Canndo will answer any question that is stated as such in this thread


New Member
LMAO Where's canndo?

The little guy that constantly complains his questions go unanswered, hell, I have a few on another thread he's failed to address.


Well-Known Member
Dear Canndo, Isn't you name inappropriate? When pronounced out loud, it sounds like "can do", this is obviously an oxymoron when associated with a liberal.

I suggest you cancel your account, and immediately open a new account under the psuedonym, "Cantdo".

How is that for a troll? :-)

It is meant as light hearted fun as Canndo is actually one of the more level headed liberals on RIU, completely misguided but likeable none the less.
No, it is not inappropriate - it was chosen in light of my attempts at micropropagation - see my grow journal.

Yes, it is a troll

I am level headed, I don't know if I am likeable but I do know that I am not misguided.

Thanks for the complements and I am trying to answer questions, even if they are contained in a mock troll. I try to do as I promise.


Well-Known Member
January 3rd, 2007 was the day Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.

The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?

Who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?

Who fought against reforming Fannie and Freddie?

How many times did Bush ask Congress to regulate Fannie and Freddie?

When Barney blocked regulation of Fannie and Freddie, what did he call the philosophy?

Althor, these are factual question, I welcome them but I don't see how your asking will result in anything different than your googling them. I see you are leading to something rather than attempting to get information about me or my ideology. I enjoy gotcha debates but I can't see that they would be of any relevence in this thread.

I believe you are trying to blame the housing bubble burst on Fannie, Freddie and Barney. If you want to debate this, start a thread and I will show you where you have been led astray.


Well-Known Member
Dear Canndo, what is the root cause of the housing bubble?

Bundled bad morgages, lack of regulation and oversight on private lenders, conglomeration of traditional banks with financial investment institutions and AIG were the root causes of the housing crash.


Well-Known Member

Ive seen many people here talk about the evils of trickle down economics. I've stayed out of those because I'm lost on the concept. What would be the alternative to trickle down? Would we pay for our items and the cashier take their cut before giving it to the company? In my mind ALL economies trickle down so I know I'm missing something.

Why is it called trickle down for Reagan and Bush but not Obama and Clinton? What is different about their policies that makes them not trickle down?
Trickle down economics is the concept that money the few are allowed to keep or are contributed to will find its way to lower economic entities as the top entites hire and spend others reap the results from the flow of money from the top down.

No, trickle down inplies that the better things are for a few points of wealth the more those points of wealth will spend. Should a very rich man be entitled to keep another 10 percent of his money, the theory supposes that the rich man will buy another boat or suit or house which will put people to work bulding that boat or house. In turn those who profit from their bulding the house or boat will spend their money at a cafe or bar and the owners or workers in that cafe or bar will wind up spending their money throughout the economy.

No, all economies are not trickle down. The economy in America is driven by the middle class and not by the rich. The rich profit from any flow of money in any direction - top to bottom, bottom to top or lateraly.

Obama and to a lesser extent Clinton both presided over an economy that is top heavy - the results of years of "trickle down" where what happend in reality is that wealth became concentrated at the top.

A rich man, when he has another $100 to spend will likely not put that monye back into circulation. He will likely not purchase another shirt or go out to dinner more often then he already does. Let a middle class person spend an additional $100 and he will likely purchase a few pairs of jeans in order to replace the worn out ones, he may have his daughter pick up a new pair of shoes, he may indulge in a visit to the Olive Garden with his wife where he would not ordinarily go. The lower down the socioeconomic ladder one injects money the more likely that money is to be circulated.


Well-Known Member
LMAO Where's canndo?

The little guy that constantly complains his questions go unanswered, hell, I have a few on another thread he's failed to address.

I already stated that the proper place for me to answer questions would be in my own thread - where, as you can see, all questions are being answered.


New Member
I already stated that the proper place for me to answer questions would be in my own thread - where, as you can see, all questions are being answered.
And as I properly stated, I would answer all questions as long as mine are answered in return!


New Member
Ask away. I can't see where the problem is Beenthere.
I've got some unanswered questions on other threads canndo, if you want to avoid them, very well.

But I will ask one on this thread.

Since Obama became president he has made millions of dollars, why hasn't he created any private sector jobs to help the economy personally and why hasn't released his college records when he knows the American people want to see them?


Well-Known Member
I've got some unanswered questions on other threads canndo, if you want to avoid them, very well.

But I will ask one on this thread.

Since Obama became president he has made millions of dollars, why hasn't he created any private sector jobs to help the economy personally and why hasn't released his college records when he knows the American people want to see them?
He hasn't created any jobs because he does not need anyone to help deal with demand. No one creates jobs simply because they can and he is no exception. Further however, he has managed to "create" millions of jobs through his stimulus package. He could simply order government to grow, to hire but you folks wouldn't enjoy that.

He hasn't released his college record because it has no bearing on how he has governed and how he will govern. He did not run on any issue regarding his transcripts. He did not promise to give every student "a"s. He didn't claim that college transcripts will help the economy.

Furthermore, I don't think "america" cares about his college transcripts.


Well-Known Member
Canndo u cant really support obama 100% i mean i understand u like the guy n da da da but no president does everything right. Right?


Well-Known Member
I personally cud give two shits im young and havent really got involved in politics i mean i know prolly more than the average person my age but idk thwre is no sense in the political debate its all haywire. People will never agree cuz nothin can satisfy everybody lol


Well-Known Member
Canndo u cant really support obama 100% i mean i understand u like the guy n da da da but no president does everything right. Right?

I don't believe I posted anywhere in any forum in the last 4 years that I support Obama 100 percent. Now, in truth, I support a president as much as I am able. If you mean am I in love with the guy? Am I willing to blindly accept any of his actions? no. I recall that was what happened during the Bush administration. I recall people pretty much claiming that it was unpatriotic to even criticize him because he was "our commander in chief" and in times of war we should not question his authority. Yet those same people now hold it to be their patriotic duty to slam the president every chance they get.

Now further than this is the strange notion that if I (or anyone) says anything good about this president then I must surely be "in the tank" or brainwashed or enraptured by the guy as though it is an all or nothing proposition. I had a discussion with someone where I said I hated Obama's lack of governmental transparancy. The person I was arguing with said "But I thought you thought he was a God". What he was doing was actually demonstrating that he was a right wing authoritarian who finds leaders and then never agains applies critical thinking to anything that leader does or does not do.

I am no authoritarian.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

Now further than this is the strange notion that if I (or anyone) says anything good about this president then I must surely be "in the tank" or brainwashed or enraptured by the guy as though it is an all or nothing proposition.
I had a discussion with someone where I said I hated Obama's lack of governmental transparancy. The person I was arguing with said "But I thought you thought he was a God". What he was doing was actually demonstrating that he was a right wing authoritarian who finds leaders and then never agains applies critical thinking to anything that leader does or does not do.

I am no authoritarian.
what a facade . . huh


New Member
He hasn't created any jobs because he does not need anyone to help deal with demand. What??? No one creates jobs simply because they can and he is no exception. I beg to differ with you my friend, thousands of people start businesses and create jobs because they can, it's called free the market. And millions do not because the can't!Further however, he has managed to "create" millions of jobs through his stimulus package. He could simply order government to grow, to hire but you folks wouldn't enjoy that.

He hasn't released his college record because it has no bearing on how he has governed and how he will govern. He did not run on any issue regarding his transcripts. He did not promise to give every student "a"s. He didn't claim that college transcripts will help the economy.
He did claim he was an intellect from Harvard and promised to balance the budget by his first term, perhaps he does not have the intelligence to achieve this.

Furthermore, I don't think "america" cares about his college transcripts.

Only your part of America doesn't care pal, there's millions who do whether you like it or not.

What do hold Mitt Romney to a different standard with his money, why do you ask how his money in offshore accounts creates jobs but Obama's money goes unquestioned?


Well-Known Member
I want to give Canndo props because he is less partisan than most on here and addresses the argument usually.

In a previous post you had blamed lack of regulation as one of the causes to the housing bubble. Since Brooksley Borne, chair of the Futures Commodities Trade Commission (FCTC...? close enough) appeared in front of Congress and proposed regulations in order to further investigate the bubble before the crash and it didn't work, how can you still look to regulatory committees as a solution?

Since the Federal Reserve created a direct line of credit to the housing market through Fannie and Freddie, allowing for basically unlimited funds for investment, don't you think that this would have lowered the standards for lending, greatly contributing to the seriousness of the crash?