January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record


Well-Known Member
do you even understand what agricultura methane gas is and does ???? Do you even know how much of this gas ONE cow produces in a year...Please feel free to google then get back with me..Thank you
Sheesh and we call tea baggers looney....


Well-Known Member
in other words you are saying " I'm so stupid I have nothing else to say" ...

Don't worry we get it.
I don't have any cows, Im a farmer, not a dairy operator or a rancher.

Kill the Government subsidies!!! Burn them, Burn them, Burn them!!!


Well-Known Member
do you even understand what agricultura methane gas is and does ???? Do you even know how much of this gas ONE cow produces in a year...Please feel free to google then get back with me..Thank you
I'm from the upper midwest. A little place called...the middle of dairy country. I know all about the cow fart stuff.

How much co2 would be in the atmosphere without the sun? "What atmosphere?" you may ask. Exactly!
I stand by my assertion that the sun is directly related to ALL co2 emissions.


Well-Known Member
I'm from the upper midwest. A little place called...the middle of dairy country. I know all about the cow fart stuff.

How much co2 would be in the atmosphere without the sun? "What atmosphere?" you may ask. Exactly!
I stand by my assertion that the sun is directly related to ALL co2 emissions.
If your going to be that finickity about it that sun is responsible for none of the CO2 as it was all produced by the previous star

But that doesn't address the fact that we're pumping it out and the levels are rising


Well-Known Member
I'm from the upper midwest. A little place called...the middle of dairy country. I know all about the cow fart stuff.

How much co2 would be in the atmosphere without the sun? "What atmosphere?" you may ask. Exactly!
I stand by my assertion that the sun is directly related to ALL co2 emissions.
Considering that were there no source of heat, all of the atmsophere would have solidified and stratified across the globe, sure, if there were no Sun there would be no atmosphere. Beyond that you have as much point as your saying that "without gravity there would be no atmosphere" which is also correct.

The sun prompts plants to produce oxygen, not CO2. Termites eat plants and release sequestered CO2, sure. The question is, how has the sun increased the CO2 content of our atmosphere in the last 200 years where it did not before. That question no one here has managed to answer.


Well-Known Member
If your going to be that finickity about it that sun is responsible for none of the CO2 as it was all produced by the previous star

But that doesn't address the fact that we're pumping it out and the levels are rising
We could also say that an ancient sun helped plants aquire and sequester CO2 and those plants gave rise to fossil fuels -again, we have gotten nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Considering that were there no source of heat, all of the atmsophere would have solidified and stratified across the globe, sure, if there were no Sun there would be no atmosphere. Beyond that you have as much point as your saying that "without gravity there would be no atmosphere" which is also correct.

The sun prompts plants to produce oxygen, not CO2. Termites eat plants and release sequestered CO2, sure. The question is, how has the sun increased the CO2 content of our atmosphere in the last 200 years where it did not before. That question no one here has managed to answer.
So if plants convert CO2 into Oxygen , then why are my farming subsidies only $186,000 this year? I am the one getting rid of CO2 while all you fuckers with your cars and farting cows are ruining it for everyone.


Well-Known Member
So if plants convert CO2 into Oxygen , then why are my farming subsidies only $186,000 this year? I am the one getting rid of CO2 while all you fuckers with your cars and farting cows are ruining it for everyone.
How do you feel about the House new bill on farm subsidies???


Well-Known Member
So if plants convert CO2 into Oxygen , then why are my farming subsidies only $186,000 this year? I am the one getting rid of CO2 while all you fuckers with your cars and farting cows are ruining it for everyone.
Because the moment you burn, plow under, compost or eat those plants, the CO2 goes right back into the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
Are we as an in the human species up to even 4% co2 contribution yet?
Per year? probably not but the fact remains that CO2 concentrations are going up and there are only two plausable explainations for it.

1. Man is doing it
2. The mechanism is misunderstood and warming preceeds CO2 increases rather than the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Considering that were there no source of heat, all of the atmsophere would have solidified and stratified across the globe, sure, if there were no Sun there would be no atmosphere. Beyond that you have as much point as your saying that "without gravity there would be no atmosphere" which is also correct.

The sun prompts plants to produce oxygen, not CO2. Termites eat plants and release sequestered CO2, sure. The question is, how has the sun increased the CO2 content of our atmosphere in the last 200 years where it did not before. That question no one here has managed to answer.
LOOOOL!! That's my only point.


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about the House new bill on farm subsidies???
Its just a bill, so right now it means nothing.

imo a $3.5 billion cut isn't anywhere near enough. besides it is mostly going to take away money from the SNAP program, not my precious subsidies, they would never touch my corn money, its written in stone.

Just sittin around waitin for my gubbermint subsidy check to come in so I can go buy me some new toys, perhaps go to Vegas or start a laundromat. I hear Laundromats are excellent revenue sources, combined with a Alpaca farm could be a big money maker.


Well-Known Member
Its just a bill, so right now it means nothing.

imo a $3.5 billion cut isn't anywhere near enough. besides it is mostly going to take away money from the SNAP program, not my precious subsidies, they would never touch my corn money, its written in stone.

Just sittin around waitin for my gubbermint subsidy check to come in so I can go buy me some new toys, perhaps go to Vegas or start a laundromat. I hear Laundromats are excellent revenue sources, combined with a Alpaca farm could be a big money maker.
Vegas sounds nice..laundromats can be very lucrative, but its all about location. How much land do I need to get some of that government money Nodrama ??


Well-Known Member
LOOOOL!! That's my only point.
So your only point is that the sun powers a relatively closed co2 cycle. fine, that cycle is closed, unless we interfere no additional co2 is emitted. Barring venting of the earth, we are the only other factor. Volcanos are artifacts, they are background noise in that system as they are intermitent and easily compensated for by other mechanisms. It seems that our continual reintroduction of ancient co2 is having an effect, take a look at your co2 meter and then do some checking on previous co2 ppm counts - your meter is in the 370's to 390's is it not?


Well-Known Member
So your only point is that the sun powers a relatively closed co2 cycle. fine, that cycle is closed, unless we interfere no additional co2 is emitted. Barring venting of the earth, we are the only other factor. Volcanos are artifacts, they are background noise in that system as they are intermitent and easily compensated for by other mechanisms. It seems that our continual reintroduction of ancient co2 is having an effect, take a look at your co2 meter and then do some checking on previous co2 ppm counts - your meter is in the 320's is it not?
Really? The sun creates CO2 in the atmosphere?
No, my point is to answer Fly's question.

Without the sun, CO2 would not be in the atmosphere. So yes, the sun........


Well-Known Member
No, my point is to answer Fly's question.

Without the sun, CO2 would not be in the atmosphere. So yes, the sun........

Fine, without the sun there would be no gases in the atmosphere. While the sun IS shining, Without man there would be less co2.


Well-Known Member
Vegas sounds nice..laundromats can be very lucrative, but its all about location. How much land do I need to get some of that government money Nodrama ??
at least 160 acres of arable land, they won't count your sloos and low lying flooded areas.