Toking up when sick...


Active Member
So I've had a flu bug since late last night and I called out of work to stay home sick all day. Subsequently I've been burnt as fuck all day. I even had to run into work for a couple hours to fix an emergency computer bug while running a fever and tripping balls. Never-the-less I feel pretty darn good and my nausea is way down from earlier. So does anyone else here partake when they're feeling generally ill? I know a lot of friends say it makes them sicker.


Well-Known Member
lol this reminds me of a time when I got sick. I tried smoking at first but my throat was too sore so I gave it up. A friend called and said he had some dank, and it was a lot better quality than what is around. I got some thinking I'll save it for when I'm better. Sure enough the day before I felt well enough to smoke my mom went it my room and took it all. Tried getting some more but it was sold out and it was some of the dankest nugs I've seen.

My mom gave the bud and my grinder full of kief to our housekeeper. She was really pissed because she thought the kief was coke. Kinda funny to think that a year or two later she brought me a half as a Christmas present.


Well-Known Member
I dont really get sick since i've started toking. Might be because I'm in my physical peak (19-24), but hey who knows. I did get a scratchy throat over the winter; remedy'd that with some smoke and some soup. I say it has medicinal properties, why not?


Well-Known Member
I don't get sick but when I do I get a heart attack, did smoke a joint on the way to the hospital though...


Well-Known Member
The worst thing with a flu or a cold is it make it almost impossible smoke & when you do anyway the effect isn't the same so you might just forget it.


Well-Known Member
I don't get sick either ...
Might get a stuffy nose from time to time but that's about it.
And yes I still smoke then


Well-Known Member
I smoke until I get tired. I fall asleep and feel better when I wake up.

Even if I don't feel better, at least I'm high. Everything is better while high, including being sick.


Well-Known Member
I don't get sick but when I do I get a heart attack, did smoke a joint on the way to the hospital though...
hmm that's fucking weird... I've only been sick twice in the past... who knows how long.... and both of those times I had a heart attack.