need help


Well-Known Member
hi guys im new here and im also a newbie on growing ganja,

my plant is around 9 inches tall with 8 nodes in it,

it's starting also to form some leaves in the internodes..

i am growing it in a pot with a 8.5 inches tall and 9 inches in diameter..

i don't know what kind of strain is this because i live in the P.I.

where marijuana here is not yet being studied, that is why i do not know the fuckin strain..

i planted this so that i will have a lifetime supply.

i have not topped my plant because i'm a newbie and i dont want to mess the growth of my baby

i just wanted to ask if how will i flower my plant..

i did a couple of readings on pistils, and i am pretty sure that there are no pistils forming yet in my plants.

now how will i let my plants have pistils.

please help me out guys i wanted to grow this and smoke it!

i am also putting fertilizers (i dont know what kind of fertilizer is this, i just bought it in a local gardening shop in my area).

i also wanted to ask on how to clone this and if can i used the topped part if i will be topping it to make clones.

please please help me! and in reward, if you go to my country just message me out and i'll be gladly to help you find ganja here in the Philippines. thank you!

Photo-0228.jpgPhoto-0229.jpgPhoto-0230.jpgPhoto-0231.jpgPhoto-0232.jpglatest pictures today july 3, 2012, what do you think about it guys? is it healthy? they stretched out, please help!



Well-Known Member
pics more info is it an autoflower what light you useing how long has it been growing it will flower when you switch the light to 12 hours light and 12 hours dark and just give half strength feed till its older ps do you know if is female


Well-Known Member
pics more info is it an autoflower what light you useing how long has it been growing it will flower when you switch the light to 12 hours light and 12 hours dark and just give half strength feed till its older ps do you know if is female
im not using any light or so, my house have a hidden garden at the back of it, i only use sunlight for my plants and put it under the light if it is already dark.

thank you for your reply, i dont know if it is an autoflower strain, weed here is called goodshit and badshit,

goodshit means you got stalks and buds

badshit means you got bricks that are dried already, but some bricks are good, if the dealer sold it compacted.

the nodes are separating 1inch above the other,

i will really put some pics if i can borrow a camera, because my stupid camera is not working anymore. damn.

i really wanted to see my baby grow to its full potential

i planted it around april 4, 2012.


Well-Known Member
Photo-0210.jpgPhoto-0211.jpgPhoto-0212.jpgPhoto-0213.jpgPhoto-0214.jpgPhoto-0215.jpgPhoto-0216.jpgPhoto-0217.jpgPhoto-0218.jpgok now here is the pics of my plant im sorry it take quite a long time befor i uploaded it because of my stupid camera.. please help me out guys!


Well-Known Member
please help me out guys, i cant reply that much because i'll be going to school around 12pm until 4pm, so that i can also smoke with my friends, any help would be appreciated, other pics will be posted, i also forgot to post picture of my other plant, which i'll be posting later after classes. please help me!
it looks kinda long and stretchy likes its growing trying to chase light.....i think it needs more light in my a new grower as im sure someone else will chime in and help but if ur new to growing and dont know much about nutrients i would watch what u give ur plant...its fairly easy to get nute burn early on which might kill ur this website to people....most of them are more than willing to help....good luck with ur grow ...hope its a female u might wanna germinate a few more ...make ur odds a lil better


Well-Known Member
it looks kinda long and stretchy likes its growing trying to chase light.....i think it needs more light in my a new grower as im sure someone else will chime in and help but if ur new to growing and dont know much about nutrients i would watch what u give ur plant...its fairly easy to get nute burn early on which might kill ur this website to people....most of them are more than willing to help....good luck with ur grow ...hope its a female u might wanna germinate a few more ...make ur odds a lil better
i only have two plants, because my nanny here told me that my other plants were ate by birds, (stupid birds if its true, but i research and birds here don't eat ganja, i think my fuckin nanny destroyed my other plants, and she was scared when i got mad at her because she knows that i can find another nanny to replace her, that's why i have this one and the other plant i will post later after school, because i need to sleep first).


Well-Known Member
by the way, sorry for my stupid english language, im just having a hard time figuring out on what words will i use. please help me out guys.


Well-Known Member
any help would really be appreciated..

i can post pics again today if the pics are aren't enough to be judge.

  • also please help me out because im also planning on making a growbox.

    i already have a cabinet which is 3 feet in width and around 4feet in height.

    i can also post again pics regarding on my DIY grow box cabinet, but my problem is what will i be using for lights, reflector, and also i don't want to have a big electricity charge in my pocket.​
