i was pulled over a few years ago one night while i was "working", well really on a wawa run for some munchies.. my work is pretty much out in the country, and smoking while running to the store is what i'm all about..
i was mid bowl when i saw the lights come on, or rather mid hit actually...
i was shitting my pants, holding the hit in while pulling over to the side of the road.. i looked in the rearview and noticed the cop getting out of his car when i remembered that i had better blow the hit it now or risk doing so in his face...
i blew the hit out, pulled the lite cig out of the ashtray and started puffing till i was blue in the face, blowing smoke every which direction i could think of trying to cover the scent of weed.. idk how the cop didn't smell anything but newport, but he didn't, and simply asked if i knew why i was pulled over.. thinking of saying something along the lines of dui, possession of cannabis, etc, i thought better of it and played it dumb and said, no clue officer, sir.. he said my break lights weren't working, and to get them fixed, and let me go..
i got back to work and changed
my shitty pants right away...