24/0 vs 18/6


Well-Known Member
depending on how fast you want your plants to grow is how long your lights are on. If you put them under 24/7 all that will happen is that you will lose SOME yield due to that fact, i read that somewhere when I was doing my homework.
no point in trying, no one will believe you without substantial evidence. Doing your homework somewhere doesn't do much.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like an urban legend. These types of rumors go around all the time. There are a dozen of this ilk: plant spends time developing sugars, dark is necessary for the plant to grow, etc. . . as far as I can tell (from reported evidence) these are all bullshit.
Then please explain why I have to move my lights up in the morning due to the growth spurt at night?

This isn't some shit I'm pulling out of my ass.. this is first-hand experience.





Well-Known Member
Then please explain why I have to move my lights up in the morning due to the growth spurt at night?

This isn't some shit I'm pulling out of my ass.. this is first-hand experience.



I have no doubt they grow during the night. I also bet they grow during the day. Mine sure do.

Hey man, we've all got anecdotal evidence of what works for us. I'm sure it varies with other things like medium and strain as well ... the apparent lack of night/day evidence is enough to suggest that either is just fine.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt they grow during the night. I also bet they grow during the day. Mine sure do.

Hey man, we've all got anecdotal evidence of what works for us. I'm sure it varies with other things like medium and strain as well ... the apparent lack of night/day evidence is enough to suggest that either is just fine.
Plants grow all of the time.

When light hits them the cells start producing sugars, photosynthesis, which is very high school biology.

At night they don't produce any sugars.. they use what they have made during the day. So logic would dictate that since they aren't producing sugars they'd be using them.




Active Member
Thank you much for the input. I started these as 24/0, think Ill keep that way, and next batch Ill do 18/6.

My 2 cents: Buy a vaporizer, they are great:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Thank you much for the input. I started these as 24/0, think Ill keep that way, and next batch Ill do 18/6.

My 2 cents: Buy a vaporizer, they are great:twisted:
I have a glass-blower in the phamalie.. and I love how a Sherlock blows me away.. something about the design just gets me better than a bong.




Well-Known Member
Plants grow all of the time.

When light hits them the cells start producing sugars, photosynthesis, which is very high school biology.

At night they don't produce any sugars.. they use what they have made during the day. So logic would dictate that since they aren't producing sugars they'd be using them.


Yes, well producing sugars doesn't preclude using them, so by your logic it would be best to always be producing sugars for growth.


Well-Known Member
I have tested the 24/0 and the 18/6 on Big Bud, white widow and bag seed grows and have found that all these plants liked the 18/6 schedule, something about the dark they like, don't know why....but the plants liked the dark period.

Just try it for yourself and see if one is better than the other. Sometimes you just have to experiment on your own.


Well-Known Member
Yes, well producing sugars doesn't preclude using them, so by your logic it would be best to always be producing sugars for growth.
Quite the opposite my confused friend.

If the plant is always producing sugars then it cannot focus on one thing at a time. They will produce sugars and try to use them at the same time they are storing them, along with so many other processes of a plant.

If the plant is given time to 'rest' and use the sugars it has produced during the 'day' cycle then logic would dictate that during the 'night' cycle they would focus on growth.

Seriously, open a BIO 101 book.

I have tested the 24/0 and the 18/6 on Big Bud, white widow and bag seed grows and have found that all these plants liked the 18/6 schedule, something about the dark they like, don't know why....but the plants liked the dark period.

Just try it for yourself and see if one is better than the other. Sometimes you just have to experiment on your own.
Tried and tested, mother approved!




Well-Known Member
Quite the opposite my confused friend.

If the plant is always producing sugars then it cannot focus on one thing at a time. They will produce sugars and try to use them at the same time they are storing them, along with so many other processes of a plant.

If the plant is given time to 'rest' and use the sugars it has produced during the 'day' cycle then logic would dictate that during the 'night' cycle they would focus on growth.

Seriously, open a BIO 101 book.

Tried and tested, mother approved!


I understood your argument, but you didn't convey it in what you wrote. Nothing you said implied producing and using sugars were mutually exclusive.

And don't be patronizing asshole by telling someone to open a book. Trust me, I know plenty of science. If I didn't, I would still be annoyed.

The plant is continually carrying out many many biochemical processes simultaneously. The argument that it can't 'focus on more than one thing' doesn't really hold water. It's like saying I can't eat and digest at the same time. Unless there is a limiting catalyst, inhibitor, or precursor involved in both pathways, then there is no reason they can't simultaneously occur.

So apparently a couple growers here contradict the collected knowledge of hundreds of growers that Ed and Jorge have accumulated. I don't doubt your personal results, but of course I'm skeptical on how generally applicable they are.


Well-Known Member
I understood your argument, but you didn't convey it in what you wrote. Nothing you said implied producing and using sugars were mutually exclusive.

And don't be patronizing asshole by telling someone to open a book. Trust me, I know plenty of science. If I didn't, I would still be annoyed.

The plant is continually carrying out many many biochemical processes simultaneously. The argument that it can't 'focus on more than one thing' doesn't really hold water. It's like saying I can't eat and digest at the same time. Unless there is a limiting catalyst, inhibitor, or precursor involved in both pathways, then there is no reason they can't simultaneously occur.

So apparently a couple growers here contradict the collected knowledge of hundreds of growers that Ed and Jorge have accumulated. I don't doubt your personal results, but of course I'm skeptical on how generally applicable they are.
I'm not trying to attack ya.. and ya that was kinda childish.. my apollogies!


Those authors have great information.. but nothing beats personal experience, which is something you get just after you need it!




Well-Known Member
Just go with what works for ya man. If you like 18/6 its your call. I prefer 24/0. They
both will produce.


Active Member
I think there is some truth to both sides. It is a known fact that cannabis can photosynthesize continuously during vegetative growth but plants can be over "saturated" by light causing photoinhibition (reversible). It interferes with photosystems I & II damaging the water oxidizing process. Different plants handle it differently.

So as I am sure everyone has concluded that, as in life, there simply is no which is better umbrella type solution. Go with what works.


Active Member
I have tried both 18/6 and 24/7.. and the 24/7 does veg my plants faster and the power cost is minimal with florescent. Under 18/6 the plants just took longer to grow but the quality was the same...just my experience.....Here's another way to look at it. In the areas of Alaska where there is is light 24/7 in the summer (it's only gets twilight for a very brief period). They always show the huge ass vegetables the grow. No talk about sugars or any of that...just huge plants under 24/7 daylight.


Active Member
did anone answer the question???? I have done both...The way I see it is we are supposed o be mimicing the outdoors... Idont think we have sunlight for 24 hours a day!?? I think its pretty much common sense... if it dosnt makesense than it probably isn't true.... HAPPY 420


Active Member
Crispie........I know we don't have sunlight 24/7. But my point was that areas in Alaska in the summer that do ..grow huge plants. So vegging you plants on 24/7 would mimic those conditions that Alaska uses in the summer....


Well-Known Member
think everything you do in life including growing all comes downto common sense
So many things we do are not efforts to mimic nature, but to optimize the performance of the plant - at least by the metrics that we choose, not those that optimize its chance of survival. These are two objectives - mimicking nature and optimizing THC production - that are not necessarily coincident.

The logic that whatever is most like nature will make the best bud is therefore fallacious.


Active Member
Ceestyle....I see where your going with this. But selecting optimum growing conditions from nature and transferring those to indoor growing does not make the growing process fallacious at all. ...Or am I missing you point..