The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
on the smaller ones I would go 1 EC max, they are a bit small yet :P but they are already damaged and in a stressed state, so maybe it's better to build the feed up over a few days


Well-Known Member
ffs i dont get it!!!!!!!!! one min it burns with a light feeding and next i need to triple it! i just feed her with 0.9 do you think i should make more and feed her again?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
in the pic the leaves look burned at the tips.. would that still happen with n def?

it looks pale too so i see where you comeing from, kang you never give us an easy one do you..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ffs i dont get it!!!!!!!!! one min it burns with a light feeding and next i need to triple it! i just feed her with 0.9 do you think i should make more and feed her again?
i`d take it easy and build it up until you get the water sorted for sure... could be wrong, often am...;)


Well-Known Member
ffs i dont get it!!!!!!!!! one min it burns with a light feeding and next i need to triple it! i just feed her with 0.9 do you think i should make more and feed her again?
0.9 should be fine, I can't imagine an N def at that, but as AE says the tips look burned. You are a mystery man :p


Well-Known Member
i wish i dident have to give you any kinda one mate lol i am sick to death and cant get the hang of coco and a&b.


Well-Known Member
fuck it ill see tomorrow if its better or worse, i just wish i could get a grip on this as i need my own smoke!! later guys

and yeah why the fuck is the tips burning if its a def? should they not be just yellowing rather than burning like they got too much food

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wonder if its also slightly strain related??? have read on some bag seed not being able to properly use nutes, or something along those lines, i`m guessing now, better go find the page and re-read it to be sure..

catch you laters kang...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
repeat tho... what channel`s it on mand, and the name of the episode, there was only three of them think the last one is "the lost platoon"...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
soprano fans....... bbc4 10pm tomorrow night new comedy named lillyhammer..

stars syl or the guy that owned the badda bing... nuff said hahahahaha...


Well-Known Member
was looking at kangs pics why not just treat the plant as a weed
ph etc i know fuc all about and i totally respect what u guys r sayin but why not jus let it grow
and introduce feeds etc as the plant enhances into flower know u guys r tinkin wha the fuvk does he know and ye right
i got 1 tip from a v experinced grower from holand 1 time and he said
just let her do her thing


Well-Known Member
im a newbi dont mean to be smart i love readin along but been a soil grower never had such issues
plus i just grow from seed dont clone top or supercrop.use tap water which i dont know wha ph it is and just took 6 grams shy of 3 zipps off a pine chunk
i know a pic tells a 1000 word but to para
keep it simple its a weed not a rose bush

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
was looking at kangs pics why not just treat the plant as a weed
ph etc i know fuc all about and i totally respect what u guys r sayin but why not jus let it grow
and introduce feeds etc as the plant enhances into flower know u guys r tinkin wha the fuvk does he know and ye right
i got 1 tip from a v experinced grower from holand 1 time and he said
just let her do her thing

coco is inearth and has no nutes, that why you feed them trek... and were all here to learn, so theres no such thing as "what the fuck does he know" well i hope not or people on here must be pretty pissed at me hahahahaha i know f all about most methods of growing and speculate on it all..;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
im a newbi dont mean to be smart i love readin along but been a soil grower never had such issues
plus i just grow from seed dont clone top or supercrop.use tap water which i dont know wha ph it is and just took 6 grams shy of 3 zipps off a pine chunk
i know a pic tells a 1000 word but to para
keep it simple its a weed not a rose bush

pics or it didn`t happen hahahahaha.... you have to toss up one sometime ..

and soil is a great buffer so its way eaeier to grow in, more for amature growers or plain old lazy fucks.. like me, and i cover both lazy and amature there hahahaha...

but with coco etc your yeild and flavor increase so its the way to go from soil... then theres people that just rather the earthy taste from soil so stick with it for those reasons..


Well-Known Member
i meant people wud tink wha the fuc do I know. and im v limited on what i can say cause as always said im a newbi,
i know nothing abou coco and i see why people feed them now 86 no nutes fair point
is coco worth the hassle then feeding small plants like that sounds dodge easy fuc um up
stick 2 soil is my plan, have u ever used coco 86


Well-Known Member
pics or it didn`t happen hahahahaha.... you have to toss up one sometime ..

and soil is a great buffer so its way eaeier to grow in, more for amature growers or plain old lazy fucks.. like me, and i cover both lazy and amature there hahahaha...

but with coco etc your yeild and flavor increase so its the way to go from soil... then theres people that just rather the earthy taste from soil so stick with it for those reasons..
point taken bro suppose u have to try it to see crack wit it


Well-Known Member

  • pics or it didn`t happen hahahahaha....
    will put my money where mouth is 1 off these days 86..............llol
    just dont want to break my rules bro​


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nope, never have the money, i know sounds lame excuse but with house car and kids i`ve never any cash to buy anything for growing, and my run of bad luck means the timeing is always off, like i get some weed and get to save some cash to buy lights nutes etc, then something goes wallop, like the immersion heater, or the oil tank so on and so forth....

as for what you know, newbie or not, well i don`t think anyone on here really cares about it, there all here to help and teach the tricks they`ve learned along the way etc...

only thing you para fucker is no pics, we all like pics and helps cement you as a grower on here, like anyone can say they got a grow going or yeilded so much but without the pics....!!!!!