pot, below the buds at least and water. Now sure how I would force the water to leave to container though. Maybe like a water bottle with a hole in the cap for the tube with gum or something to make sure it's water tight. Stick the tube down and turn the water bottle over. Guess I've got something to do tomorrow lol :)


Well-Known Member
Hmm maybe I'll take a trip to wal-mart tomorrow and see if anything pops out at me. I'm not too concerned about checking my plants so much as watering from above while I had buds isn't a good idea. I'll take a look tomorrow as well about some possible LSTing to buy me a little time. I might be able to possible put a trellis over each pot with some sticks similar to yours, but at this point the entire bin is filled so I would need to cover a wider area than the size of the pot.

Maybe getting a hose or some sort of tubing and watering that way. Stick the hole in the center of the pot, below the buds at least and water. Now sure how I would force the water to leave to container though. Maybe like a water bottle with a hole in the cap for the tube with gum or something to make sure it's water tight. Stick the tube down and turn the water bottle over. Guess I've got something to do tomorrow lol :)
It just really doesn't sound like a good idea to not be able to take them out...your canopy will get so thick that you wouldn't be able to water through it...and it's not good to water in just one spot...need to water as evenly around the pot as possible and try to avoid getting water right next to the stem because it can lead to rot. It was easier for me to water because I had space under the canopy and was using a rectangular pot. Also can easily miss a dead leaf under the canopy and have it lead to mold! My plants weren't as big as they are now when I removed the screen and was very surprised by all the stuff under it that I was unable to see.


Well-Known Member
Well then the only way I see a SCROG working so late into flowering is if I run 1 net per plant and try my best to make sure it's spread out enough. The branches are probably 5-6 inches away from the edge of the pot. The plants combined pretty much take up all of the 2 1/2 feet. I agree about it being a bad idea to not be able to take em out. I'm guessing it wouldn't be a good idea to detach the screen every time I have to water.


Well-Known Member
Well then the only way I see a SCROG working so late into flowering is if I run 1 net per plant and try my best to make sure it's spread out enough. The branches are probably 5-6 inches away from the edge of the pot. The plants combined pretty much take up all of the 2 1/2 feet. I agree about it being a bad idea to not be able to take em out. I'm guessing it wouldn't be a good idea to detach the screen every time I have to water.
You won't be able to detach the screen without destroying your plants. They will grow through end up having to push leaves and branches back under the trellis while guiding the buds through the holes. The only way to safe remove it would be to cut the plants out. Scrogs aren't removable. There's gotta be some kinda way to attach trellis to the would be effective imo even if you can't use the entire space.


Well-Known Member
Well I raised the lights another 2 inches. Plants grew into the lights again >.< I thought I had already been through the stretch... Also looking at LEDs.

There's a few good ones like the Pro-Glow 180w, but it's $300. Not unaffordable, but more than I'd like to pay for a 2 plant grow. I was expecting 200-250. According to blackstar's website if a 90w is close equivalent to a 300w HID then a 130-180w should be good. I'm not trying to grow pounds lol. A 135w is only $180 and uses 3w chips, just like the PG180. Only thing that concerns me with using LEDs for a micro is space. Most LEDs say they should be put around a mimunum of 10-14" away from the canopy. With the bin I've got probably about 2 1/2 feet from the bottom. That means I would pretty much have to keep the plant from getting above where the top bin starts. Not impossible, but I would probably have to switch to using a bed instead of individual pots for height issues. The 1 gallon pots I have now are about 8" tall. There's good and bad things about using a bed. Good thing is the height would be much smaller and I would let me easily use a scrog like Lady had. Bad thing is if I have any plant issues(nute burns, deficiency, bugs, etc) any way I treat one plant I must treat the other the same way.

If summer taught me one thing it's that heat is a major problem. If next summer is anything like this one(likely hotter) then my only options will be using less CFLs or keeping the a/c on for longer. While energy consumption won't be an issue during the school year at my new residence I will be returning home for the summer(saves on rent, middle of nowhere city with nothing going on except the college which is closed for the summer).

Hmm I think I'll check wal-mart and the dollar store for gardening beds. How many gallons do you think your bed was Lady? Or how many inches at least. Depending on the yield of this grow I may only grow 1 plant next. Half an oz will on average last me 10-12 weeks(Currently cold turkey for 2 months now so it's all out of my system) which is long enough for another grow. I don't asking for half an oz between 2 plants is asking too much.


Well-Known Member
Did some LSTing. The pics don't do it justice, but the ones I did LST were probably a good 2 inches higher than the rest of the tops. Figured out that I should wait 24 hours after watering before I LST. The stems were much more bendable. I probably tied down 3 stems on the Blue Mammoth and 4 on the Northern Lights. Maybe it's just the smell of growing weed or me, but the Blue Mammoth kind of smells a bit like coffee.

I'm really not seeing a way I can SCROG this late into flowering. The tops aren't even and I've got a lot of smaller nodes 4-5 inches below the highest tops. I actually cut off 2 of the smaller nodes. I know, I know I'm wrong for doing it. I just cut off the top of it though where the node was growing. I only lost the top 4 smallest leaves, tried my best to leave most of em on. At this point I'm fighting for space although with the LST I did buy myself about another 2 inches lol. So I've got around 4 inches from the nearest light and I can raise the lights another 3" or so.

Decided that when I get my refund check I'll go ahead and buy the Black Star 180w if the price remains at $229(free shipping, no tax). I get it a month after classes start so I'll be around 1 month into my grow when I get it.



Well-Known Member
Did some LSTing. The pics don't do it justice, but the ones I did LST were probably a good 2 inches higher than the rest of the tops. Figured out that I should wait 24 hours after watering before I LST. The stems were much more bendable. I probably tied down 3 stems on the Blue Mammoth and 4 on the Northern Lights. Maybe it's just the smell of growing weed or me, but the Blue Mammoth kind of smells a bit like coffee.

I'm really not seeing a way I can SCROG this late into flowering. The tops aren't even and I've got a lot of smaller nodes 4-5 inches below the highest tops. I actually cut off 2 of the smaller nodes. I know, I know I'm wrong for doing it. I just cut off the top of it though where the node was growing. I only lost the top 4 smallest leaves, tried my best to leave most of em on. At this point I'm fighting for space although with the LST I did buy myself about another 2 inches lol. So I've got around 4 inches from the nearest light and I can raise the lights another 3" or so.

Decided that when I get my refund check I'll go ahead and buy the Black Star 180w if the price remains at $229(free shipping, no tax). I get it a month after classes start so I'll be around 1 month into my grow when I get it.
I hope you can manage the space! I guess we'll see with time. The stretch is supposed to be 2-3 weeks, and then the colas will get longer as they build up.

Would love to see you do an LED grow...things work out and might have to join your LED squad lol


Well-Known Member
Wow they are really late flowering for autos then. No way I'm gonna hit the 11 week mark and be finished. This is like a normal photo. I hope the Afgan Kush Ryder isn't like this >.< I pretty much vegged for a month and a half with these.


Well-Known Member
Wow they are really late flowering for autos then. No way I'm gonna hit the 11 week mark and be finished. This is like a normal photo. I hope the Afgan Kush Ryder isn't like this >.< I pretty much vegged for a month and a half with these.
Yea :(

Have been hearing a lot of people complaining about this with autos. That's why I think it's just easier to do 12/12 with a fem or reg seed.


Well-Known Member
Well depending on this yield(and if I have to prune some nodes...) I might just run the 1 AKR and then after that the 12/12 for Critical Kush. The bin is pretty decently light proof so during the dark hours I really don't notice much light. That was the main reason I went with autos, supposedly quick harvests and the fact that light leaks weren't an issue. Photos are usually cheaper and they have a broader selection anyway.


Well-Known Member
Thought of another way to get some more room, the holes are the top are just barely too small to fit the part where the reflector begins, if I cut the whole a little larger I could be able to raise the reflectors(which at this point are hindering the grow rather than helping) another 3-4 inches. Really not sure how I'll deal with 2 weeks of this lol. Not even sure the grow will be finished b august 10th if I have a 2 week stretch period.


Well-Known Member
You did anticipate about 8-10 weeks for flowering right? MJ usually stretches those first 2- 3 weeks. I believe it's the same with autos? I read in one or two places that you should expect a later harvest time than usual with CFLs too. Well even if you have to chop early, they'll probably still be good!


Well-Known Member
No lol, autos usually take about 70-75 days from seed. The advantage of ruderalis cannabis is that it flowers quicker and regardless of the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
No lol, autos usually take about 70-75 days from seed. The advantage of ruderalis cannabis is that it flowers quicker and regardless of the light cycle.
That pretty much sounds like the growth cycle of a 12 / 12 from seed reg seed. If the autos don't start showing sex when they're supposed to and only flower under 12/12, seems like a big waste. A 12/12 reg seed will probably yield better than an auto having to be kept at 12/12 instead of 18/6 or am I wrong? I'm assuming off of the little I've heard about them so wouldn't surprise me to be wrong. Just hear a lot of people saying they have to put them on 12/12 to get them to flower, doesn't seem like they're a sure thing!


Well-Known Member
Well an auto that doesn't show sex in the first few weeks is a photo. Even a few generations down the line autos may still have a small chance of being photo, it's just a chance that you get bad genetics. The thing that keeps autos size so small is their lack of vegetative growth. Just being an "auto" doesn't make them small. I vegged for a little more than a month before I flipped to 12/12 so all intents and purposes my plants are photos. World of Seeds actually has very good reviews and has been around for awhile so I was surprised at it not being an auto. Blue Mammoth was released on 4/20 and barney's seeds aren't always that great so I guess it's not fair to say they're still working out the kinks. Unless you're talking about Nirvana I'm not sure where you heard that a lot of autos have to be put on 12/12.

Also as far as autos being small it really depends on your grow. Check this thread out


Well-Known Member
Well an auto that doesn't show sex in the first few weeks is a photo. Even a few generations down the line autos may still have a small chance of being photo, it's just a chance that you get bad genetics. The thing that keeps autos size so small is their lack of vegetative growth. Just being an "auto" doesn't make them small. I vegged for a little more than a month before I flipped to 12/12 so all intents and purposes my plants are photos. World of Seeds actually has very good reviews and has been around for awhile so I was surprised at it not being an auto. Blue Mammoth was released on 4/20 and barney's seeds aren't always that great so I guess it's not fair to say they're still working out the kinks. Unless you're talking about Nirvana I'm not sure where you heard that a lot of autos have to be put on 12/12.

Also as far as autos being small it really depends on your grow. Check this thread out
If you start a plant 12/12 from seed, it skips the 'normal' veg time too and finishes around the same time as an which one yields more and / or is more potent? Am curious to know that! See other advantages too like less energy consumption (since 12/12 duration of grow), and much more variety in strain.


Well-Known Member
Nope, from what I read from a few vets it the plant vegs for about 3 weeks and then starts flowering. If you measure potency the Afgan Kush that World of Seeds sells is labeled at 22% while the Afgan Kush Ryder is also labeled at 22%. Without getting into genetics the loss of thc from using a parent autoflower is negligible because the strains we buy are usually 8-10 generations down the line. This topic is actually talked a lot about on the indoor growing/autoflower and general growing sections of RIU. If you give me a few minutes I probably could find 3 of em lol. Can't deny energy consumption and variety is only because autos are newer than photos. There's still plenty of strains. I bet there's a sour kush auto and I know there's a skunk auto.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the links! Going to give them a look tonight. Have a few auto flowers...cheese from Dinafem is the one that sticks out in my mind. Have so many reg seeds I want to grow out first though...I need more space! I'm considering a cardboard box plant city in my dining room :lol: