Ok to "not" support our troops?


Well-Known Member
I think I got to the point where I cant stand this "you have show respect for our troops" moto. Says who?

"Oh, they are fighting a war for your freedom". Are they really?

While I would love to go into a big "Iraq/Afgan" war rant, I just want to vent a little and say "fuck our troops". Actually im going to put it on one of those stupid ribbons for the back of my car that says that.

"You cant do that, you'll get shot" Really? Now I have to worry about my freedom of speech from my own people? Why do I have to be fearful to disagree on this issue?

Also all the people that I know that are "troops" joined because they needed money or education. Not the selfless act of "fighting for our freedom".

So yeah, I'm not scared anymore, fuck our troops and fuck these useless wars.


Well-Known Member
Well not everyone joins to get money or what not...but the majority does...it still doesn't negate what they do in the name of Uncle Sam, but it sounds like one hell of a monkey to have on your back...I think we should perhaps "pity" the troops... I can't word it right...but while I used to agree with you...I can't say that I agree with Fuck the troops, but pity the men inside of those uniforms... Not to mention the military uses a lot of brainwashing, so by the time they set you down and tell you to kill you simply feel you must...I mean that is what it has all been building to. A lot of people do take it as a serious task the defending of ones nation, while I think a lot of people who join just like to blow things up...some are surely there because they possess the innate ability and wish to kill on a primal level and they figure this will get it out of their system...I mean what happens in the field stays in the field right?--right---unless it is posted on YouTube...
I am against the "Troops" but I am for the poor schmucks who picked that uniform as a way to feed their family or get through college...I pity them a great deal...


Well-Known Member
I think I got to the point where I cant stand this "you have show respect for our troops" moto. Says who?

"Oh, they are fighting a war for your freedom". Are they really?

While I would love to go into a big "Iraq/Afgan" war rant, I just want to vent a little and say "fuck our troops". Actually im going to put it on one of those stupid ribbons for the back of my car that says that.

"You cant do that, you'll get shot" Really? Now I have to worry about my freedom of speech from my own people? Why do I have to be fearful to disagree on this issue?

Also all the people that I know that are "troops" joined because they needed money or education. Not the selfless act of "fighting for our freedom".

So yeah, I'm not scared anymore, fuck our troops and fuck these useless wars.
Our troops have nothing to do with the useless wars, they just do what they're told. Your distaste is pointed in the wrong direction.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Its sad. These guys put their life on the line and you say "fuck em"

You may not support the policy makers, which is definatly understandable. But to straight up say fuck the troops, you need to leave the country. You arnt deserving of the men who have died for your security.

jessy koons

New Member
I feel very bad that our citizens have been forced into fighting these battles. I say fuck the people that think our imperialistic campaigns have anything to do with freedom or democracy. These have been economic wars and they are bankrupting this country. Too many people have died all around so that America can steal resources from poor countries, install foreign leaders that will do our bidding or for other more heinous reasons that our government lies to us about.

The troops are not the problem. They are brave and committed to doing what they are told is the right thing, but they are just pawns in a much, much bigger game. The poor leadership and weak oversight of our elected official is a real tragedy.


New Member
I think it's just plain jealousy. The venomous tone of the post makes it obvious. OP probably can't go that route for one reason or another. To resent anyone who just wants to forge a career. .. you say Fuck em?


Well-Known Member
Its sad. These guys put their life on the line and you say "fuck em"

You may not support the policy makers, which is definatly understandable. But to straight up say fuck the troops, you need to leave the country. You arnt deserving of the men who have died for your security.
Security? the post below yours I think has it right, unless your talking security for the private contractors going overseas setting up shop to bilk resources.

I feel very bad that our citizens have been forced into fighting these battles. I say fuck the people that think our imperialistic campaigns have anything to do with freedom or democracy. These have been economic wars and they are bankrupting this country. Too many people have died all around so that America can steal resources from poor countries, install foreign leaders that will do our bidding or for other more heinous reasons that our government lies to us about.

The troops are not the problem, they are just pawns. The poor leadership and weak over site of our elected official is the real tragedy.
I'm with you!, and missnu.. I pity the poor (fe)males that are in uniform.



New Member
They don't want your pity, they just want your support. If pity is all you have, take it somewhere else.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Security? the post below yours I think has it right, unless your talking security for
the private contractors going overseas setting up shop to bilk resources.

I'm with you!, and missnu.. I pity the poor (fe)males that are in uniform.

Yes, security. We went into afghan with the intention of disrupting "terrorists". Iraq is questionable.

Whether if they were or werent actually fighting for our security, that is what they believe they are doing. And if someone is willing to die for my security, I have the utmost respect for them.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
And to the people saying "it was all about oil"

What evidence do you have to prove that?

Most of Iraq's oil assets are and always have been controlled by the state.
The only deals baghdad did sign with foreign investors, none of them are with U.S companies. And they are heavily in favor of the Iraqi government.


Active Member
I don't support the troops dying, but at the same time, i don't support them murdering other countries citizens.

i also don't support all the fucking hand outs they get after serving. An average 18-24 year old will be paid more in the military than in a normal entry level civilian job; that's fine, their job demands more.. BUT; free housing? FREE education (also getting the right to select classes before civilians? fuck that), ridiculous discounts from pretty much any local or small business... all because they were willing to kill other people.

that's a fucked up trade off.


Well-Known Member
Its sad. These guys put their life on the line and you say "fuck em"

You may not support the policy makers, which is definatly understandable. But to straight up say fuck the troops, you need to leave the country. You arnt deserving of the men who have died for your security.
you're smart.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Its sad. These guys put their life on the line and you say "fuck em"

You may not support the policy makers, which is definatly understandable. But to straight up say fuck the troops, you need to leave the country. You arnt deserving of the men who have died for your security.
They're not fighting for my security. They're fighting to fund politician's trips to Thailand and fuck little boys, for more variety in their lives. Lithium in Afghanistan so they can pacify our cellphone needs. We only need a small fraction of these troops. We technically need none. We have our own personal militia groups. If need be our government can fund them and get rid of the professional world police murderers and assassins. I don't support "our" troops.


Well-Known Member
anyone who signs up nowadays thinking they are defending my freedom and whatnot is a dumbass. if they are just signing up to get a check and get laid, they're a mooch to me.

my opinion on this will change once we have a worthy battle and/or draft.


Well-Known Member
Support our troops, bring them home NOW!

Supporting our troops in any other way or for any other reason is to support the war. The wars have nothing to do with freedom.


Well-Known Member
They don't want your pity, they just want your support. If pity is all you have, take it somewhere else.

Then to all the troops I apologize...because I have to have only pity...by pity I mean that I feel bad that they had to go and do the things they went and did...
If I don't pity them, then I would have to let them take part of the blame for what they were doing...because you either pity them for being men just doing a job, or you take away the pity and assume they were guys looking to do just what they went and did...


bud bootlegger
i tend to agree with the op and said so in heph's should i join the military post a month or so ago..

not since ww2 has any us troop saved a us citizens life imo..

i just got tired of seeing the save our troops shit, and people thinking that they're actually doing one thing for our freedom..

DETROIT 1943 Troops Army put down Black rebellion.
IRAN 1946 Nuclear threat Soviet troops told to leave north.
YUGOSLAVIA 1946 Nuclear threat, naval Response to shoot-down of US plane.
URUGUAY 1947 Nuclear threat Bombers deployed as show of strength.
GREECE 1947-49 Command operation U.S. directs extreme-right in civil war.
GERMANY 1948 Nuclear Threat Atomic-capable bombers guard Berlin Airlift.
CHINA 1948-49 Troops/Marines evacuate Americans before Communist victory.
PHILIPPINES 1948-54 Command operation CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion.
PUERTO RICO 1950 Command operation Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce.
KOREA 1951-53 (-?) Troops, naval, bombing , nuclear threats U.S./So. Korea fights China/No. Korea to stalemate; A-bomb threat in 1950, and against China in 1953. Still have bases.
IRAN 1953 Command Operation CIA overthrows democracy, installs Shah.
VIETNAM 1954 Nuclear threat French offered bombs to use against seige.
GUATEMALA 1954 Command operation, bombing, nuclear threat CIA directs exile invasion after new gov't nationalized U.S. company lands; bombers based in Nicaragua.
EGYPT 1956 Nuclear threat, troops Soviets told to keep out of Suez crisis; Marines evacuate foreigners.
LEBANON l958 Troops, naval Army & Marine occupation against rebels.
IRAQ 1958 Nuclear threat Iraq warned against invading Kuwait.
CHINA l958 Nuclear threat China told not to move on Taiwan isles.
PANAMA 1958 Troops Flag protests erupt into confrontation.
VIETNAM l960-75 Troops, naval, bombing, nuclear threats Fought South Vietnam revolt & North Vietnam; one million killed in longest U.S. war; atomic bomb threats in l968 and l969.
CUBA l961 Command operation CIA-directed exile invasion fails.
GERMANY l961 Nuclear threat Alert during Berlin Wall crisis.
LAOS 1962 Command operation Military buildup during guerrilla war.

not one of these saved a us life, and in fact, many more us citizen's died during these times than where saved, well duh, if one person died, lol...

anyhoo's, i'm with the op.. and trust me, i'm not jealous i'm not in the military, far from it, so try again..