Hi everybody, it's been a while that i'm looking on this website but this is my first post. I've started a new hydroponic SCROG in a closet for personal consumption and I'm searching for the strains i'll grow. I would like to grow some sativa strains like a Dr Grinspoon or maybe a few seeds from mexican brickweed (it would be sooo interesting to see what it would give hehe), but there's one strain that i'm trying so hard to find and there's a story with it.
So here's my story. A year ago, one of my friend came with a strain that was called green crack. After I've smoked some of this magical weed, I was completely blown away by the highly energetic high it gave me. So it's been a year that i'm looking EVERYWHERE to find green crack clones or buds. I've crossed buds only one time after. Is there somebody here that can help me in my quest? Lol is there somebody that know where to find clones or atleast just give me more information about this strain? It would be so helpful.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad english i'm french from Quebec lol
You can contact me on my email adress : rikikilavachevolante@hotmail.com
So here's my story. A year ago, one of my friend came with a strain that was called green crack. After I've smoked some of this magical weed, I was completely blown away by the highly energetic high it gave me. So it's been a year that i'm looking EVERYWHERE to find green crack clones or buds. I've crossed buds only one time after. Is there somebody here that can help me in my quest? Lol is there somebody that know where to find clones or atleast just give me more information about this strain? It would be so helpful.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad english i'm french from Quebec lol
You can contact me on my email adress : rikikilavachevolante@hotmail.com