Calling someone a "faggot" in the street is free speech and would not hold up in court otherwise as "slander". I finished in the top of my business law class. Slander is not publicly calling someone a faggot, and a lawsuit would only fail miserably regarding such, in the court of law. Now you say, "I have no remorse if said faggot beats your ass down"... go ahead and beat someone down for calling you a "faggot". You will lose that case in court, absolutely, without a doubt. Nowhere does calling someone a "faggot" in public correlate to yelling "fire" in a theater... they're completely different. You're deviating from the point I've made. And yes, saying "you wish all niggers would hang from a tree" is absolutely free speech. As well as saying "the white devil should be chained up and whipped until they die", is free speech. Protesting a dead soldier's funeral is absolutely free speech, protest, and peaceful assembly. You could take this to a court of law, and you would lose miserably arguing the opposite. Free speech does not end, knocking on your door. I'm very aware of what harassment is, and what you're arguing against is not harassment. I'm not confused at all, I'm perfectly aware of what free speech is, and how it deviates from harassment and slander. Unfortunately, the one confused is you. This is blatantly demonstrated by your statement of "I have no remorse if said faggot beats your ass down". Emotion doesn't dictate law...