Piss test tomorrow


Active Member
So tomorrow I have to go take a Labcorp pre employment drug test that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail. I've been clean for a week now but I know it isn't enough since my wife and I usually smoke a quarter a week. I've been loading up on creatine the past couple of days and drinking ounces and ounces of water/gatoraid/crystal light for a couple days now as well as taking B vitamins to try and flush my system the best I can.

Im following this post (http://boards.cannabis.com/drug-testing/1147-dilution-tips-tricks-guidelines.html) and praying it will help me pass but I still have my doubts.

Any last minute tricks/suggestions/experience? I start working for the car parts chain on Tuesday, think they'll fire me on the spot if I piss dirty even though I have 5+ years experience dealing with automotive parts? Pretty fucked up IMO if they do. It's non of their business what I do in my own free time!


Well-Known Member
So tomorrow I have to go take a Labcorp pre employment drug test that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail. I've been clean for a week now but I know it isn't enough since my wife and I usually smoke a quarter a week. I've been loading up on creatine the past couple of days and drinking ounces and ounces of water/gatoraid/crystal light for a couple days now as well as taking B vitamins to try and flush my system the best I can.

Im following this post (http://boards.cannabis.com/drug-testing/1147-dilution-tips-tricks-guidelines.html) and praying it will help me pass but I still have my doubts.

Any last minute tricks/suggestions/experience? I start working for the car parts chain on Tuesday, think they'll fire me on the spot if I piss dirty even though I have 5+ years experience dealing with automotive parts? Pretty fucked up IMO if they do. It's non of their business what I do in my own free time!
Bleach? wtfever.
Those detox drinks work a good percentage of the time. they call for not smoking for 48 hours and have a few hour window for you to actually be tested. I passed a test with the detox drink and quit 1 week.


Misguided Angel
If they detect bleach in your urine it is a fail. If your piss is too diluted from drinking nothing but water it is a fail. Your best bet is one of those flush drinks/kits.


Active Member
If your piss is too diluted from drinking nothing but water it is a fail. Your best bet is one of those flush drinks/kits.
According to the link I posted, the large amounts of creatine and vitamin B are supposed to help the urine seem non-diluted. And I read multiple places that Labcorp and other testing sites can detect those flush drinks so I stayed away from them.


New Member
Desperate idiots drink bleach, I'm assuming this is a more serious job, not much to say but good luck and try to sweat as much as possible.


Active Member
Desperate idiots drink bleach, I'm assuming this is a more serious job, not much to say but good luck and try to sweat as much as possible.
It's hot as hell here recently and I will be doing yard work in the morning so that will help out some. Think pounding a Monster in the morning would be a bad idea? Since I can't sleep well without smoking I'll be tired as shit tomorrow and will need a boost! Can't hurt any I wouldn't think and they always make me piss yellow like 5 times lol

Either that or a double shot Grande frappuccino is in order


New Member
Energy drinks have lots of creatine so that would definitely help in both doing more work and cleansing, plus it's liquid so it woukd help alot. I'd drink alot of water as well, ad much as you can without drowning yourself of course lol.


Well-Known Member
Get up early and start flooding your system with as much clear liquid as you can take in. Pee many times before the actual test. Drink and pee, drink and pee, etc. Early morning your bladder has it's highest concentration of the pot metabolites in the urine. Exercising probably will help your system along, including cleansing your kidney's, etc. If you drink and pee enough, you'll pass if you haven't smoked in a week plus........ good luck.


Active Member
Get up early and start flooding your system with as much clear liquid as you can take in. Pee many times before the actual test. Drink and pee, drink and pee, etc. Early morning your bladder has it's highest concentration of the pot metabolites in the urine. Exercising probably will help your system along, including cleansing your kidney's, etc. If you drink and pee enough, you'll pass if you haven't smoked in a week plus........ good luck.
Thanks bro, I've got a giant jug of Gatoraide for breakfast in the morning :)


Well-Known Member
make sure you pee a few times before you go an take the test. get you a red bull an take some of your creatine an that should make the watered down pee look a lot more legit. good luck bro i dunno if its gonna help or not, but fuck its worth a try.


Active Member
Would they care about alcohol if not get fuking pissed the night before?

I don't understand how they can force people to take these drug tests man you lot have no human rights over there.

I have never had a drug test would prob fail as i am shit at tests lol but i know some emloyers over here do them.

But yeh how the fuk should they tell you how to live your life outside your employment it is just communisum lol.


Well-Known Member
If they detect bleach in your urine it is a fail. If your piss is too diluted from drinking nothing but water it is a fail. Your best bet is one of those flush drinks/kits.

They will not fail you for having very diluted urine like you drank a lot of water...but they will fail one for adding water so it seems diluted...but the key is to dilute your urine as much as possible before going in...so drink water and water and water and water and pee and pee and pee, and then more water and water and water and water...things with vinegar help to clean out the urinary tract, as does cranberry juice...the more liquid from inside your body that you need to get out...the less drugs that can escape through at a time...They can't fault someone for drinking water...just adding water after the fact to purposefully dilute said urine.


Well-Known Member
Stopping a week prior and hydrating is iffy at best.

I would get a home-test at the pharmacy to be sure. If you fail that, cancel the official test.

Better to lose the job opportunity than be on record as pissing hot.

Good luck.