2000W Medical Garden, Prepetual Multi Strain Grow


Active Member
Its 6 bulb, just hard to see the 420nm from the reflection off the hood. And too blue dom for veg? veg plants seem to be loving it, but I can put some red back into it. I think I listed the bulbs I am using earlier in the thread but if I didnt let me know and I will retype that out.
From the photos I've seen, your plants are liking your spectrum just fine. Adding more red is just going to speed up growth, so if you are happy with growth speed then leave it alone. Since you are using the T5's for veg it really doesn't matter, because it's only for a short time.

As long as your plants are not growing strangely, like twisted "ingrown" type of leaf growth then keep at it.

Heavy blue spectrum will encourage extreme root growth as you've already noticed. This is nice for what you are doing, getting a nice root base established before 12/12.

When you flip to the 1000w HPS, ya gotta do it slowly or at least keep the 1000w high up off your canopy at first so the plants can adjust to the intense light. Then move it closer as they start to take off. The intensity is much greater from a 1000w than a 6-lamp T5 fixture.

As far as adding side-lighting UVb, I see this working out well. Poly is your man as far as UVb goes. He has a lot more experience with it than I do. Once again, start with the lamps far away and then move them closer until you see your plants start to get a little "unhappy" then move them away to that sweet spot.

One thing that may work out(opinions anyone?) is add the UVb lamps before adding the 1000w HPS because the extra UVb will build that protective layer in the leaves and protect the plants from the 1000w when it's time to switch. It's known that UVb triggers plants to produce a protective waxy "layer" within the leaves to protect itself from damaging rays, so it just may work to help reduce stress.

I like Poly's idea of adding the UVb at the beginning so that the plants are used to it.

Also, FYI, according to numerous sources, ANY STRONG BLUE LIGHT SOURCE WILL INCREASE TRICHOME PRODUCTION. You don't need UVb to do this. Although, I think you might be able to get by with LESS UVb overall to do the same job as regular blue light.

Always start slow and work your way up over a few days to avoid stress. Your plants will love you long time for it.


Active Member
I will post more later since my Fiance wants me to go out with her this morning, but I wanted to ask this, Poly and fonz, if I were to add the color max to the lighting setup, which bulb would you guys replace? (Pretty sure you guys are gonna say the fiji since they have such a bad rep of being over priced lol)

Snoochie Boochie Noochies!


Well-Known Member
yep the fiji i will get back to you with UVB since that can be a hell of a discussion, also wanted to say i agree with fonze on that last part especially blues do add more trichs but all in all you want as full a spectrum as you cn get when your hitting oyur reds and blues (say with MH AND HPS like me) adding UVB only makes it better.

the other plus side to using any UVB light is they generaly contain a fair amt. of blue and red.MVB have a pretty broad spectrum of course thier highest spike is in the yellowe but they have other lower but useful spikes. CFL although hey can be hard to place are another good option they can be hard to place but produce good results also having a 6500k spectrum and a fair amt. of lumens being used because of the close proximity.

now if your looking for long tubes i would recommend t12/t8 first off, they are cheaper, second they will last the longest (as far as flouro goes they polorize, glass changes chemical properties, and the UVB levels are reduced by 6 months they will be useless i would give a t8 or t12 about 10 months) the downside to linear though is range which is where MVB comes in.

if you are well ventilated or have AC i would recommend MVB and in fact westron lighting (currently the best producer of these bulbs since thier redesigns in2012)
is having a sale of x2 100w MVB for 50$ i thing four of these would be perfect for your room within 20" of the plant tops.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill get back all right lol got carried away i see well anyways shoot away with the UVB questions ill do my best.


Well-Known Member
they sound like bullet for my valentine :) not bad, seems weird hearing it and seeing them ey, little chicky in the middle got some tasty little boobies :p

sorry, back a few pages!!! 'sell comics song....'


Active Member
they sound like bullet for my valentine :) not bad, seems weird hearing it and seeing them ey, little chicky in the middle got some tasty little boobies :p

sorry, back a few pages!!! 'sell comics song....'
Considering they wernt entering the contest and the producer for Tell Em Steve Dave had to call their agent and ask them to compete. Then they wrote the music in 24 hours and shot the video 48 hours later to make the submission deadline, I think the song is pretty epic since they threw it together last minute. Gonna be a good band in 2-3 years, but they are a bit young for female heavy groups still at 16 and 17 lol.



Active Member
Day 5 Transition Update, 8-6-2012

Hey guys,

Sorry an update has been delayed so long. Weekends can be tough to log on and post alot since my fiance is home and wants to do stuff rather then let me sit on the computer lol. I bult my scrog on friday and put it in. The "Is transition(Stretch) enough to fill a screen challenge is on and its going pretty well allready. I know that the right side of the screen is completly empty, but that is because I am trying to fill the screen with plants under the most light before I start training to the outside area's. Another bright side I found out last night is my room (Which has been staying at 70 degrees with the lights on) is actually cool enough to run my aero 24 hours a day. in fact instead of the pump heating up the res, the aero has actually cooled the res down. res temps have gone from 22.4C on a 1 on 5 off timer down to 20.9C on a constant run. I think this if nothing else will help me be able to fill that screen before the flowers start pushing up. Right now keeping the hood about 20 inches from the canopy, but in all honesty if I wanted to drop it more I prolly could lower this 1000W to about 8 inches from the canopy and not have any adverse effects the vents are working that well and keeping the room cool. Going to start with pics from my veg room first though. GSC's have been in veg going on week 2 right now, and I wanted to show em off a bit, so I pulled one and photoed it so you guys could see the foliage growth, as well as the root structure.

And now off to the flower room. This is after day 5 of transition, scrog went in day 3 and started training it then. Depending on how long they want to stretch, I *think* the screen will fill up, at least I am hoping that it will or it was just a huge waste of time building the screen lol. Would love to know what you guys think though.

And as a side note, if any of you followed or read my own journal you will remember when I cloned out to sex my GDP Mother. Took a 3 inch clone, grew it to about 5 inches and then threw it into a rubermaid tote grow box to flower. Once the room was done I moved it into the room. Thought I would show how its looking in week 5. I dont think it looks to bad considering for over 4 weeks it had all of 4 23W CFL's flowering it out.

I will try to take new pics after res change on wed, I think from now on photo updates will be on Thurs and on Monday, unless there is something major to show. Unless you guys have a better idea. Please let me know.

Snooch to the Nooch!


Active Member
From the photos I've seen, your plants are liking your spectrum just fine. Adding more red is just going to speed up growth, so if you are happy with growth speed then leave it alone. Since you are using the T5's for veg it really doesn't matter, because it's only for a short time.

As long as your plants are not growing strangely, like twisted "ingrown" type of leaf growth then keep at it.

Heavy blue spectrum will encourage extreme root growth as you've already noticed. This is nice for what you are doing, getting a nice root base established before 12/12.

When you flip to the 1000w HPS, ya gotta do it slowly or at least keep the 1000w high up off your canopy at first so the plants can adjust to the intense light. Then move it closer as they start to take off. The intensity is much greater from a 1000w than a 6-lamp T5 fixture.

As far as adding side-lighting UVb, I see this working out well. Poly is your man as far as UVb goes. He has a lot more experience with it than I do. Once again, start with the lamps far away and then move them closer until you see your plants start to get a little "unhappy" then move them away to that sweet spot.

One thing that may work out(opinions anyone?) is add the UVb lamps before adding the 1000w HPS because the extra UVb will build that protective layer in the leaves and protect the plants from the 1000w when it's time to switch. It's known that UVb triggers plants to produce a protective waxy "layer" within the leaves to protect itself from damaging rays, so it just may work to help reduce stress.

I like Poly's idea of adding the UVb at the beginning so that the plants are used to it.

Also, FYI, according to numerous sources, ANY STRONG BLUE LIGHT SOURCE WILL INCREASE TRICHOME PRODUCTION. You don't need UVb to do this. Although, I think you might be able to get by with LESS UVb overall to do the same job as regular blue light.

Always start slow and work your way up over a few days to avoid stress. Your plants will love you long time for it.
Great advice in there Fonz, and I will be taking alot of it and using it after I get the 2nd 1000Wer and my carbon filter installed. Prolly wont help much with the GDP that is allready in flower since I am looking at like 6 weeks before doing any suplimental, but keep the advice coming. Grow rooms are never totaly complete and can allways be enhanced more, and I really do appreciate it.

yep the fiji i will get back to you with UVB since that can be a hell of a discussion, also wanted to say i agree with fonze on that last part especially blues do add more trichs but all in all you want as full a spectrum as you cn get when your hitting oyur reds and blues (say with MH AND HPS like me) adding UVB only makes it better.

the other plus side to using any UVB light is they generaly contain a fair amt. of blue and red.MVB have a pretty broad spectrum of course thier highest spike is in the yellowe but they have other lower but useful spikes. CFL although hey can be hard to place are another good option they can be hard to place but produce good results also having a 6500k spectrum and a fair amt. of lumens being used because of the close proximity.

now if your looking for long tubes i would recommend t12/t8 first off, they are cheaper, second they will last the longest (as far as flouro goes they polorize, glass changes chemical properties, and the UVB levels are reduced by 6 months they will be useless i would give a t8 or t12 about 10 months) the downside to linear though is range which is where MVB comes in.

if you are well ventilated or have AC i would recommend MVB and in fact westron lighting (currently the best producer of these bulbs since thier redesigns in2012)
is having a sale of x2 100w MVB for 50$ i thing four of these would be perfect for your room within 20" of the plant tops.
Right now my room is sitting at 70-71 degrees with lights on. Would that be cool enough for those 100W MVB's for the room?



Well-Known Member
whats the good word J, the grow is coming along quite nicely I must say and im really diggn all the lighting talks, its like a thread all in its own.. and heck no you didnt built that scrog screen for nothing. even if the GDP doesnt fill it in the tevas most definetly will once it is there turn.
well you were my last post befor I left for the mountains and now your my first back...
just thought that since your first round in your new room is GDP that you might appreciate a nice outdoor GDP bush... boy "O" boy she looks so lovely to me..


Active Member
whats the good word J, the grow is coming along quite nicely I must say and im really diggn all the lighting talks, its like a thread all in its own.. and heck no you didnt built that scrog screen for nothing. even if the GDP doesnt fill it in the tevas most definetly will once it is there turn.
well you were my last post befor I left for the mountains and now your my first back...
just thought that since your first round in your new room is GDP that you might appreciate a nice outdoor GDP bush... boy "O" boy she looks so lovely to me..

Hey look, its my girls older cousin!


Reggae, its looking like the clones will be showing roots through the rooter in about 48 more hours. the stems allready have rooted enough that i can pull the plugs with no slip from the stem.



Well-Known Member
WB By the way Reggae, how was the trip?
Nothing but good times J.. I had a blast and if I didnt need to come back to water the new clones I would have stayed longer... looks like I timmed the trip perfectly cause when I got back the rockwool cubes were totally dry and only 5 were sagging. I gave them a good water this morning and havnt checked on them since so even they might be back among the standing... not sure if they are rooted yet but I will check later this afternoon and let you know what the good word is...


Well-Known Member
ok so I did see them pics already I guess I can wait a few more days for the next.. you just got me so excited talking about 2 1/2" of growth last night.. so what do you think is that screen gonna be completely paccked when the stretch is complete? it just might


Active Member
ok so I did see them pics already I guess I can wait a few more days for the next.. you just got me so excited talking about 2 1/2" of growth last night.. so what do you think is that screen gonna be completely paccked when the stretch is complete? it just might
I am sure that everything directly under the light on the left hand side will be filled, and I think at least 75% of the right will fill out too. in all honesty if I can just get the hole in the left filled even without the right the yeild will be very good. And as I tune in the system things will only get better.


Well-Known Member
scary fuckn shit going on outside my house again.. there are 2 sheriff cop cars and 3 pd cars just posted up blocking the street with there lights on..??? WTF good thing im not trimmn right now, but still why are they there??? im flippn the fuck out man.
well im just gonna chill and watch a movie keep your fingers crossed that I get to check in tomorrow...


Active Member
scary fuckn shit going on outside my house again.. there are 2 sheriff cop cars and 3 pd cars just posted up blocking the street with there lights on..??? WTF good thing im not trimmn right now, but still why are they there??? im flippn the fuck out man.
well im just gonna chill and watch a movie keep your fingers crossed that I get to check in tomorrow...

Everything okay bro?


Well-Known Member
hell yeah you good man? i live in the city and the pigs are always cruising my block scares the fuck out of me but im so low key i know im not their target at least i hope not, anyways hope your all good man.