The compassionate left.


Well-Known Member
Is that how you're responding to anyone who disagrees with you? You accuse them of being a member of Stormfront? Are you forging posts fot DesertDude too, now? You're a proven liar and a fucking jackass. You're a embarrassment to your cause, your family, and your country. And the moderator on this forum is a hypocrite for not banning you.

haha faggot


Ursus marijanus
A white male will kill someone in the near future. There, I made a prediction, it has probably already happened before I can finish this post. Therefore, we should round up all white males (and any non-white males just to be safe) an detain them until they die? You must accept that by your logic or you're not "man"


Well-Known Member
hell, I was only in here to say the dude in the video rant at the cute little redhead, had a right to say what he wanted. I bet he regrets it now. the entire country knows who he is, he made his mark on society,not for the better either. We The people have/will shame him into submission. You know it worked cuz he posted his apology days later. if anything, maybe he deserves a break, he actually admitted his mistake. many like him will not, and that is the problem with the people who act out in society. Shame used to work. When someone misbehaved the community would shun them until they managed to prove they were willing to live with the rest of us with out incident. That only works in rare cases nowadays. Like them adolph naming parents, you know they havent changed. they will not feel shame, will not change. Those types are the problem, not some dude who spouted off at the mouth with out thinking.
I disagree, in part. The idiot planned this out, it wasn't a spur of the moment thing. His only regret was that he was scorned instead of the praise he expected. His claim of being a hetrosexual reminds me of the hundreds of liberals calling into talk radio programs and claiming to be Republicans, as suggested by, and spouting the same talking points listed on's web site, several times a day. He didn't have right to be offensive to that worker, video tape her reaction, and then televise it for personal gain. She should sue him.


Well-Known Member
The employees have nothing to do with Dan Cathy's Bible inspired bigotry. :dunce:

If the KKK and Black Panthers can still operate legally, then I don't see why this guy can't express his hatred for gays. It's a free country :fire:


Well-Known Member
IM ACTUALLY WONDERING UNDER WHAT GROUNDS DID HE GET FIRED FOR (oops, damn caps lock) I mean, was he at the office, or was he on his own free n personal time? who made the decision to fire him? could be grounds for wrongful termination ? idk, jus speculating at this point.
Perfectly legal to fire anyone for any reason other than ethnicity, religion, gender, or age.


Well-Known Member
What rights do homosexuals not have that "everyone" else does?
spouses can't be compelled to testify against their partners. do same sex couples enjoy this right?

michelle bachmann called, she wants her failed argument and her gay husband back when you're done using both of them.


Well-Known Member
Calling someone a "faggot" in the street is free speech and would not hold up in court otherwise as "slander". I finished in the top of my business law class. Slander is not publicly calling someone a faggot, and a lawsuit would only fail miserably regarding such, in the court of law. Now you say, "I have no remorse if said faggot beats your ass down"... go ahead and beat someone down for calling you a "faggot". You will lose that case in court, absolutely, without a doubt. Nowhere does calling someone a "faggot" in public correlate to yelling "fire" in a theater... they're completely different. You're deviating from the point I've made. And yes, saying "you wish all niggers would hang from a tree" is absolutely free speech. As well as saying "the white devil should be chained up and whipped until they die", is free speech. Protesting a dead soldier's funeral is absolutely free speech, protest, and peaceful assembly. You could take this to a court of law, and you would lose miserably arguing the opposite. Free speech does not end, knocking on your door. I'm very aware of what harassment is, and what you're arguing against is not harassment. I'm not confused at all, I'm perfectly aware of what free speech is, and how it deviates from harassment and slander. Unfortunately, the one confused is you. This is blatantly demonstrated by your statement of "I have no remorse if said faggot beats your ass down". Emotion doesn't dictate law...
Most off what you say is true, but there is a "fighting words" defense for "beating one down" AKA assault. I only know of one such instance, a white man repeatedly called a black man a "nigger" who then knocked his ass out, but I'm sure there have been others. Under the law, if you provoke an attack, you share responsibility for what may occur.


Well-Known Member
Most off what you say is true, but there is a "fighting words" defense for "beating one down" AKA assault. I only know of one such instance, a white man repeatedly called a black man a "nigger" who then knocked his ass out, but I'm sure there have been others. Under the law, if you provoke an attack, you share responsibility for what may occur.

Except in the case of Zimmerman harrassing a black kid
Right skinhead?


Well-Known Member
on a straight google search for "red1966 stormfront". you can delete accounts but the internet never forgets.

  1. [h=3]insurgents owned - BBS post summary | BoardReader[/h]
    Stormfront - White Nationalist Community - 8 Stormfront - White Nationalist Community: site profile .... Started 1 month ago by Red1966. Originally Posted by ...

  2. [h=3]Six Degrees Records - forum talks | BoardReader[/h]
    Started 3 weeks, 2 days ago by Red1966 .... Stormfront - White Nationalist Community · More from Stormfront - White Nationalist Community · Stormfront - White ...



Well-Known Member
This is a quick way to end reasonable discussion. I am a leftist, I don't lie. What happens here is that rather than bring up cogent arguments the right simply cries "lie" - it even happened in a state of the Union speech. Lies eminating from the right are notorius and demonstratable. One of the tricks in the rightist argument bag is this general accusation of lie. another is tagging the messenger with the content of the message. If someone points out that he sees racisim, why the commenter must be a racist because only those who are sensitive to racism can be, right? And if someone points out the fact that there is class disparity, that person is accused of fomenting class warfare, because to point out the truth is to encourage this sort of warfare. The right does these things because, as I have said, they cannot adjust their ideology to the facts that surround them. Or are these points "lies" because I have "lost the argument" Beenthere? I have yet to see your explaination for why Ohio shortened its extending voting times - in dem controled counties.
Right, the left never lies, if you point it out, you're evil.


Well-Known Member
compare it to a search for "unclebuck stormfront"

  1. [h=3]Ever seen this bug? ("Western Conifer Seed Bug ... - Stormfront[/h] › Stormfront › General › Lounge
    3 posts - 2 authors - Sep 15, 2011
    Yeah, I miss John Candy. I loved his portrayal of the babysitter, "Uncle Buck." Reminded me so much of my younger brother at the time that.
    Walt Disney and the Jews‎ - 21 posts - Jun 14, 2012
    Texas Beach Party Shootings‎ - 14 posts - Apr 8, 2012
    H.P. Lovecraft Was Racist. Who Knew? - Page 2‎ - 10 posts - Aug 7, 2011
    I knew it, Lady Gaga is a jew‎ - 10 posts - Dec 9, 2009
    More results from »

  2. [h=3]Thread BLACK VIRGINIA STATE SENATOR: Romney's Recent Gains In ...[/h]
    11 posts - 6 authors - Jul 25
    Domain info for: ..... Romney racism · UncleBuck - Marijuana Growing: site profile · UncleBuck - Marijuana Growing: forum profile ...
