Favorite / fastest substrate


dose anybody have a opion on ordering spore syringes at if so wht company is recommended and witch ones are not.. thank you for your time


Well-Known Member
everywhere i read says that grain jars colonize faster than PF tek. my popcorn didn't colonize very fast but that's not necessarily top quality grain now is it

i made a substrate of 5 parts cour, 5 parts verm, and 1 part gypsum. it colonized fully in about 6 days i think


Undercover Mod
I don't think i'm gonnas user whoel grain unrefined any more. I had a bunch of the rice sprout and then ferment killing the mycellium idk how to spell and no spell check on this bitch.

I used refined brown rice, like instant brown rice for two jars and they are fully colonized and beautiful.


Well-Known Member
everywhere i read says that grain jars colonize faster than PF tek. my popcorn didn't colonize very fast but that's not necessarily top quality grain now is it

i made a substrate of 5 parts cour, 5 parts verm, and 1 part gypsum. it colonized fully in about 6 days i think

did you shake your grain? If you did not, then it will take longer than even most mixes. I don't see much in the way of nutrients in your mix, looks more like a casing than a substrate. The mushrooms can't eat the vermiculite or the gypsum so they are left with only a small amount (less than half) of a low nutrient material.


Well-Known Member
I don't think i'm gonnas user whoel grain unrefined any more. I had a bunch of the rice sprout and then ferment killing the mycellium idk how to spell and no spell check on this bitch.

I used refined brown rice, like instant brown rice for two jars and they are fully colonized and beautiful.

If your rice sprouted then you didn't sterilize your substrate.


Undercover Mod
I did alot of jars I might have messed up because I only pulled three and my pot only holds three so you're probably right. Man that's what I get for doing them at three in the morning,. lol


1st time here using spawn bags. 1st attempt had green mold along with myc. Threw that out. Next i am going to try spawn and fruit bag kit. Any suggestions? Using Burma and Ecuador strains if that helps.


Undercover Mod
Everything is going nicely got the majority of my cakes in a fruiting chamber. Three to four weeks we shall see what we get.


Well-Known Member
I inoculated a bulk substrate of 6 parts coir, 4 parts vermiculite (i may have that backwards), and 1 part granulated gypsum with colonized popcorn

it was fully colonized in 7 days and ready for fruiting

but that's the full extent of my experience so far so I can't say if that's any good


Undercover Mod
Well basically i'm just messing around. I took instant brown rice put it in a pyrex pan. I put four cups of rice and three cups of water and covered it with foil. I baked it four an hour at 250 then took it out and used a mason jar to indent the center oif the mass.

Then covered it back up cooked it at 270 for half hour. Let it cool over night. Then took a rice cake I had that was fully colonized and placed it in the center. In a sterile box this was all done. Then covered it again and let it sit until its fully colonized. Working pretty good so far. Just worried about contaninants


Undercover Mod
So I just picked a rather large one because the veil was starting to split and it weighs 31 grams would be cloe to 3gs?