Dsb can grow

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why was fiberglass on your bed btw.. and why was puppy on bed!

At the rate your relationship is going, she gonna be kicking you out of bed at night.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Haha.. I'm sorry, but that's funny as hell. I'm glad you didn't get a foot through your face. That would have been some major suckage.
It's funny now. lol

I was downstairs, and they knocked on my door. "um one of our guys fell through your roof and we need to assess the damage."

at first I was stunned and then I was pissed at the managers of the apartment. Theyre fault the roofs rotted out.


New Member
Why was fiberglass on your bed btw.. and why was puppy on bed!

At the rate your relationship is going, she gonna be kicking you out of bed at night.

she cant hang with big dogs and goes to bed before i do thats why she in bed
but to be honest she did it when i went for beer run and left her home so she tried to show me
and she tore the insulation off the wall
and no she wont kick me out she cuddles with me
now she is crashed on floor i smoked he out earlier
maybe thats why she acts weird


New Member
It's funny now. lol

I was downstairs, and they knocked on my door. "um one of our guys fell through your roof and we need to assess the damage."

at first I was stunned and then I was pissed at the managers of the apartment. Theyre fault the roofs rotted out.
sounds like u need to move

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
that's why i need a grow box. my cats would eat it as soon as it started smelling. I see them trying to eat my tomato plant and i shoo them away. they are not unsupervised in the florida room anymore.

Speaking of the florida room, would it be better for my seedlings to be under real sun for first two weeks? would the grow faster?


New Member
that's why i need a grow box. my cats would eat it as soon as it started smelling. I see them trying to eat my tomato plant and i shoo them away. they are not unsupervised in the florida room anymore.

Speaking of the florida room, would it be better for my seedlings to be under real sun for first two weeks? would the grow faster?
if u really have a fla room maybe i would just keep it like it is

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
yah but I dont want it up there past a week or two. I can hide it among my lavender seedlings.. but dont want any one to see them.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I dont want my neighbors, mom, visiters to see weed growing. plus it will be hard to contain odor in a florida room.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I dunno... I just thought.. Sunlight is stronger than CFL so it could get a boost of growth in the beginning.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
...damn you whupped lol

My cat likes to stick the tip of her toe in my drinking water. :confused: Just for funsies. And then I have to get a new glass.