Last I recall PHX NORML supports repealing the "25 Mile Rule"
If you are willing to send a letter to NORML and ask for their help to fight the "25 Mile Rule" we all may get the support needed! And most importantly the attention of the masses!!
Email a VERY personal letters to the follow address -
Send a email to each of theses persons with the email address above....
- Butch
- Rain
- Kathy
- Lori
- Rick
- Eric
- Mike
Ask for their support to repeal the "25 Mile Rule"
We need an action and no more talking!!! We have allowed this to be delayed over and over! Prospecting dispensary owners obviously want the "25 Mile Rule" to stay as long as possible! Though there has been 1 or 2 persons who claim to be against the "25 Mile Rule" but have simple delayed!
- Mr.Gaines
Statements such as these shall be CLEAR... And show one's intent!! A pocket full of wool shall trick the masses?
There are 2 options folks!!!
Option #1
Read post #1 A Voter initiative
Option #2
Declaratory judgement & an injunction through the Superior Court!
I believe many are not going this route simply because it will put the dispensaries on the back burner AGAIN!! Hence, no profits for dispensary owners!! I am fine with the current laws! The only portion I would have amended is A.R.S.
36-2804.02 (A)(3)(f) aka "25 Mile Rule" Nothing MORE nothing Less!
Your 23 page litigation would through!! Can we get some help filing litigation against the"25 Mile Rule"?
What do you say Mr. Gaines?
10k would get this started!
Are you willing to help the Patients of Arizona Mr.Gaines?
Many forget about Word of Mouth! In such a small community you would be surprised in what One can do!!
Contact info -