First grow ever


Well-Known Member
ok. thanks for the advice. I used a jiffy pot.. and planted the entire thing. It hasnt completely broke down yet.. I hope the roots are able to break throse the sides of the jiffy pot


Well-Known Member
Three weeks since germination. It is growing horizontally. To the point its reached the sides of the pot. Is there anything I can do so its not cramped? Its a large bucket so I cant get much bigger.



Active Member
The newest leafs are becoming wilted. Any suggestions?
How dry are you letting it get between waterings? You want it to be parched-in-the-desert dry. Over-watering is usually the first thing wrong when a small plant like that has wilty leaves. Or over-fertilization, if they start drying out on the tips and curling a little.


Active Member
Looks healthy, maybe a little heat-stressed (from how the edges of the leaves are curling up). Do you have a thermometer you keep next to it to monitor temperatures during the hottest times of day?


Active Member
Btw, in case you just want to compare, this was my last seedling a little less than a month after germination:



Well-Known Member
It has been extremely hot out so I have been trying my best to keep it cool.. but it has since cooled down. I havent added any nutrients.. I didnt really want to.. but if I do end up doing so.. any reccomended products and time table suggestions?


Well-Known Member
well if you want them to grow up more and not look like shrubs, then raise the lights. stretch is bad, sure, but no stretch is also bad. theres an acceptable amount of stretching.

only other thing id say is the one pic makes it look like there are leaves under the rim of the bucket, thats no so great either, as theres low light, air flow, and a lot more humidity. could cause issues in the future. either way, raise the lights, let it stretch, and youll probably end up cutting off the bottom leaves anyways


Well-Known Member
It has been extremely hot out so I have been trying my best to keep it cool.. but it has since cooled down. I havent added any nutrients.. I didnt really want to.. but if I do end up doing so.. any reccomended products and time table suggestions?
for heat, just get an AC unit, and turn that shit on! I keep my house at 72 degrees, so the veg rooms never get above 77 or so. good ventilation makes sure of that.

get a variety of nutes, from different companies. some companies tend to leave out specific elements. getting a variety, makes sure you dont leave any out.
time table... now?

or try organic recipes (recipes in my signature below). i do both, nutrients from stores, and organic teas.

and micro nutes, i use a bottle of plant fertilizer found at pet stores, its 0-0-0, but has around 15 micro nutes in it. i use that every time i water. best 6 bucks ive ever spent. make sure its for tropical fish. while your there, ask if they have pH buffer, also for tropical fish tanks. For soil, theres a 6.5pH one, works fucking awesome

and whatever you do, check the pH of your nutes before you add them in. youd guess they are somewhere between 6 and 8 pH, but ive boughten some at wacky pH levels and its good to know what it is, before you add it in


Well-Known Member
its a 5 gallon bucket... cant find much bigger than that..

I feel like it is growing great but in the wrong areas