
Well-Known Member
wooooooo!!! forum party!!!!!!!

you effin rock my socks too wikid!! because you're wickeddd awesome. ha...get it.


Well-Known Member
Hey, weren't you going to post vids of you playing guitar hero?

lol, I was just rewatching fdd's guitar vids on youtube (smokin is still the best one yet), and it got me all pumped and ready to watch someone jam.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
stepped in poop everyday (at least twice) for the past 10 days.... comes with the filming in areas of the world with no latrines...

only got it o my hand once.... or at least once that I know of...


Well-Known Member
OK, I must be trippin, cuz I THOUGHT that's what you were getting at, but when I looked at D's post, I swear to god I thought I only saw 2 d's, so I was like...what?

Yeah, too faded, sorry.



Well-Known Member
stepped in poop everyday (at least twice) for the past 10 days.... comes with the filming in areas of the world with no latrines...

only got it o my hand once.... or at least once that I know of...
*tackles GK to the ground and smothers him in love*

Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a while, and I finally see you on, so now is the time.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
tonight at dinner somebody said...

"for woman it is not about the sex,,, it is about the connection"

I asked them to "please explain"

and they said

MEN "love" to fuck
Woman fuck to be "loved"

What they ment was, not that men LOVE TO FUCK , but that men will connect with woman... or love them.. in order to get laid... and woman will fuck, in order to make an intimate connection


wanna fook?



Well-Known Member
you can't tackle me? can you?


i hope we landed somewhere soft :)
I know where I WISH we, ok, I'm done.

Jesus, why do you and Lacy have to burst my bubble? Ok, ok, I admit, I probably couldn't really tackle you, but it's the thought that counts. Besides, it's not really about the tackle, it's about the love.