the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
pass it off as more hardcore than it is all you want. i know how to grow in the desert, as long as it isn't over 108 degrees F adn you have water there is no excuse. get your shit together.

I mean I told you, you were gonna need to get GOOD soil to fill into those holes, your holes shoulda already been dug and ready to go by now, your plants shoulda been in the shade atleast a week and a half before they saw full sun. you needed to treat them with oregonism xl because it makes the plants able to handle the heat stress waaay better. plus hving them in good soil in the ground pretty much assures they can handle the heat.

then you needed to steak up all your plants to make them able to handle the wind... tons of things you coulda done to prevent all this man.

I'm not trying to talk shit, it just bugs me when you try to pass it off like your area is harder than mine when everything I told you would have worked GREAT down there.


Well-Known Member
theres always chi-town

BREAKING: Chicago City Council just voted 43-2 to to lower marijuana possession to a citable offense.

from norml's fb page


Well-Known Member
pass it off as more hardcore than it is all you want. i know how to grow in the desert, as long as it isn't over 108 degrees F adn you have water there is no excuse. get your shit together.

I mean I told you, you were gonna need to get GOOD soil to fill into those holes, your holes shoulda already been dug and ready to go by now, your plants shoulda been in the shade atleast a week and a half before they saw full sun. you needed to treat them with oregonism xl because it makes the plants able to handle the heat stress waaay better. plus hving them in good soil in the ground pretty much assures they can handle the heat.

then you needed to steak up all your plants to make them able to handle the wind... tons of things you coulda done to prevent all this man.

I'm not trying to talk shit, it just bugs me when you try to pass it off like your area is harder than mine when everything I told you would have worked GREAT down there.
I did what u said they still burnt bleached and wilted under some kind of desert tree shade. I have a soil mixture of half compost half top soil. I had to rent a heavy duty power auger on wheels and shit. Back home it would have gone threw soil like hot knife to butter. Got sixteen huge ass bubbas and eleven smaller bubba clones out. Hope they live hope the sheriffs don't come by and be like u wanna go to jail or cut down ur plants. Yeah stop being a shithead to me I'm not feeling ur I told u do personality. When I did what u said about the couple days of shade


Well-Known Member
hmmmm this line
been in the shade atleast a week and a half before they saw full sun. you needed to treat them with oregonism xl because it makes the plants able to handle the heat

verses this line
When I did what u said about the couple days of shade

ahhhhh iiiiiiiiii dont know

but i wasnt there and not even in da mix
just peeped in on da tail end

stay focused
stay strong



Well-Known Member
Ay Chi, Im sure your ladies will rebound, and you still got a month or so of veg left, so time for them to get some size.

Like D said too. Stay focused

I got faith you can pull it through. Thougt I have more time then as month don't I got till mid aug


Well-Known Member
i had faith in the old express

the gangsta gunslinger bitch slappin pimp
opinionated egotistcal breeder of the golden seed

this new express i dont know

I an I
uh I don't think you really have a say in this, you don't have sk, you probably never will, you just jump in and give your 2c in tons of threads and this is just one of them.

chitown is still cool not that it matters to you.


Well-Known Member
no need to we all have our opinions
but if he likes he can by all means

an as far as the seeds i dont kiss anybodys anything for seeds - an you are prolly right ill never have those
but i will and do have many more

once again be sure to have yoself a fine day


Well-Known Member
no need to we all have our opinions
but if he likes he can by all means

an as far as the seeds i dont kiss anybodys anything for seeds - an you are prolly right ill never have those
but i will and do have many more

once again be sure to have yoself a fine day
look the only reason this thread is around is because of chitown. I didn't mean him any disrespect with my posts. your posts obviously do mean disrespect, so either change up y our attitude or I'll feel the need to defend chitown.


Well-Known Member
look here mr bodyguard
i think you need to reread my post
meant no harm or disrespect

light humor -maybe

anything else is just fabricated by you and misunderstanding

all i said was i had respect for him and now questioning that

so stand off -bodyguard
relax lighten up
smoke sumtin
dont have an aneurysm


Well-Known Member
look here mr bodyguard
i think you need to reread my post
meant no harm or disrespect

light humor -maybe

anything else is just fabricated by you and misunderstanding

all i said was i had respect for him and now questioning that

so stand off -bodyguard
relax lighten up
smoke sumtin
dont have an aneurysm

you are essentially a troll. hopefully chitown removes these posts.......


Well-Known Member
we all have our opinions
im not going into name calling
whut i think of you

i may not agree wit your opinion -but i respect your right to express it

have a fine day


Well-Known Member
fuck man i'm havin a draggy one. been doing odd jobs for people every single fuckin day for the past 2 weeks haha... i need a fuckin WEEKEND ahahahah


Well-Known Member
pop i was a super in a 34 family apartment building before my first house

was everyones flunky cleanup garbage washers plumbing grass snow torture
busted my azz but aman gota do whut a mans gota do

i hate to see a able man beggin for hand outs

i was not gona move back home to my moma