Do you think incest is bad?

Is incest ok??

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 48.7%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 40 51.3%

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Well-Known Member
I love that song! You ever hear the CD when you were young? It had that intro on it you don't hear on the radio? Of the kid playing the music really loud and his dad bangs on the door? I used to crack up about that when I was little. Now i'm a parent so I hear it on my ipod and i'm like "I would knock that lil fucker across the..." Oh sorry I got off track...
Isn't that song on the same CD he got into trouble 4 because everyone was all upset that he was vandalizing that car in the video or a live performance.


Well-Known Member
lol i know he make fun of my spelling the first post he ever posted towards me was making fun of my spelling. he always is mean to people for no reason thats why he has so many people that hate him.
The only reason I do that is because you talk shit about things that you dont know about and people that you dont know about. If youre gonna personally insult someone, at least spell the insult correctly.


Well-Known Member
You have to be really ignorant to think that.
You have to be really ignorant to think otherwise! Why do blacks from the south have any "leftover" language? Why haven't they learned proper english after all this time? Because the people that use "ebonics" are lazy and or stupid (uneducated). Not because of ties to the south, but because of lack of parental discipline and laziness!

Seems educated black people feel the same way about ebonics!

Black American linguist John McWhorter argues that the use of the term does more to hinder black academic achievement than to help it, in that considering AAVE to be a completely different language from English serves only to widen the perceived divide between whites and blacks in America


Well-Known Member
You had deft. I know you did lol. But it's ok. We all make typos. It's allll good.
No I didnt. Go back and read when I pointed out how he spelled it wrong when the correctly spelled word was right in front of him. I didnt even have time to edit it if I wanted to.


Well-Known Member
no you went in and changed it i dont feel ashamed enough about my horrable spelling to do all of that. but he wants to make a good impression to that "white girl" lol hes got a internet crush


Well-Known Member
You have to be really ignorant to think otherwise! Why do blacks from the south have any "leftover" language? Why haven't they learn proper english after all this time? Because the people that use "ebonics" are lazy and or stupid (uneducated). Not because of ties to the south, but because of lack of parental discipline and laziness!

Seems educated black people feel the same way about ebonics!

Black American linguist John McWhorter argues that the use of the term does more to hinder black academic achievement than to help it, in that considering AAVE to be a completely different language from English serves only to widen the perceived divide between whites and blacks in America
What you just said is racist, accept that or not. Go read the writings of Marcus Garvey, Huey P Newton, and Malcolm X.


Well-Known Member
You have to be really ignorant to think otherwise! Why do blacks from the south have any "leftover" language? Why haven't they learn proper english after all this time? Because the people that use "ebonics" are lazy and or stupid (uneducated). Not because of ties to the south, but because of lack of parental discipline and laziness!

Seems educated black people feel the same way about ebonics!

Black American linguist John McWhorter argues that the use of the term does more to hinder black academic achievement than to help it, in that considering AAVE to be a completely different language from English serves only to widen the perceived divide between whites and blacks in America
Because it's a form of forced assimilation into european culture...


Well-Known Member
Lmao... the word is right in front of u and u still spell it wrong.. and u dont even know its meaning.

LOL! Same goes for ebonics! Words they fuck up are right in front of them all day and very easy to learn and they still get them wrong! I'm glad not all black people are into ebonics, I'm not racist for making fun of the ignorance it takes to use!


Well-Known Member
The only reason I do that is because you talk shit about things that you dont know about and people that you dont know about. If youre gonna personally insult someone, at least spell the insult correctly.
the only person i have ever personaly insult on this web site is you because you fucked with me and you fucked with my frind for no reason cause you like picking on people cause you have mental problems douch bag


Well-Known Member
no you went in and changed it i dont feel ashamed enough about my horrable spelling to do all of that. but he wants to make a good impression to that "white girl" lol hes got a internet crush
Ill put $1000 in a paypal account right now against that. Ill bet you fair and square. A mod can tell you if the post was edited at all.


Well-Known Member
No I didnt. Go back and read when I pointed out how he spelled it wrong when the correctly spelled word was right in front of him. I didnt even have time to edit it if I wanted to.
Listen lmao...I can type up a post and edit it three times before the timer goes off and puts the "edited by" notice at the bottom of the post. I KNOW you had deft because I had to reread it. I don't really care that you made a typo, but who are you tryin to lie to? lol. I saw it dude. It's fine.


Well-Known Member
How is it forced? No one is forced to use ebonics! last I checked a kid can go to school broke or not, Hell I heard they will even give them a free lunch for showing up!
I'm saying forcing people to chage their dialect to something closer to your own is cultural assimilation.


Well-Known Member
Listen lmao...I can type up a post and edit it three times before the timer goes off and puts the "edited by" notice at the bottom of the post. I KNOW you had deft because I had to reread it. I don't really care that you made a typo, but who are you tryin to lie to? lol. I saw it dude. It's fine.
If it's fine then drop it.. Spelling nazis.. Pshhh.


Well-Known Member
the only person i have ever personaly insult on this web site is you because you fucked with me and you fucked with my frind for no reason cause you like picking on people cause you have mental problems douch bag
No, it started because you started insulting people just for trying to relay the truth about 9/11. I dont just start talking shit for no reason.
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