First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
Ok so i know there are probably a million of these threads on this site asking for info on how to start doing the same thing. I dont feel like wandering around a million different forums tho looking for all the pieces to growing and putting them together.

I just wanna know what supplies exactly i would need to start a pretty small closet growing op (maybe 2-4 plants), i dont want any fancy expensive crap or a million chemicals or anything like that. i just want to get the most out of some plants (a good yield would be nice) with as little effort and cost as possible.

Can anyone give me a full list of supplies i would need for a successful grow? any tips on getting the seeds to germinate and start off right would be good too cus i hear the beginning of the growing is kind of the hardest part.

keep tokin :joint:


Well-Known Member
your kidding right ? because your an ''Lazy Ass" you want us to do your work for you ?

Do you let me fuck your girl ? No
Do you smoke with me ? ...No
Do you DO anything for me ? NO Did you DO MY HOMEWORK ....? NO Fuck man there has to be 1,000 pages I read before I even made a peep here ... Fucking read BRO.. Take the time , Roll a joint and READ... Gain Knowledge , FOR YOURSELF..... Sorry if I came off hard But fuck...


Well-Known Member
Ok so i know there are probably a million of these threads on this site asking for info on how to start doing the same thing. I dont feel like wandering around a million different forums tho looking for all the pieces to growing and putting them together.

I just wanna know what supplies exactly i would need to start a pretty small closet growing op (maybe 2-4 plants), i dont want any fancy expensive crap or a million chemicals or anything like that. i just want to get the most out of some plants (a good yield would be nice) with as little effort and cost as possible.

Can anyone give me a full list of supplies i would need for a successful grow? any tips on getting the seeds to germinate and start off right would be good too cus i hear the beginning of the growing is kind of the hardest part.

keep tokin :joint:

Tarps, pots, soil, fan, lights , either hps or fluros If ur tight on money. Small compact fluros u can get from the local stores work nice. just get a good amount of em. Anyway Maybe a self or table to keep teh pots off the ground n put the tarp on the ground of the grow area. cause u will spill water. Thats just teh basics. Ph tester , nutes, humidifier is just some other shit u could get but dont really need. Just start basic like i did, as day n day go by u realize what else u might need n can get it little by little as shit happens. Hope that helps

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
a 150-400 watt hps from for under 120
miracle grow soil (for a beginner who doesnt wanna get nutrient solutions, this is packed with them, but for the whole grow eventually these are used up and signs will tell to get sum nutes, get sum cheap stuff , it makes a difference)
2-3 gallon pot
cheapest ventilation of all is, the lack of needing it... keep your closet door open and use a normal desk fan to shoot out heat n keep air fresh n circulating
mylar or painted flat walls in your room, not totally neccesay i believe but helps a shit load

in the end, you can grow a plant without almost anything, the point is geting sumthing out of it, put sum work into its, you'll feel good actually accomlishing sumthin lol nevermind the reward of your reaping

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
Dont get me wrong, ive read around, i got a pretty good gist of what you have to do. Im not trying to be lazy here, i just wanna grow some closet pot for myself without all the frills i keep seeing everyone talk about. i mean i still wanna grow some good stuff but without spending over like 150 bucks...maybe 200. sorry if i came off like a lazy asshole. i like the rant tho lol.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Ok so i know there are probably a million of these threads on this site asking for info on how to start doing the same thing. I dont feel like wandering around a million different forums tho looking for all the pieces to growing and putting them together.

I just wanna know what supplies exactly i would need to start a pretty small closet growing op (maybe 2-4 plants), i dont want any fancy expensive crap or a million chemicals or anything like that. i just want to get the most out of some plants (a good yield would be nice) with as little effort and cost as possible.

Can anyone give me a full list of supplies i would need for a successful grow? any tips on getting the seeds to germinate and start off right would be good too cus i hear the beginning of the growing is kind of the hardest part.

keep tokin :joint:

Seriously dude, this isn't MacDonald's where you just place an order... lol

Just kidding or am I? - With that said, here's a great place for you to start...

or you could go this route, which by the way, is the way I now grow...

Good luck with your first grow!

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
Which kind of lights would be best to use overall? ive heard cfl's are really good and MH lights, but MH put out alot of heat and so do HPS. Would a fan be enough in a closet to not overheat the plants?

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
wow korvette is the uber dick, this is what u do at any forum.....answer questions even if they are out of place and admittably stupid


Active Member
Dont get me wrong, ive read around, i got a pretty good gist of what you have to do. Im not trying to be lazy here, i just wanna grow some closet pot for myself without all the frills i keep seeing everyone talk about. i mean i still wanna grow some good stuff but without spending over like 150 bucks...maybe 200. sorry if i came off like a lazy asshole. i like the rant tho lol.
My setup cost me about 100 bucks. here is MY list. but everyone does it differently... ish?

10x23w clf
1x42w clf
1x2gallon pot
MG Organic soil
MG perlite
2x5 gallon buckets
Bloom fert
Veg fert
2 milk jugs
2 water bottles
4 clamps
9x power socket to light socket adapters
7x y adapters
and 1 POS white chest flipped on its end with the top taken off for my grow room.......

wooo hooooo


but do it a way you think would be interesting/fun.

Growing it is half the fun.


Well-Known Member
Which kind of lights would be best to use overall? ive heard cfl's are really good and MH lights, but MH put out alot of heat and so do HPS. Would a fan be enough in a closet to not overheat the plants?
I would start by getting about 8 23 watt *Daylight* CFLs. These bulbs are the equivalent of light out put of 100 watt incandescent (normal light bulbs). Prices may vary, but they cost me about $2.99 apiece at Menards. They might have some nice discounts because Earth Day was this week, and part of cutting energy costs means switching from normal light bulbs to CFLs...

Anyway, for a beginner, I would recommend cfl's because you can mix & match, and you don't have to invest massive amounts of money into HPS or MH yet. As for heat output, 8 x 23 watt cfls = 184 watts, which means it will put out as much heat (if not more) than a 150 watt HPS light. The difference is, the HPS or MH lights put out all their heat from one source... using multiple CFL's will mean that the heat will be "a little bit here, a little bit there" and you can get cfl's pretty close to your plants without burning the leaves (assuming you have fan blowing).

If you want a 400 watt HPS light then consider:
High Tech Garden Supply

Realize that you don't necessarily need 400 watts for a small grow of 2-3 plants, and as seedlings, you really only need CFLs. It's all up to you. 400 watts of electricity means you will be using a kWhr (kilowatt-hour) of electricity every 2.5 hours it's on. In most places, a kWhr costs between 7 cents and 12 cents. So plan on paying about 70 cents per day on electricity (assuming an 18/6 light cycle).

Good luck!~


Well-Known Member
XZerT, can you post some pics on your setup?

I have the 23 watt CFLs
2x power strips
2x clamps
7x power socket to light socket adapters
5x y adapters

I'm using some really big buckets for my plants though, I almost think I'm wasting too much effort on my plants (I don't want them to become rootbound)

I have the clamps facing down on my plants (they're about 2-3 weeks old from seed).

I'm trying to find a way to expand once they get bigger...

By the way, here's a good cheap CFL brand, James Bong:


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong, ive read around, i got a pretty good gist of what you have to do. Im not trying to be lazy here, i just wanna grow some closet pot for myself without all the frills i keep seeing everyone talk about. i mean i still wanna grow some good stuff but without spending over like 150 bucks...maybe 200. sorry if i came off like a lazy asshole. i like the rant tho lol.

how many pages have you read so far ? Im glad that you came here to learn,,, we will learn ya


Well-Known Member
It's funny here in Quebec, you buy the light's and Hydro Que (power comp) send's you a refund. So you end up paying about $3.00 for $50.00 worth of light's.........Great


Well-Known Member
Tarps, pots, soil, fan, lights , either hps or fluros If ur tight on money. Small compact fluros u can get from the local stores work nice. just get a good amount of em. Anyway Maybe a self or table to keep teh pots off the ground n put the tarp on the ground of the grow area. cause u will spill water. Thats just teh basics. Ph tester , nutes, humidifier is just some other shit u could get but dont really need. Just start basic like i did, as day n day go by u realize what else u might need n can get it little by little as shit happens. Hope that helps
this the type of answers we need from now on