wow..really nice set up bro! I'm very impressed..So RO water is purified water huh from the filter before the cat photo? Is that much better than using rain water? Seems like it'd be expensive?? No clue. so far I haven't used any tap water. I get lots of spackle buckets filled with every rain being I have it running off a big blue tarp I have stretched out over my deck funneling out into buckets. I'm just assuming it's better'n tap water...
I'm using all FF nutes as well..I find them cheapest from Amazon but I saved a source I found from Ebay where the gallon containers beat Amazons prices...although I don't grow enough to need gallons so far.
I think my next nute feeding I'm going to still need my Big Bloom and Grow Big and add in some of the Tiger Shit,,I mean Tiger Bloom..which I don't see on your shelf? I do see you have the small containers of Ca Ching etc...I have to look into those...I scored the three pack that came with Tiger Shit, BB and GB...Like I said..I still consider myself a noob..and I'm sure it shows