Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
Alright, throwing up a little update. Sour Flower in full effect. Threw some EWC and bat guano on the topsoil, and fed her with some organic nutes to help get her going, as well as some kelp and fish shtick. Yum. Not real sure how many weeks I'm at right now... I reckon around 3 or so, but I'll have to go back and check it. :weed:

p.s. hopefully the pic doesn't come out a thumbnail as I'm seeing right now... How am I having trouble posting pics all of a sudden? Hmm.


edit: it works, sorta. I guess you have to use photobucket now if you wanna blow it up?


Well-Known Member
You know it! Funny how things tend to line up in life... about the time this one is ready, I'll be a papa. :)

From what I hear, I think I'm gonna need it :lol:

Hope you're doing well, bru. :peace:

edit: What am I doing wrong that I can't make my pics big, HC? Such a rook I tell ya, lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals, it's that time where Bobo need your advice. So I think I'm working on my 4th week here, but not knowing when exactly she flipped, I can only guess. But it's been almost a month since Mama Nature put her into flower for me, I do know that. I transplanted her into a 3 gallon smart pot with some super soil what was probably a week or two before the flower/stretch stage really kicked in (she stretched a SHITLOAD, mind you, so lots of energy expenditure). I noticed a fade a little while ago... so I threw some EWC on top with some bat guano, and gave her a little liquid feed, too. I'm noticing some fade again, though, probably about a week later now, and wanted to get your opinions, because I'm paranoid about nute lockout (I've heard Sour Flower can be sensitive just like her brother SLH). This pic is from the other day, but she is showing a little more lightening now, and I'm wondering what to do. Do I try and hit her with bennie tea and get her feeding, or do you think she is feeding and I'm just dealing with a plant that is sucking up lots of nitrogen? 8 mainlined heads, a la Nugbuckets. Thanks in advance for your inputs. . . :peace:



Well-Known Member
KK, I was hoping you'd see that and pop in. Thanks for that little nugglet of info... I was under the impression they were super sensitive. Not the first time I've been mistaken, lol.

I read over that tea article you posted in Bud's thread (or was it Nugs'... can't remember). . . I'll reread and see which tea concoction will be the best.

How did you like the smoke from your Sour Flower btw?


Well-Known Member
I'll second that opinion. She looks pretty good IMO. You should see how fast my Qush plants are fading outside right now. They are 6 feet tall in 10 gallon pots with one third Supersoil. I've fed 4 times with Earth Juice already and am barely keeping up. Moving to weekly feedings now I think.

BTW - C4xCaseyband beans hitting the drink in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
hey bro, i second what KK42 said....a balanced nute tea...give her a moderate dose at 800ppm...think on the lines of 10-10-10....even across the board....PH it too before adding to 6.3-6.5...and make sure you start with clean h2o.....give her 3-5 days and watch her closely....if she takes it well, without any cupping or clawing, top dress her with EWC and high P guano at equal parts for the stretch run...then 2 courses of water only, then re-access....she looks pretty good for being in such a small pot.....congrats on the bun in the oven bro...much love, nugs


Well-Known Member
I'll second that opinion. She looks pretty good IMO. You should see how fast my Qush plants are fading outside right now. They are 6 feet tall in 10 gallon pots with one third Supersoil. I've fed 4 times with Earth Juice already and am barely keeping up. Moving to weekly feedings now I think.

BTW - C4xCaseyband beans hitting the drink in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!
Med! Good to see you my friend. And thanks for your input as well. You know I value it :) Those plants sound like monsters man. I'm sure they'll finish strong. Lemme know how those C4xCaseybands go. Mine were always sensitive in the beginning, and I'd say keep an eye out for the Headband dominant pheno... A great smoke. I'm still sitting on quite a few of those beans that I'd like to rediscover one day.

hey bro, i second what KK42 said....a balanced nute tea...give her a moderate dose at 800ppm...think on the lines of 10-10-10....even across the board....PH it too before adding to 6.3-6.5...and make sure you start with clean h2o.....give her 3-5 days and watch her closely....if she takes it well, without any cupping or clawing, top dress her with EWC and high P guano at equal parts for the stretch run...then 2 courses of water only, then re-access....she looks pretty good for being in such a small pot.....congrats on the bun in the oven bro...much love, nugs
Thanks Nugs! I'm gonna go give her some love right now. I good about always ph-ing my water, and I only use RO water, too. I threw on some EWC and high P guano a couple of weeks ago... but a little more might not hurt if she takes it well? What I don't have, and will have to pick up sooner rather than later is a ppm meter. I feel like it's long been missing from my toolkit.

Hey, and thanks for the congrats. I can't believe she could be here in just a week or two . . . Just waiting for the trichs to go amber ;)

Thanks everyone for the input. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Alright, since my last post my pump apparently died on me. Plugged it in to make some tea, and zip zang nada. So that sorta took the wind out of my sails since I haven't had time yet to grab another pump yet. Hopefully tomorrow.

In the meantime for the last two waterings I hit her with some nutes n such. I felt like she wasn't slowing down her yellowing enough after the first one, so I said "fuk it" and did it twice (it was so nice).

My ferts are a little over a year old, but I'm hoping that won't make much of a difference (stored in a dark, cool place). General Organics, pretty much the full line down to the kelp and squid shtick they sell. Here's a lil pic I threw together of what that all entails specifically...


My next move is my stumper... do I feed again, or just go straight water? I feel like she could almost eat some more... But I think she might need a little fresh H2O, just to keep outta trouble. thoughts? p.s. I eradicated that yellow, necrotic leaf below. :peace:


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey update from bobos cave!

Don't feed 3 times in a row. If you feel like they need a little more of something, inbetween feedings is the time to hit her with something. That's when I would throw more mycc her way or the kelp that you have. Your supposed to hit them with that (well in my case the Nitrozime) in each of their 6 growth stages. I usually only hit a few or so of the growth stages that stuff is wicked prolly pays for itself tenfold though.

What about a N tea or top dressing with guano or something? My Apollos are little N pigs so I'll be trying a couple of different things with them mainly greening them up as much as I can in veg. With the Cornicopia there are 4 different types of nutes....Grow (for veg), X (for preflower) and Bloom for the first few weeks of flower. Mid flower they call for a combination of the Grow and X so you can see they are trying to get more N and stuff into that stage of a plants life. The fourth is an organic acids supplement that I use with every watering. I also use Earth Juice Catalyst with almost every watering, it's a soil supplement and it put the ph level in the water where I want it.

I'll catch back up with you buddy!


Well-Known Member
When my plants looked like your Bobo Cal/Mag helped me a ton....might not look like it needs any, but the N you receive from it tends to be just enough to pull out that last little bit of color you might want.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys. Yeah, I'm going just straight water today... I'm sure there is a way that you are supposed to space out all these different additives in order to make them work the best. I just threw em all together... Bobo Cocktail :lol: Thanks for keeping me back from the ledge, HC ;) I think I'd already stepped back, lol.

So I top dressed awhile back with some EWC and some high P bat guano. It seemed like it wasn't helping, and that's when I hit them with these two consecutive feedings. She's holding the yellow at bay, though, so I feel as though I'm making some headway at least. Thanks for your thoughts, too, Psychild. I appreciate you swinging by my hole in the ground, lol.

You are just loving that Nitrozyme, still! Great to hear it HC. It will be interesting to see what you do with the new Power Plant x BD cross you'll be working with. Give the people what they want... more! :weed: It means more of a different kinda green for you, too. I think I've got a few of those Apollos from D... I'll have to go back and check which x's he sent me. I know that's your go to headstash strain, now.... that in and of itself made me itch to crack those beans.

Alright, gotta take the wifey to yoga across town. Man, she is about splitting at the seams. I didn't know little packages could grow so much... she's all belly! Talk to yaz!


Well-Known Member
Hey hey update from bobos cave!

Don't feed 3 times in a row. If you feel like they need a little more of something, inbetween feedings is the time to hit her with something. That's when I would throw more mycc her way or the kelp that you have. Your supposed to hit them with that (well in my case the Nitrozime) in each of their 6 growth stages. I usually only hit a few or so of the growth stages that stuff is wicked prolly pays for itself tenfold though.

What about a N tea or top dressing with guano or something? My Apollos are little N pigs so I'll be trying a couple of different things with them mainly greening them up as much as I can in veg. With the Cornicopia there are 4 different types of nutes....Grow (for veg), X (for preflower) and Bloom for the first few weeks of flower. Mid flower they call for a combination of the Grow and X so you can see they are trying to get more N and stuff into that stage of a plants life. The fourth is an organic acids supplement that I use with every watering. I also use Earth Juice Catalyst with almost every watering, it's a soil supplement and it put the ph level in the water where I want it.

I'll catch back up with you buddy!
I love my kelp! And my hydrolosate fish! Soaking seeds in kelp, then coating in myco starts them off on the right foot. I actually just soak my peat mix with it and put myco in the hole. I'm going to be adding sea minerals to my regiment soon. I also brew my own Effective Microorganisms. More tiny bugs!!! Love my living soil!

"Kelp fertilizer contains over 70 minerals and vitamins. Perhaps more important, it’s an excellent source of cytokinins and auxins, both natural plant growth hormones..." cont'd here
Hang in there Bobo! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Duch! That Mother Culture looks awesome. I've also been eyeing the fish hydrosolate over my squid concoction I'm using from GO. I do Mycos, as well as Kelp right now quite a bit. They seem to love the kelp... the N keeps them green, but the kelp keeps them Kermit green. At least that's what it seems like to me.

I'm off again. Running around all day. My wife has me doing a laundry list of shit right now. Surprise surprise! lol . . .


Well-Known Member
Some pr0n from the greenie. Sour Flower, I think pushing 6 weeks? 5 or so more to go. . . Trying like mad to keep this Mg deficiency at bay. She's slowly starting to fill out. :peace:

Oh, and she smells great. Used to be a sour Pez like smell, which is now slightly sweetening up a bit. . .



Well-Known Member
Bags packed, wife cranky... lets get this thing going already, lol.

How you doing? I'm jealous of your rainy day stone fest... I wish it were raining here, too. Alas, tis only foggy as hell :lol: