Time to Wake Up


Well-Known Member
Now you are suddenly retarded? A pass about the Past, dolt. Those guys were born in the USA and you don't care that Obama was not.

I'm a birther remember. You tried to dismiss me. That's what you were challenging me on, remember. BTW, Fascists are not for the workers. They use them.
You are making a birther claim, you have burden of proof, and burden of LOL. I'm glad we both oppose fascism though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, aggregate demand, people be buyin shit. Unlike when they stopped buying shit, in that recession.

Stimulus, liberal response to recession, austerity, conservative response. Now which works better? FDR had the right idea. Greece isn't doing so well.
Because FDR was stopped from a 3 term we did not get as bad as Greece, yet. Now we are getting there. Printing money we don't have is not stimulius. What happened to the 1st 1 trillion? I know...it wudda been worst. Yes, for the Union Maddoff Ponzies. That's where it. Went to shore up the pension fund pyramid before it collapsed. Besides, FDR built stuff and he still double dipped the recession.


Well-Known Member
We need a short and long form birth cerficate and newspaper clippings announcing his birth in Jakarta . Otherwise STFU.

His family moved to Indonesia in 1967. I guess she carried him in the womb for 6 years. Even the elephants were going, "Daaaaaamn!"
Your lies say that.


Well-Known Member
Because FDR was stopped from a 3 term we did not get as bad as Greece, yet. Now we are getting there. Printing money we don't have is not stimulius. What happened to the 1st 1 trillion? I know...it wudda been worst. Yes, for the Union Maddoff Ponzies. That's where it. Went to shore up the pension fund pyramid before it collapsed. Besides, FDR built stuff and he still double dipped the recession.
Printing money to give it to poor Americans is a sneaky way of redistributing, there, you got me to admit what a socialist he is, I think it's awesome. Printing it to go to war is pure DUBYA.

That money in the hands of poor people isn't leaving America, it is feeding Americans and where do they spend it? Propping American businesses and so forth. This is countered by deficit reducing measures, like not renewing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest. Obamacare actually reduces the deficit too.

We covered how tax and spend liberal fiscal policy is superior to Reaganomics. You're pretty far behind though, birther lol...


Well-Known Member
Printing money to give it to poor Americans is a sneaky way of redistributing, there, you got me to admit what a socialist he is, I think it's awesome. Printing it to go to war is pure DUBYA.

That money in the hands of poor people isn't leaving America, it is feeding Americans and where do they spend it? Propping American businesses and so forth. This is countered by deficit reducing measures, like not renewing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest. Obamacare actually reduces the deficit too.

We covered how tax and spend liberal fiscal policy is superior to Reaganomics. You're pretty far behind though, birther lol...
without the war there is no protection of the national interests and so no money to hand out. Hand out the money, can't protect the source
of the money. And divisiveness suits Uranus. You are tarring me with things I've never said. How the left does lie.
Far behind you I hope. The Cliff, remember?


Well-Known Member
Another way we see the deficit falling is by reducing military spending.
We agree, if you will stipulate that 40 kind of wax and feathers are waste but the bow and arrow are needed. The problem is waste.
And you so want me to take sides, but I don't. I'm calling the Stupid Test. That's it. We are the Leaders. You don't want that, do you Earth Firster?

People are the problem right? Should we limit birth like your chi-com pals?

Continue with Obama's plan? What plan? It's the road to feel good ruin,
looks like to me. And that what you like, feel good about the "workers."


Well-Known Member
without the war there is no protection of the national interests and so no money to hand out. Hand out the money, can't protect the source
of the money. And divisiveness suits Uranus. You are tarring me with things I've never said. How the left does lie.
Far behind you I hope. The Cliff, remember?

The war defends national interests.
Obama is feeding starving Americans, but not protecting national interests.

Did I get it right?


Well-Known Member
The only thing more hypocritical than the GOP calling themselves the freedom party is an Alex Jones fan telling people to check their facts, lulerz.


Well-Known Member
And I will say this with all honesty. The World was not ready for a black US president. We are the bastion of racial equality
for the world, yet you'd think we still own slaves. WTGDF!!!!
Ok your entire post was opinion up until you said that. At that point, you took a nose dive directly into the abyss of pure fucking ignorance.


Well-Known Member
We agree, if you will stipulate that 40 kind of wax and feathers are waste but the bow and arrow are needed. The problem is waste.
And you so want me to take sides, but I don't. I'm calling the Stupid Test. That's it. We are the Leaders. You don't want that, do you Earth Firster?

People are the problem right? Should we limit birth like your chi-com pals?

Continue with Obama's plan? What plan? It's the road to feel good ruin,
looks like to me. And that what you like, feel good about the "workers."
Osama is dead homey. Bring the boys home now?


Well-Known Member
You are just being dismissive. The last bastion of the weak mind. You said I thought all were stupid but me. I said no it's 50:50/Test coming up. We will see how we do. I'm against. I'm not for Mitt.
I'd support neither mainstream parties, however asserting that the sky is falling...bit of a tinfoil hat drama-fail.


Well-Known Member
I'd support neither mainstream parties, however asserting that the sky is falling...bit of a tinfoil hat drama-fail.
I never said the sky is falling. I fact, the quote says the opposite. It will all be fine and I am against Obama style Fascism. They sky never fell on the Jews. They woke up one morning with a funny smell in the air. Many, many I bet endied up wishing the sky would just fall, and end the world's suffering.

6:45 AM wake up.