Finally, its a grow..


Well-Known Member
Seriously I think your vegetation would be much denser using MH or HPS for any larger grow. SCROG is a great choice with your lights because you can get those CFLs right down on top of them. If scrogging best get fans moving more air. Nice set up though.


Active Member
Seriously I think your vegetation would be much denser using MH or HPS for any larger grow. SCROG is a great choice with your lights because you can get those CFLs right down on top of them. If scrogging best get fans moving more air. Nice set up though.
yea mean i know what you mean. i want HPS but temps and $$ are a factor. Next grow will be 1 SCROG and 1 LST to see which produces more which should be a good test. keep posted!


Well-Known Member
most of them meters dont even work right, if you have another ph reader, measure your run off, i was using one of those meters for awhile and realized they dont work, so i only use it for the moisture part


Active Member
Well what would throw off my pH? im using all fox farms and distilled water.. Thanks for the heads up though


yea mean i know what you mean. i want HPS but temps and $$ are a factor. Next grow will be 1 SCROG and 1 LST to see which produces more which should be a good test. keep posted!
never mind what i typed before lol but id put a pc fan in the tin over the plants sucking upward would take some of the heat from the bulbs off the plant


Active Member
nice sir yoou look into anymore nutes?
honestly? no. I have grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom and now molasses. When I planted her in the FFOF, after 3-4 weeks of veg she would get burnt even on a 1/4 serving of either big bloom or grow big. Since we re potted a week before flower, im afraid to use them again... with that said, last watering we used 2 tsp tiger bloom and she handled it like a champ. here a photo of one of the lower mad scientists.

quick question, she hasnt grown taller in days... which is odd, but the flower spots are getting bigger. Is this normal, or just the dream?

Untitled by kevin50022, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
Me personally I think cfl and lst, or scrog should go hand in hand, but it is up to you,i say lst because cfl doesn't penetrate really good as it is, so to help get light down in there you got to "bend her over and open her up",giggity, so she can get the most out of it also this cause lower stem to turn into primary colas along with your middle stem from auxins being redirected to those branches more and not just the higher growth basically lst, or scrog puts all your buds on even terms and not just favoring your higher buds, check out my sig it will give you a walk through of at least the veg part would have been the entire grow but, was interrupted by the great crash and out deleted most of my flowering portion.
Giggity! Lmao thanks for the laugh bro!!


Active Member


Active Member
Hmmm... so today when we watered our plant, the soil sank a lot and the rockwool was showing.. I added some FFOF on top to cover it up... Im hoping for the best.


Active Member
Sorry the photos are gone guys. Deleted my Flickr and made a more anonymous account. If you'd like the photos just let me know and I'll post specific ones. Here she was yesterday. I flushed it out with 4 gallons of water. The last 2 gallons were filled with molasses.
Hopefully she starts sucking up some nutes again.



Wooooo nice buddds how many days have you been flowering for? I think were both at about the same even tho my sweet tooth will be done before the sour d .