colloidal silver


any advice on how to make my own = inexpensive
when do i start spraying , its that i have an automatic plant and ive been told its useless to clone so i must spray them, so do i clone and spray those or what would the process be ?
Holy Poppa Smurf! Go figure we are a bunch of pricks here in Oregon, but if he's ever been to Portland he's hardly the most interesting thing to look at. Have you guys been downtown Portland in the past couple of years?



Well-Known Member
(ears burning)

check my sig for an auto fem seed crop

I don't make my own colloidal silver. I am lazy and the store bought stuff is only $20 and works like a charm.
I don't want to discourage you from making your own. You can do it with a old cell phone charger and some pure silver. google it
Don't shock yourself.


hey thanks trousers. seems like a good idea to buy it but i heard that the store bought stuff doesnt contain the potency needed. it does "seem" to be safer ... how does it work out for you


Well-Known Member
I use Tiresias Mist and it is very strong and works great.

I can not speak for other stuff. I have heard of someone buying 50ppm colloidal silver and it worked.

I do not have a problem with home made at all, I am just lazy.
I can make thousands of seeds with one $20 bottle in my tiny seed room.
It used to be my veg room, now it is for seed crops.

you can get it on ebay