My kick ass 400w grow tent setup w/ waterfarm

Shit, its a hermie! After closer examination it has hairs in few spots. I dont know why I couldnt see them. Well it is kind of hard getting into the tent to look at it. I still see a few spots that look like its going to be a male. But it is mostly female? I really need some bud to smoke and I would hate to kill this plant. Dam things were so much simpler when I thought it was a male. Ill throw in back in the oven for a while longer. Ill watch it develop, maybe Im jumping the gun, but im guessing its a hermie.

Well, a hermie is slightly better than a male. If it is are you going to keep it?

And god damn, I didn't check in for 2 days and I wind up being 5 pages behind.
Well, a hermie is slightly better than a male. If it is are you going to keep it?

And god damn, I didn't check in for 2 days and I wind up being 5 pages behind.

Things move quickly around here, especially when i have two days in a row off. I almost forgot to go to work last night, Im not used to having my days free. Its finals week and my school schedule is all screwy.

If its a hermie Im going to chop its balls off every time I see one, and I think there is a spray or something you can use to keep the male branches from growing? You guys know what its called?
So, you'd basically be turning your Hermi into a Tranny?

Well thats a good way to look at it. Ill have a bunch of girls that are really boys in the inside. Great, Ill have gay plants! Im thinking of just puttin it out in the woods. Im too embarresed to have a plant with a sex reversal. Its just not what I had in mind. The best things is to just get rid of it. I have no room in my breeding program for a sexually frustrated plant.
Yeah its proven to work though. I got factual information on that product from "Earl". That guy knows his shit. LB also knows about it as well.
Yeah its proven to work though. I got factual information on that product from "Earl". That guy knows his shit. LB also knows about it as well.

Probably a good investment even if I dont use it to keep this strain going. Im so on the fence about whether or not I should even waste my time with a hermie? Literally overnight hairs are popping out everywhere. BUT I have found at least 6 spots that look like they are male preflowers. My big concern is are these male pre flowers going to start popping up everywhere? Im guessing yes? Also the thing is so big its doesnt fit in the tent anymore. It can only grow about 3" before its in the lights. Im also considering stringing up the tent and training the branches out. But if its going to hermie on me than why bother? Its not like its the only strain I have going. Plus the first female hasnt hermied at all, and she is a lot shorter. Her clones are about a day away from coming out of the cloner. Just waiting for the roots to pop out of the bottom of the rockwool cube. I see roots, just not at the bottom of the cube yet.

You like my avatar? That was taken near Lake Okeechobee, that was my first accelerated free fall. You wanna talk about getting high? Try doing it at 13,000 feet! No better rush in this world.
I wanted to askyou if you jumped? That shit takes courage. I salute you.

Its no different than any other challenge in life. You just have to suck it up and do it. It really just mind over matter. And a little faith in your equipment doesnt hurt too. ;-)
Do you guys think it would be overkill if I threw a second cooltube in the dark room? Two 400watters, 1MH, 1HPS? Its only 32"x32"x65". I have two cooltubes with two 400W ballasts. But I dont have anywhere to use the last cooltube. Im out of places to put grow tents. Im too happy with the closet setup to mess that up. Hhmmm?
sell your tents a get the DR300!!!!!

damnit man...if you wanted to put that much in the dr80 why didnt you at least get the dr120......if you like the dr80, i know for sure you will like the 120
sell your tents a get the DR300!!!!!

damnit man...if you wanted to put that much in the dr80 why didnt you at least get the dr120......if you like the dr80, i know for sure you will like the 120

I need to be able to live in the same room as all these tents! lol!! Its bad enough I was looking at my shoe rack thinking how if I just took out all of the middle shelves I could hang a CFL there! Im all out of space, and I refuse to let this new hobby leave my bedroom. Maybe I could elevate my bed with cinder blocks. Slide a ebb and flow tray under that puppy and tie the plants down. No, no, Im done, no more grow tents. No putting the bed on stilts. I guess Ill just be happy with the op i have going. ;-)
I need to be able to live in the same room as all these tents! lol!! Its bad enough I was looking at my shoe rack thinking how if I just took out all of the middle shelves I could hang a CFL there! Im all out of space, and I refuse to let this new hobby leave my bedroom. Maybe I could elevate my bed with cinder blocks. Slide a ebb and flow tray under that puppy and tie the plants down. No, no, Im done, no more grow tents. No putting the bed on stilts. I guess Ill just be happy with the op i have going. ;-)
If need be you can always start growing shrooms for money they are easy and fast to grow..
havent finished looking through your thread yet.. but i just got one of those hombox things. i got the small one .. i wanted to know what type of light are your using in there and how are your ventalating/removing heat.. i just got the homebox and a 250 watt hps trying to fuigre out the best way to rig it up
Look through this entire thread he has his 400 watt hanging from the tent hooked up to a vent fan and carbon filter, just look through the thread for the pic's... I ordered a Clonebox, after I get some more money I am gona order a homebox large
If need be you can always start growing shrooms for money they are easy and fast to grow..

My days of tripping are behind me. I think after a couple of hundred times it gets old. The only reason Im here is because I dont worry about getting into trouble. I know that they arent going to bother me since they will never buy it from me. I have no interest in making a dime from any of my current projects. Im not trying to sound like a critic, Im just a veteran of the game. I think that you can only role the dice so many times. In the end you learn that no matter how much you make its never enough and its not worth it anyway. I have always looked for shortcuts and i found them. But you know what, they ended up being lengthy detours with many pitfalls. Now Im in my late 20's and just finishing my second year of college. All my cousins have their masters degrees and they are much, much younger than me. But then again they werent balling like I was at their ages. But look who ended up ahead? Ill give you a hint, it wasnt me. ;-)