Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

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3rd day of 6th week of flowering ( 12/12 )..
Today ,I fed her...
A bit of Miller 18-18-18 with a bit of Miller 4-10-40...(Awesome ferts,BTW...)..
My mistake giving her a lot of Tween 20 (polysorbate 20 ) ,is showing on leaves....
Stupid me...
It seems that the cheap Asian warm whites,are doing the job ,fine...
Flowering proceeds in rather fast pace,I should say..(compared to my previous grows of WR ,with 400 Watt Greenpower )...
All together are approx 66 Watt of leds...
(72 pcs of leds ,consisting of 36 x warm whites,20 x cool whites ,12 x red 630 & 4 x neutral whites )

In my next grow,I will try SCROG...With 10-11 of these panels....
Probably I will take out some cools and replace them with some Neutrals...
Ambient Temp is 27°C..
So far,so good....
( found small funny stuff ,while searching in my lt...)


plants ppd.jpg
Some plants' ppfds ... Based on FL(closest to leds)
Over L.S.P. plant becomes "CO2 limited.
Photosynthetic rates drop after that.
Additional CO2 enrichment is needed for photosynthesis.
Lower value of L.C.P. and the plant can't have a normal growth.

When anthocyanins appear purplish/blue and when are ..'invisible'..

umoles/sec per 1 Watt per nanometer..
For ex. 1 Watt Flux light power at 600 nm is 5 umoles/sec ...
For more precision.. ...
by wavelength.JPG

Some say ,this is from an 'underground'
research about mj's photosynthetic action spectrum..

1.=100% usable photons..(doesn't mean that they are going to be used at 100% )
It' means that they could or can be used all of them at that certain wl.
0.5 =50% usable photons...:rolleyes:

Relative Quantum Efficiency (RQE).jpg

Light Physics
Light is wavelike (having mutually perpendicular magnetic and electric fields, both of which oscillate perpendicular to the direction of propagation) and is also particle-like. The relationship of light wavelength
to frequency is given by
c = λ ν where
c = speed of light, 3 x 108 m s-1
λ = wavelength (m)
ν = frequency (Hz or s-1)
Photons are the particles or wave packets that make up bulk light. The energy of one photon depends on
the frequency:
E = h ν where
E = energy (Joules)
ν = frequency (s-1)
h = Planck constant (or Planck’s constant) = 6.626 x 10-34 J s

Visible light for humans falls between c. 400 - 700 nm. The spectrum of sunlight at the sun
surface and just above our atmosphere has a peak irradiance (measured in W m-2 nm-1) in blue wavelengths of c. 450 - 480 nm. The solar spectrum above our atmosphere is that expected from a 5525 K (5250 °C) blackbody, which has a theoretical peak by Wien’s law at c. 525 nm.

Passage through the
Earth’s atmosphere attenuates the light a little and alters the spectrum somewhat, mostly by introducing
several absorption bands(light is 'filtered'), including one at c. 700 nm (far red) arising from water vapor, and more
absorption bands at longer infrared wavelengths, but the peak does not shift significantly, still being at c.
530 nm at the surface of the Earth.
(Red photons are easily absorbed by water..That's why it appears 'blue'...)

Photosynthetically active light falling on leaves may be quantitated by irradiance W m-2 of Photosynthetically Active Radiation PAR (400 nm - 700 nm) or photosynthetic photon (quantum) irradiance in mol m-2 s-1 of PAR [also called somewhat ambiguously photosynthetic photon flux density]. (Some say we need more complicated measurement...And probably they are right..)

Measures such as lux, candela, and foot-candles are human-oriented and not suitable for plant physiology.

Spectral irradiance expresses W m-2 nm-1, thus the irradiance measured at
defined points in the spectrum.
The photosynthesis experimenter much choose the geometry of the light sensor to most closely match the type of plant part being studied:
• Flat—having uniform irradiance across its surface from unidirectional light, but total is proportional to the cosine of the angle with respect to perpendicular; or
• Spherical or Omnidirectional—having varying irradiance across its curving surface from
unidirectional light but total not varying with angle of incidence. In this case, a fluence rate[the irradiance which is incident from all angles] is measured.

On a sunny day in direct (unidirectional) sunlight at sea level, PAR irradiance and PAR fluence are both
400 W m-2 or 2,000 μmol m-2 s-1 .

Completely diffuse light has irradiance equal to 25% of fluence. PAR is “38% (21-46%) of the extraterrestrial solar irradiance”, “46% to 50% global solar radiation at ground level.”
The solar constant,which measures total solar radiation arriving at the upper atmosphere of all wavelengths, is c. 1366 W m-2.
[but of course is not actually constant and varies with the time of the year due to Earth’s orbital position,etc.]

The Quantum yield (quantum efficiency) is variously and rather confusingly defined for photosynthesis
• “The number of photochemical products” [such as moles of CO2 assimilated or O2 evolved] divided by the “Total number of quanta absorbed”
, or
• “The fraction of excited molecules” [i.e., excited by the absorption of a photon] that decay via a designated pathway [such as via photochemistry, apparently no matter how small the effect produced per quantum]
, or
• The number of times that a defined event occurs per photon absorbed by the system.

(evolution of Oxygen....Usually....)

Photosynthesis Pigments And Complexes
Free Chlorophyll a (Chla), as extracted with nonpolar diethyl ether, has greatest absorption at blue (c. 430nm) and red (c. 662 nm) wavelengths, thereby having absorption maxima straddling the peak of 525 nm for solar irradiance, and reflecting green light c. 550 nm. Chlorophyll b (Chlb) similarly extracted has greatest absorption at blue (c. 453 nm) and red
(c. 642 nm) wavelengths.

Light excites chlorophyll from
the ground state to a short-lived metastable excited state designated by Chl*, a state having a potential life span of only a few nanoseconds. After absorbing blue light, Chl can give up its energy and drop to lower energy states by
• Heat* loss from the higher excited state to the lowest excited state (with no photon emission)
• Fluorescence from the lowest excited state to ground level (radiates a 673 nm photon, in the red
• Energy transfer to another molecule(e.x vibrating the water...-blue-mechanically generates heat....Winter blue light ,helps some "though nuts" of them to survive...Providing heat from the ..'inside'...Both "mechanically" and "chemically"*.)
• Photochemistry reactions (the redox reactions that are useful in PS—these are extremely fastreactions)

Certain bacteria including cyanobacteria, plus diatoms, dinoflagellates, brown algae, red algae can also
photosynthesize and have various chlorophyll combinations including Chl c and d. Sulfur purple
bacteria, nonsulfur purple bacteria, green bacteria, and heliobacteria can have various combinations of
bacteriochlorophylls a - g

Chlorophylls have two major components:
• Porphyrin-like ring with a centrally coordinated Mg in the N4 cavity. (The porphyrin is where
excitation initially occurs.)
• Phytol tail (which anchors the molecule to a hydrophobic part of the environment)
Carotenoids (e.g., β-carotene) have long linear molecules with multiple conjugated double bonds. These are alternating single and double bonds with delocalized electrons (similar to the benzene ring), yielding chromophores (the part or moiety of a molecule responsible for its color). Carotenoids absorb light in the blue 400-500 nm range and reflect a characteristic orange color.
Joseph Priestly first discovered O2 and found that plants evolved it. Jan Ingenhousz showed that light is essential to photosynthesis in 1779, and others demonstrated the need in PS for H20 and CO2. C. van Niel found that PS is a redox process.
The action spectrum of PS (e.g., the O2 evolution rate graphed as a function of wavelength) closely relates to the absorption spectrum of chloroplasts (with the exception that light absorbed by carotenoids in 450 - 550 nm, which somewhat widens the blue absorption spectrum compared to Chl, is not as efficiently converted via PS.
Engelmann showed that O2-seeking (aerotactic) bacteria were attracted to the segments of Spirogyra spiral chloroplast that were irradiated with blue or red light more than the parts irradiated with green, confirming that PS makes O2 where light is most strongly absorbed (the blue peak is broadened by carotene).

Photosynthetic complexes consist of
• Light-harvesting antennas, which assist in the absorption of light
• Photochemical reaction centers .
In intact plants, absorption of light is assisted in light-harvesting antennas containing
• Photosynthetic pigments include chlorophyll a and b (along with c and d in diatoms and algae).
• Accessory pigments include and carotenoids (such as β-carotene). In addition, bilin pigments or phycobiliproteins such as phycoerythrobilin are found in cyanobacteria and red algae but not in vascular plants.
• Photoprotective pigments, which protect from excess light and photoinhibition, including
anthocyanin and xanthophylls.
• Light-harharvesting complex proteins (LHCI and LHCII), which aid in the efficient transfer of excitation energy.

The use of antenna structures (comprising hundreds or thousands of Chl and accessory pigment molecules) makes for a more favorable allocation of energy, since many pigment molecules are needed to drive a single reaction center. Experiments by Emerson and Arnold with brief light flashes showed that at maximum PS yield, there are one O2 molecule generated for every c. 2,500 chlorophyll molecules per high intensity flash. This is because:
(1) several hundred pigment molecules are associated with a single chloroplast reaction center (in plants,200-300 chlorophylls per PSII reaction center, and c. 100 core antenna chlorophylls or 200 overall for PSIcenters);

(2) Each reaction center must operate multiple times to produce just 1 molecule of O2.

The excitation energy in antenna pigments is transferred to the reaction center by fluorescence resonance
energy transfer, a non-radiative process with up to 95 to 99% energy transfer efficiency.

At much lower flash intensities, Emerson and Arnold found that the quantum yield of chloroplasts was 0.95 (versus 0.05 for absorbed photons whose energy is wasted by fluorescence). 1 molecule of O2 molecule was generated for every 9-10 photon absorbed (i.e., not reflected or transmitted). These two values are not discordant, since each photon absorbed and yielding a photochemical effect exerts only a
fractional effect with respect to generating O2, but is fully counted as part of the quantum yield.

The following simplified reaction expresses overall PS:
CO2 + H2O + c. 10 hν → (CH2O) + O2
where (CH2O) is 1/6 of a glucose molecule
This reaction requires a theoretical minimum free energy change of 467 kJ/mol O2 evolved in synthesis of glucose, but in practice requires 1760 kJ of absorbed red light in the plant per mol O2 evolved, giving an efficiency for conversion of absorbed light energy to chemical energy as glucose in overall PS = 27% overall. (However, only a small part of this chemical energy goes to formation of biomass; )
The remaining 73% of the energy entering photochemistry is consumed in cellular
maintenance and ultimately ends as heat.


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Protection And Regulation of Photosynthetic Machinery
Toxic photoproducts can form in excess light conditions, including triplet state of Chl
(3Chl*) and reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide anion (O2•-), singlet oxygen (1O2*), hydrogenperoxide (H2O2)
and hydroxyl radical (•OH). (“Singlet oxygen is the common name used for the two metastable states of molecular oxygen O2 ,
with higher energy than the ground state triplet oxygen.”)
Singlet oxygen can damage many cellular components including lipids. (like cell membranes...)
The PSII reaction center is easily damaged by excess light, especially the D1 core protein.

-Carotenoids, superoxide dismutase, and ascorbate (Vit.C )serve as photoprotective agents, helping to prevent photoinhibition (a reduction in a plant's capacity for PS caused by exposure to strong light, which may be reversible or irreversible) ,and damaging effects of excess light.
Carotenoids can quench the excess energy of singlet oxygen by converting it back to triplet
oxygen releasing heat. Non-photochemical quenching of excess energy (conversion to heat without
inducing photochemistry) can be done by xanthophylls. These are yellow pigments(that means that blue and lower wls light are 'oxidizing')
that are oxidized carotenoid derivatives (listed in order of least to greatest protectiveness: violaxanthin < antheraxanthin <zeaxanthin).
The least protective in the xanthophyll cycle, violaxanthin, converts to the most protective,zeaxanthin, when light is intense and protection is needed.

Thylakoid stalking permits energy partitioning between the photosystems, allowing the most efficient use
of the available energy...

-Chloroplasts can reposition themselves along the side walls of cells, so that the more superficial ones
provide shade to deeper chloroplasts along the same wall, in response to excessively intense light
Chloroplasts sometimes extend stromules, fine tubular interconnections with nearby chloroplasts and
plastids that allow transfer of proteins etc., but the ultimate purpose is unknown.
Energy Conversion Efficiency Of Photosynthesis Using The Calvin Cycle
The free energy released by the complete oxidation of a hexose sugar to CO2 and H2O is 2804 kJ mol-1&#8212;,thus the absolute minimum energy to synthesize one mole of fructose must be 2804 kJ.
In the plant,synthesis of 1 mole of fructose-6-phosphate from 6 moles of CO2 takes 3126 kJ from oxidizing the needed
NADPH and hydrolyzing the needed ATP.

Therefore the thermodynamic efficiency for conversion of the chemical energy in NADPH and ATP to hexose
energy via the Calvin Cycle is 90%
. 83% of the energy required comes from the reductant NADPH.

Incident red light photons at 680 nm contain energy of c. 175 kJ per quantum mole, computed as follows:
E = hc/&#955;= (6.626 x 10-34 J s) x (3 x 108 m s-1) x (109 nm/m) x (6.023 x 1023 mol-1) / 680 nm
= 176 kJ mol-1
At least 8 absorbed photons are needed to reduce 1 mole of CO2 to hexose.
Thus, the minimum light energy required to reduce 6 moles of CO2 to one mole of hexose is 6 x 8 x 175 = 8400 kJ. Therefore, the
overall thermodynamic efficiency of PS for the conversion of absorbed photon energy to hexose is
2804/8400 = 33%
. [This calculation appears to consider only the photons that are
absorbed and used for photochemistry, not those that are reflected or transmitted.].
Under normal growing conditions, plants are much less efficient: crops such as potatoes, corn, rice, etc. typically yield only 0.1 to
0.4% conversion efficiencies, while sugarcane approaches 2%.
Adaptations Of Plants To Bright Light And Shade
Bright Light Adaptations
(Suspected Phytochrome mechanism.Wls around 650-670,can cause these phenomena ,even in low power light conditions .Need of 720-740 to counteract .Pfr=>Pr.)
Sun-exposed plant leaves tend to grow thicker than shaded leaves of the same plant. Desert plants, to prevent harm by excess light (and dessication), develop various defense including hairs, salt glands,epicuticular wax, all of which increase reflection of light from the leaf surface and reduce absorption of light by up to 40%. Some plants utilize paraheliotropic tracking to turn away from direct sun and thereby reduce leaf exposure to light.

Shade Adaptations and Light Concentrating Mechanisms
Columnar superficial palisade cells allow efficient capturing of light despite the sieve effect (which arises from gaps between chloroplasts that reduce absorption compared to chlorophyll in solution). Light channeling may also divert light through the vacuole or the cell wall areas to facilitate transmission into deeper layers of the leaf. The spongy mesophyll in the leaf interior has many reflecting interfaces which cause light scattering and increase the probability for light absorption. Leaves of plants living in the understory in dim light may have focusing mechanisms (convex epidermal cells) that focus the light onto the chloroplasts. Trees have elaborate branching structures of leaves, which tend to maximize overall
light absorption by the plant. Plants competing for light in the understory may receive up to 50% of their light as sunflecks&#8212;transient sun exposures&#8212;and can often rapidly ramp up PS and stomatal opening during these brief events. Light reaching the understory is least depleted in the far red wavelengths compared to blue or red etc. Many plants alter their leaf angles to track the position of the sun (solar tracking), including alfalfa, cotton, soybean, lavatera, and lupine.
This is a blue light response , which is often controlled at the pulvinus found at the junction of the blade and the petiole,and such leaves are called diaheliotropic. Such plants are often competing in short growing seasons.Plants in deep shade often acclimate, but the plant (or at least the shade-adapted leaves) may not be able to survive if the habitat becomes sunny, due to photoinhibition.
Here are general properties and tendencies of shade leaves compared to sun leaves:
&#8226; have more total chlorophyll per reaction center
&#8226; tend to be thinner, with thinner palisades
&#8226; have less rubisco and less xanthophyll (which is photoprotective)
&#8226; have higher ratio of PSI to PSII (3:1 compared to 2:1), or have more antenna chlorophyll in PSII.
These adaptations &#8220;enhance light absorption and energy transfer&#8221; to make better use of the relatively more
abundant far red light
. [I am not sure how this is accomplished.]
&#8226; have lower rates of respiration (&#8220;dark respiration&#8221;) and lower Light Compensation Point
&#8226; have lower maximum PS rates (saturation) that sun plants
Quantitation Of Photosynthetic Responses To Light, Temperature, And Other Factors

Of 100% incident solar energy arriving at the leaf , 60% is non-PAR photons, 8% is reflected or
transmitted, 8% is dissipated as heat
, 19% is consumed in metabolism, and the remaining 5% of incident
energy is utilized for the production of CHO
. (However, the efficiency of utilization of this photon
energy may be much lower)
85-90% of PAR incident on the leaf is absorbed,strongest in blue and red and lowest in green.
Light response curves typically plot PS O2 production rate or CO2 assimilation rate (measured in &#956;mol of
O2 or CO2 m-2 s-1) against absorbed light or PAR irradiance, etc.

Dark Respiration Regime, Light Compensation Point, Light-Limited Regime, And CO2 Limited Regime

In C3 plants, below a certain value of absorbed light (the Light Compensation Point), the plant evolves
more CO2 from mitochondrial respiration than it assimilates and fixes by PS (i.e., CO2 assimilation is
negative). Above the Light Compensation Point, the plant exhibits net positive assimilation of CO2, taking
in more and converting it through PS to photosynthate than it gives off. Above but near the Light
Compensation Point, increases in light substantially increase CO2 assimilated, a regime termed &#8220;lightlimited&#8221;.
Eventually the curve levels off with increasing light and becomes &#8220;CO2 limited&#8221;.
Sun plants have Light Compensation Points typically of 10 - 20 &#956;mol m-2 s-1 CO2 assimilation, whereas shade
plants have lower, c. 1 - 5 &#956;mol m-2 s-1. (Shade plants have low rates of respiration and make more
efficient use of light for PS.) For increased light levels, shade plants have lower maximum PS rates that
sun plants.
Effect On Quantum Yields By O2, CO2, Temperature, And Light Levels

Under current atmospheric conditions with 380 ppm CO2, the quantum yield of C3 and C4 leaves are
similar at about 0.04 to 0.06 mole of CO2 assimilated per mole of photons absorbed.
The reduction from the theoretical quantum yield of c. 0.125 is due to losses from photorespiration (in C3 plants) or to energy
loss from CO2 concentrating mechanisms (in C4 plants).( Prehistoric changes in atmospheric CO2)

Effect of O2, Temp, and CO2 may be summarized:

&#8226; Oxygen: C3 plants in low O2 environments have lower photorespiration and higher photosynthetic
quantum yield, whereas C4 plant do not improve in lower O2.

&#8226; Temperature: C3 plants in lower temperature environments have higher quantum yield than C4 plants,
whereas at higher temperatures, C4 plants have higher quantum yield, although these differences are modest over moderate temperature ranges.
The quantum yield of C4 plants in almost constant over temperature range of 10 - 40 ºC

&#8226; CO2: C4 plants in lower CO2/O2 ratio environments have more efficient PS, whereas the opposite is true in higher CO2/O2 ratio environments.

Sun and shade plants &#8220;show very similar quantum yields&#8221;
[for quantum yields expressed in terms of mol CO2 fixation per absorbed quantum].
However, the maximal PS CO2 assimilation of sun plants at saturation (example: c. 35 &#956;mol CO2 m-2 s-1) is substantially higher than for shade plants (example: c. 5&#956;mol CO2 m-2 s-1).

This indicates that earlier growing conditions affect how much capacity for PS the leaf develops.
Above saturation, the leaf is said to be &#8220;CO2 limited&#8221;&#8212;the Calvin cycle processes cannot keep up with the absorbed light energy producing ATP and NADPH.
Mechanisms of Protection Against Excess Light

Most leaves can utilize only as many as 500 - 1000 &#956;mol m-2 s-1 of photons out of full sunlight&#8217;s maximal
Most plant leaves are partially shaded so a plant as a whole is rarely saturated with light.
Although individual needles or leaves may be saturated, whole trees and the forest canopy as a whole is
rarely saturated.
Leaves must dissipate excess light energy (to prevent photoinhibition), often as heat. An important
mechanism is the use of the xanthophyll cycle, which employs violaxanthin,antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin.
Zeaxanthin is the most effective at dissipating heat, and, along with
antheraxanthin, rises in concentration as sunlight becomes more intense, while violaxanthin declines
correspondingly. This cycle of waxing and waning concentrations is diurnal in summer, but in conifers in
winter, zeaxanthin stays high all day apparently to prevent photo-oxidation. Xanthophyll may also protect
chloroplasts against the effects of excess heat.
Chloroplasts also protect themselves against excess light by shifting in distribution within cells, moving to
the cytoplasmic margins and thereby increasing their overlap. This phenomenon is seen in algae, mosses,
and higher plants, and is a blue-light response related to phytochrome and using actin microfilaments.
Leaf orientation, overlap, and wilting also help plants to regulate excess light and heat by reducing
incident heat and light load.
Too much light can lead to photoinhibition. This may take the form of:
&#8226; Dynamic photoinhibition&#8212;a reversible effect from moderately excess light in which PS efficiency
decreases (slope of light-response curve) but the maximum PS rate is not significantly changed. Some
of these changes are photoprotective, and can occur normally at midday and at colder temperatures(going purple? ).
&#8226; Chronic photoinhibition&#8212;irreversible reduction of maximum PS rate (O2 evolved per quantum mol)
from excess light.Cumulative effects of recurring photoinhibition over a growing season can reduce crop yield.
Effects of Temperature And Heat On PS

Leaves must dissipate large amounts of heat, but are aided in this by absorbing only about 50% of the
incident solar energy in the 300 - 3000 nm range (most of this absorption is in the visible spectrum).

Absorbed energy is dissipated by
&#8226; Re-radiation as long wavelength infrared (typically c. 10,000 nm)
&#8226; Sensible heat loss by air circulation, convection, and conduction
&#8226; Latent heat loss as evaporation (evapo-transpiration)
The Bowen ratio is the ratio of sensible heat loss to evaporative heat loss. It is higher in
desert plants with little water loss, and lower in tropical rain forests and well-watered crops with high
PS is sensitive to temperature. At normal &#8220;ambient&#8221; CO2 concentrations, C3 plants have a lower PS versus
temp curve than C4 plants , and show peak PS rate &#956;mol [?CO2] m-2 s-1 (optimal temperature
response) at lower temperatures. (In other words, C4 plants in ambient CO2 conditions and at higher
temperatures are more efficient at PS than C3 plants.) But at high CO2, the curves of PS rate versus
temperature are almost identical. The declines of PS at higher temperatures are due mainly to instability
of membrane bound electron transport, not to photo-oxidation.
Different plants have different adaptations and optimal temperature response&#8212;some are able to
photosynthesize at 0 ºC and others as high as 50 ºC.
When considered as a function of latitude, C3 grasses in savanna and steppe ecosystems are predicted to
be more productive (and in fact are found to be more common) in higher latitudes above 45 degrees (where
lower temperatures prevail and adequate water supplies are perhaps more likely). C4 grasses are predicted
to be more productive (and are found to be more common) in semi-arid latitudes from 20 to 40 degrees and
which have warm wet summers. [Latitudes closer to the equator are not included in this analysis because
tropical forests are more common, and would shade C4 grasses.].
In modern agriculture, C4 plants such as corn, sugarcane, and sorghum are being grown
outside their customary geographic ranges.
Secondary Metabolites Defined
Secondary metabolites, also known as secondary products or natural products, are organic compounds
that are not directly involved in the normal growth, development or reproduction of organisms, and are not
directly involved with &#8220;photosynthesis, respiration, solute transport, translocation, protein synthesis,
nutrient assimilation, or differentiation, or the formation of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids...&#8221;
&#8220;Unlike primary metabolites, absence of secondary metabolites results not in immediate death, but in longterm
impairment of the organism's survivability/fecundity or aesthetics, or perhaps in no significant change at all.&#8221;
Secondary metabolites are often restricted to a single species or a narrow set of species
within a group, whereas primary metabolites are typically found throughout the plant kingdom.
In most cases, secondary metabolites have been found not to be simply metabolic waste products, but
instead to play important roles in plant defenses against pathogens or herbivores, and in other aspects of
plant ecology. These ecological roles include:
&#8226; Protecting against animal herbivory (being eaten by herbivores including insects) and infection (by
&#8226; Aiding pollinators and seed-dispersing animals by serving as attractants in smell, color, or taste.
&#8226; Aiding in plant-plant competition (including allelopathy) and in plant-microbe symbioses
These compounds can have a deleterious or beneficial effects in plants intended for human consumption.
The main groups are terpenes, phenolics, and nitrogen-containing compounds

Allelopathy Defined
Plants synthesizing phenolics (including caffeic acid and ferulic acid) and other secondary
metabolites discussed in this chapter may impart these to the soil in the form of fallen leaves, decaying
litter, and root secretions. The inhibiting effects of these substances on germination or growth etc. of
neighboring plants is termed allelopathy, and can lead to better fitness through increased access to
light, water, and nutrients. The study of allelopathy in agriculture is important with respect to maximizing
crop yields. However, it is difficult to unravel the precise ecological function of most &#8220;secondary&#8221;
metabolites, though this designation often implies an ecological role . In the introduced
invasive weed Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), it is a polyphenolic tannin, catechin ,
that serves as its primary allelopathic root exudate.

Terpenes, Terpenoids and Isoprenoids
Terpenes (also called terpenoids or isoprenoids) are derived from one or more branched 5-carbon (C5)
isoprene units (actually either isopentane or isoprene units).
Classification and biosynthesis
Terpenes or terpenoids are classified by the number of isoprene units that are combined:
&#8226; 2 isoprene units (C10 terpenes) are termed monoterpenes
&#8226; 3 isoprene units (C15 terpenes) are termed sesquiterpenes
&#8226; 4 isoprene units (C20 terpenes) are termed diterpenes
&#8226; 6 isoprene units (C30 terpenes) are termed triterpenes
&#8226; 8 isoprene units (C40 terpenes) are termed tetraterpenes
&#8226; > 8 isoprene units (> C40 terpenes) are termed polyterpenoids
Terpenes are the major components of conifer resin, and of turpentine produced from resin. The name
&#8220;terpene&#8221; is derived from the word &#8220;turpentine&#8221; (which derived from terebinthine = pertaining to the
terebinth tree).

Terpenes or terpenoids are biosynthesized by either of two pathways leading to the
common C10 intermediary Geranyl diphosphate(GPP):
&#8226; The Mevalonic acid pathway: starting with Acetyl-CoA (C2), leading to C5 Isopentenyl diphosphate
(IPP), then GPP.
&#8226; The Methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway: starting with pyruvate (C3) and Glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate (C3), leading to Methylerythritol phosphate (C5), then Dimethylallyl diphosphate
(DMAPP, C5), then GPP.

GPP can then be converted to
&#8226; Monoterpenes (C10 compounds such as geraniol, limonene, terpineol, alpha-pinene and betapinene),
or to
&#8226; Farnesyl diphosphate (FPP, C15), which can be converted to
- Sesquiterpenes (C15 compounds such as farnesol), or dimerized to
- Triterpenes (C30 compounds such as Squalene,92 which is the precursor of the sterols lanosterol
and cycloartenol, which are the precursors for all plant and animal steroids), or to
&#8226; Geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP, C20), which can be converted to
- Diterpenes (C20 including cafestol, kahweol, cembrene, and taxadiene, and the derived C21
terpenophenolic compound Tetrahydrocannabinol from hemp Cannabis sativa), or dimerized to
-Tetraterpenes (C40 including lycopene, gamma-carotene, and alpha- and beta-carotenes), or to
- Polyterpenoids (> C40)

Terpene-derived compounds that are primary metabolites
Some terpenoids are considered to be primary metabolites as they participate in plant growth and
development, etc., and are discussed in other chapters. These include:
&#8226; Gibberellins
&#8226; Brassinosteroids (C28 brassinolide, derived from C30 triterpene squalene, )
&#8226; Sterols (C27-C30, used to stabilize phospholipid membranes,)
&#8226; Carotenoids (C40,) including xanthophylls and carotenes (used in PS etc., )
&#8226; Tocopherols (including RRR-alpha-tocopherol AKA d-alpha-tocopherol AKA vitamin E,derived from
&#8226; Phytol side chain of Chlorophyll (C20, )
&#8226; Abscisic acid (C15, )
&#8226; Dolichols (polyterpenoid alcohols which serve as carriers and anchors for sugars in cell wall and
glycoprotein synthesis .

Terpenes that protect against herbivores
Some terpenes serve as toxins to deter herbivorous animals including insects:
Pyrethrin I and II are natural insecticidal monoterpene ester compounds deriving from Pyrethrum, the
extract of several Old World plants of the genus Chrysanthemum (e.g., C. coccineum and C. cinerariifolium).
Pyrethroids are synthetic analogs, and include permethrin. These have relatively low human toxicity.
Conifers such as pines, firs, and spruce accumulate monoterpenes (such as bicyclic &#945;-pinene and &#946;-
pinene) in resin stored in resin ducts or blisters in the needles, twigs, and trunk. These terpenes are
toxic to many but not all bark beetles. Resin ducts occur normally, or can be induced by the presence of
pathogens such as fungi, and in some conifers the mobilized resin contain &#8220;a mixture of monoterpenes,
sesquiterpenes, and diterpene resin acids&#8221;.
Cannabinoids: The psychoactive (hallucinogenic) cannabinoids include the C21 terpenophenolic compound
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most active cannabinoid found in the mj/ hemp plant
(Cannabis sativa). Others common cannabinoids in Cannabis include cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol
(CBN).Extremely low human toxicity.
Limonoids: according to the textbook are C30 triterpenes. [Other sources state that limonoids100 are
tetranortriterpenes, a term which I have not found defined. The limonoid Limonin has 26 carbons.]
These impart the bitter taste and characteristic scent of citrus (lemon, orange, etc.) fruit peel or rind. The
Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is rich in the limonoid-related C35 tetranortriterpenoid azadirachtin.101
This compound is a powerful deterrent to insect feeding in low concentrations, and appears to have low
human toxicity.
Phytoecdysones: The triterpenoids known as phytoecdysones have the same basic structure as hormones (ecdysteroids such as ecdysone) that are used by insects in the molting of the cuticle, a process known as ecdysis. When insects ingest these chemicals (which are found for instance in thecommon fern Polypodium vulgare), they may prematurely molt or suffer other lethal effects. Nematodesm ay also be affected.
Triterpene-derived compounds directed against vertebrate herbivores include:
&#8226; Cardenolides: These are glycosides found in foxglove (Digitalis lanata), milkweed, and oleander
(Nerium oleander).They are extremely cardiotoxic, but in low doses some are used therapeutically as
&#8220;cardiac glycosides&#8221; .
&#8226; Saponins: These are found in plants such as Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) and soapberry. The
saponin yamogenin is found in yams of the genus Dioscorea . Many yams require
detoxification processing before they can be eaten. (The tuber termed sweet potato in the U.S., Ipomoea
batatas, is not a Dioscorea yam.) Saponins are steroid or triterpene glycosides which, because of
detergent-like properties, can form complexes with sterols. They can therefore disrupt intestinal sterol
uptake and interfere with cell membrane function, and are utilized by plants at least in part as
antimicrobials (they disrupt fungal membranes by binding to sterols).

Terpenes that confer scents and flavors potentially useful to humans
In some plants, volatile monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes termed &#8220;essential oils&#8221; (when extracted) are present and confer a characteristic odor or aroma to the foliage. These aromatic compounds are often presented to potential predators in concentrated external form in &#8220;glandular hairs&#8221;.However, plants also use monoterpenes and other compounds to provide attractive scents for pollinators. The large number of aromatic plants from which essential oils for human use are derived include:
Plant Source Terpenes And Other Compounds Found In Essential Oil
Anise C10 trans-anethole (not a terpene)
Basil C10 eugenol and estragole (not terpenes), plus other aromatic compounds
Camphor laurel C10 camphor
Cinnamon C9 trans-cinnamaldehyde (not a terpene), plus other aromatic compounds
Citronella grass C10 citronellal, plus (+)-Citronellol, etc.
Cloves C10 eugenol (not a terpene) plus other aromatic compounds
Eucalyptus C10 eucalyptol AKA 1,8 cineole
Fennel C10 trans-anethole (not a terpene)
Ginger C15 zingiberene and other terpenoids
Lemon C10 d-limonene, the main odor constituent of citrus, plant family Rutaceae
Lemongrass C10 geranial [AKA citral A] and neral [AKA citral B]
[many] C10 linalool (widespread in floral scents and fruits including guava, peach,
plum, pineapple, and passionfruit
Peppermint C10 menthol, along with C10 menthone and menthyl esters
Rose C10 geraniol plus C10 l-citronellol (AKA (&#8211;)-Citronellol), etc.
Sage C10 cineole, borneol, and thujone (all terpenes), etc.
Tarragon C10 estragole (not a terpene)

Phenol consists of a benzene aromatic ring with an attached hydroxyl (-OH) group. Phenolic compounds are a heterogeneous group that have one or more such C6 aromatic rings bound to hydroxyls. These vary substantially in size and water solubility.
Shikimic Acid pathway: Most plant phenolics are synthesized in the Shikimic Acid pathway, starting with the C4 Erythrose-4-phosphate (from the Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Pathway) or C3 phosphoenolpyruvic acid (PEP, from glycolysis) and leading to C7 Shikimic acid. From Shikimic acid, pathways continue :
&#8226; through Gallic acid to hydrolyzable tannins
&#8226; through Chorismic acid (which can also lead to Tryptophan), Prephenic acid, and Arogenic acid to the aromatic AAs Phenylalanine or Tyrosine, and to trans-Cinnamic acid and Simple phenolics.
&#8226; from Simple phenolics (including C6-C3 Phenylpropanoids such as trans-Cinnamic acid and pcoumaric acid, and C6-C1 compounds such as benzoic acid) to lignin, flavonoids, condensed
tannins, and other phenolics.
Malonic pathway: The malonic pathway, found in fungi and bacteria, is an alternative pathway for synthesizing phenolic compounds, but is of lesser importance in higher plants. (The shikimic acid pathway is not found in animals, and they therefore cannot synthesize the aromatic amino acids.)
The removal of ammonia from phenylalanine to yield trans-Cinnamic Acid plus NH3 by the cleaving of the C-N bond is catalyzed by phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). This enzyme is located at a branch point between primary metabolism (such as protein synthesis) and secondary metabolism (synthesis of phenolics and alkaloids, etc.) A plant subjected to stresses such as fungal infection increases its expression of PAL and therefore synthesizes relatively more phenolic secondary metabolites .
Simple phenolics
Phenylalanine leads to simple phenolics such as
&#8226; Phenylpropanoids (C6-C3 ) such as trans-Cinnamic acid and derivatives such as caffeic acid and ferulic acid
&#8226; Coumarins are C6-C3 Phenylpropanoid lactones or cyclic esters such as coumarin (benzopyrone) and umbelliferone. Coumarin is a &#8220;toxin found in many plants, notably in high concentration in the tonka bean, woodruff, mullein, and bison grass. It has a sweet scent, readily recognised as the scent of newlymown hay... The name comes from a French word, coumarou, for the tonka bean.&#8221; Warfarin (Coumadin&#8482;) is a C19 synthetic derivative of coumarin, and was named for the Wisconsin Alumni
Shikimic acid: named after the Japanese flower shikimi (Illicium anisatum)
It inhibits the vitamin K&#8211;dependent synthesis of biologically active forms of
certain clotting factors.
&#8226; Psoralen is a plant furanocoumarin (a coumarin with an added furan ring) that is phototoxic to cells of insects and animals when activated by exposure to UV-A (320-400 nm) light .
Psoralen (named after Psoralea corylifolia) is used in P-UVA treatment of psoriasis, etc. Psoralen and the closely related furanocoumarin Angelicin along with their methoxy derivatives occur in a number of plants belonging to the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family&#8212;caraway, carrot, celery, coriander, cumin,dill, fennel, giant hogweed, parsley, cow parsley, parsnip, cow parsnip, etc.&#8212;as well as Rutaceae such as lime, Bergamot orange, lemon, etc. along with plants of other genera. These compounds can cause a non-immunological photosensitization such as &#8220;string-trimmer&#8221; (&#8220;weed-eater&#8221;) dermatitis.
Insects that ingest psoralens may be sensitized and have to adapt by avoiding UVA light.
&#8226; Benzoic acid derivatives: These are C6-C1 compounds formed from phenylpropanoids, and include vanillin and salicylic acid. (Benzoic acid was named after gum benzoin, also called styrax resin.)
Lignin is a complex hydrophobic &#8220;phenolic&#8221; which is considered by the textbook to be a secondary metabolite. It is highly branched polymer of phenylpropanoid groups, with uncertain overall structure. It forms from 3 phenylpropanoid alcohols: conifereryl, coumaryl, and sinapyl alcohols, and contains manyn 3-dimensional linking C&#8211;C and C&#8211;O&#8211;C bonds. Its important roles are many , including providing structural strength and mechanical rigidity to stems and trunks and preventing collapse under negative pressure of xylem tracheary elements. These properties allow upward growth and improved competitive fitness, and made possible tall plant colonization on dry land. In addition, lignin improves the
survivability of plants by making them tougher and more indigestible to herbivores, as well as more resistant to wounding and infection.It also contributes to wound healing.
Flavonoids (AKA &#8220;bioflavonoids&#8221;) are another major class of phenolics, derived from a combination of the shikimic acid and malonic acid pathways. These are C6-C3-C6 compounds combining two aromatic C6 rings connected by a C3 bridge which may be cyclized into a benzopyrone ring. They often have glycoside
substituents. In human use, they are noted for antioxidant properties and various potential health applications are under investigation. Their derivatives include:
&#8226; Anthocyanins: These are colored flavonoids that confer pigmentation that are used in flowers and fruits (along with carotenoids) to attract animals visually to promote pollination and fruit or seed dispersal through fruit ingestion. They may serve as accessory pigments to protect leaves from photoinhibition from excess light and UV radiation (thats why crpos developed in greenhouses are nutrient def.). They are responsible for most of the
red, pink, purple, and blue colors seen in plants (whereas carotenoids including xanthophylls often confer orange, yellow, or red coloration.) They occur in all tissues of higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. They include anthocyanin (which is a glycoside, having an attached sugar or glycone), and the sugar-free (aglycone) anthocyanidins. The latter come with various substituents, confering colors such as orange red (pelargonidin), purplish red (cyanidin), bluish purple (delphinidin), rosy red (peonidin), and purple (petunidin). The intense blue of Commelina communis (dayflower) arises from a complex of multiple anthocyanins and other compounds. Anthocyanins are located in the vacuole, are strong antioxidants, and are found in high concentration in blueberry, blackberry, marionberry, black raspberry, raspberry, blackcurrant,
chokeberry, cherry, eggplant, red grape, etc.
&#8226; Flavones and Flavonols: These typically absorb wavelengths in the UV part of the spectrum producing a pattern in flowers which is not visible to humans but is visible to insects such as bees.
Such patterns form &#8220;nectar guides&#8221; for insect pollinators . Flavones and flavonols in the
epidermis of leaves also serve as &#8220;sunscreens&#8221; to protect the leaves from excess UV-B (280-320 nm).

Flavones and Flavonols (or isoflavones) are also secreted by legumes to help form the symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. Natural flavones include Apigenin, Luteolin, and Tangeritin; natural flavonols include Quercetin and Myricetin.
&#8226; Isoflavones (Isoflavonoids): These have the phenyl group shifted to the middle of the bridging carbons. They are found mostly in Fabaceae (Leguminosae, legumes such as beans and soybeans)and are strong anti-oxidants. Some are phytoestrogens or are anti-estrogenic (e.g., they have been shown to cause reproductive failure in sheep and quails). Some serve as phytoalexins (antimicrobial compounds). Rotenoids are used as insecticides and fish poisons. Soybean isoflavonoids may have anti-cancer benefits but have also been linked to immune abnormalities.Soybean isoflavones include genistein and daidzein.
Tannins: Like lignins, tanninsare plant phenolic compounds which serve a defensive role by reducing plant edibility. These are astringent (mouth puckering) bitter polyphenols that bind or precipitate proteins nonspecifically (including the digestive enzymes of herbivores), by means of either hydrogen bonding or covalent bonding of protein &#8211;NH2 groups . They may also reduce the bioavailability of metal ions in herbivores by chelating them. Ingested tannins can decrease the digestibility of proteins, thereby reducing the nutritive value to herbivores of plants and plant parts, deterring herbivore feeding. (Some animals such as rodents and rabbits secrete salivary proline-rich proteins that improve tannin ntolerance.) Tannins are mainly located in the vacuoles or surface wax of the plants. They are also found in the nonliving heartwood of conifers, where they may help to inhibit microbial activity. They are used in
tanning to bind collagen in animal hides, thereby increasing the resistance to microbes and heat, etc.
Tannins are found in many human foods and beverages: black tea, red wine (perhaps contributing tonbreputed cardiac health benefits), beer hops, unripe fruits, various ripe fruits including pomegranates, persimmons, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, apple, grapes, smoked foods, etc.
Dietary tannins may have beneficial anti-oxidant properties. There are two categories :
&#8226; Condensed tannins: These consists of polymers of flavonoid units (such as epicatechin or catechin), and can be hydrolyzed to anthocyanidins (thus they are also termed proanthocyanidins). They are
common constituents of woody plants, reducing their edibility.
&#8226; Hydrolyzable tannins: These are smaller, and may be hydrolyzed to a sugar plus phenolic acids: gallic acid (in gallotannins), or ellagic acid (in ellagitannins).

Nitrogen-Containing Secondary Metabolites

This is a large and heterogeneous grouping of secondary metabolites (thus excluding primary metabolites such as amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, various amides and amines, etc.). The term includes plant alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, and non-proteinogenic amino acids. Although they are synthesized from common amino acids (and polyamines), many are toxic to animals.
There are more than 15,000 natural plant alkaloids and they are found in 20% of vascular plant species.
The N is usually found in a heterocyclic ring, but exceptions include Capsaicinoids115 (from genusCapsicum) and natural Phenethylamines such as mescaline (from several Cactaceae including the peyote cactus Lophophora williamsii), levodopa and dopamine (from Mucuna pruriens), and ephedrine(from various Ephedra species). Most alkaloids are water soluble and &#8220;alkaline&#8221;, and therefore at physiological pH typically are positively charged due to protonation of the N by H+. They serve primarily as plant defenses, and are no longer regarded as simply nitrogenous wastes or nitrogen storage compounds.
They poison and kill many unadapted domestic livestock each year, particularly lupines (Lupinus),larkspur (Delphinium), and groundsel (Senecio). Plant alkaloids poisonous to humans include some classic poisons:
&#8226; aconitine (from Aconitum, known as aconite, monkshood, or wolfsbane)
&#8226; atropine (from Atropa belladonna and other Solanaceae)
&#8226; coniine (from poison hemlock Conium maculatum and Yellow pitcher plant Sarracenia flava)
&#8226; muscarine (from various mushrooms including Inocybe and Clitocybe)
&#8226; solanine and chaconine (from the nightshade Solanaceae family such as light-exposed green-tinged[and often bitter tasting] potato tubers and sprouts, but also eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers).
&#8226; strychnine and brucine (extremely bitter alkaloids obtained from the seeds of the tree Strychnos nuxvomica)
Although most alkaloids are toxic to humans in sufficient doses, many natural plant alkaloids are useful tohumans in controlled doses, and many are psychoactive .
&#8226; atropine (from Atropa belladonna and other Solanaceae)
&#8226; caffeine (from coffee, tea, cacao, yerba mate, guarana)
&#8226; capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin (the most abundant and hottest capsaicinoids from peppers of genus Capsicum )
&#8226; cocaine (from the coca plant, Erythroxylum coca)
&#8226; codeine (from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum)
&#8226; emetine (from ipecac, the dried rhizome and roots of the Ipecacuanha plant Psychotria ipecacuanha)
&#8226; ergotamine (from the ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea, and related fungi)
&#8226; hyoscyamine (from Hyoscamus niger and mandrake Mandragora officinarum and other Solanaceae)
&#8226; levodopa (L-DOPA) and dopamine (from Mucuna pruriens)118
&#8226; mescaline (from several Cactaceae including the peyote cactus Lophophora williamsii)119
&#8226; morphine (from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum)
&#8226; nicotine (from tobacco and coca, and in lower quantities in tomato, potato, eggplant, and greenpepper.
&#8226; nicotinic acid (niacin, from leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, avocados, etc.)
&#8226; papaverine (from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum)
&#8226; pilocarpine (from Rutaceae of genus Pilocarpus)
&#8226; piperine and chavicine (these produce the pungency of black pepper)121
&#8226; psilocybin (hallucinogen derived from mushrooms of genus Psilocybe)
&#8226; quinine and quinidine (from trees of genus Cinchona)
&#8226; reserpine (from the root of Rauwolfia serpentina)
&#8226; scopolamine (from family Solanaceae such as henbane or jimson weed Datura species)
&#8226; theobromine (from the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao)
&#8226; theophylline (from tea and the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao)
&#8226; vincristine and vinblastine (from Madagascar periwinkle Catharanthus roseus, formerly Vinca rosea)
Many alkaloids employed as human drugs are synthetic or semi-synthetic:
&#8226; amphetamine (from ephedrine)
&#8226; heroin (from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum)
&#8226; lysergic acid diethylamide LSD (hallucinogen derived from lysergic acid derived from ergot of genus Claviceps)
Cyanogenic glycosides
These non-alkaloid nitrogen containing plant compounds evolve hydrogen cyanide HCN (H&#8211;C&#8801;N, prussic
acid) when plants containing them are crushed, exposing the cyanogenic glycosides to normally segregated
or compartmentalized plant enzymes. HCN is a rapidly acting animal toxin that impairs metalloproteins
such as cytochrome oxidase that are employed in mitochondrial respiration, and the gas thereby rapidly
deters many grazing herbivores such as insects and slugs. The gas is detectable by humans as the smell
of bitter almonds at concentrations as low as 0.6 ppm. The concentration that will kill 50% of humans
exposed for 10 minutes is only 181 ppm
, and nonlethal exposures can cause a variety of acute and
chronic toxicities. The plant enzyme glycosidase first releases the attached sugar by hydrolysis.
The resulting cyanohydrin is then rapidly decomposed to HCN plus a ketone by hydroxynitrile
lyase (slower spontaneous decomposition may also occur).
Notable plants containing cyanogenic glycosides are as follows:
&#8226; The fruits or seeds and wilting leaves of the rose family Rosaceae, including especially the seeds of
almonds, apricots, cherries, and peaches but also seeds of apples, blackberries, crabapples,
plums, and raspberries, contain the cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin.

The concentration of
amygdalin HCN in bitter almonds (technically a fruit, and not the same varietyas sweet almonds) is
250 mg HCN per 100 g.

&#8226; Cassava root (Tapioca root or manioc, Manihot esculanta), an important food plant in Africa and
South America, must be washed and ground under running water prior to consumption to release
much (but unfortunately not all) of the cyanogenic glycoside linamarin, which contains 1.5 - 395 mg
HCN per 100 g of tissue
. The resistance of cassava to pests is probably due to this toxin.
&#8226; Sorghum: Whole sorghum contains cyanogenic glycosides, especially dhurrin, containing 250 mg HCN
per 100 g of tissue.
Cyanogenic glycosides in its roots lead to greater resistance to pests such as
rootworms. The vacuoles of the epidermal cells also contain the dhurrin, while the hydrolytic and lytic
enzymes are found in the mesophyll.
When herbivores chew these leaves, the normally separated
ingredients are mixed and HCN is evolved.
&#8226; Many Fabaceae legumes and grasses also contain cyanogenic glycosides. For example, the leaves,
roots, and seeds of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) contain linamarin,
with 10-312 mg HCN per 100g of tissue
(but the beans are said to be rendered safe by cooking, and edible strains are selected to
have lower linamarin content).
&#8226; Bamboo shoots have up to 100 mg HCN per 100 g in taxiphillin, and can be toxic when inadequately
prepared, but this cyanogenic glycoside is mostly liberated on canning.

Glucosinolates (AKA Mustard oil glycosides, Thioglycosides, or Thioglucosides)
These are also non-alkaloid nitrogen containing plant glycosides, and are found mainly in Brassicaceae.
Glycosinolate is a rarely used synonym. These substances are responsible for the sharp or pungent taste
of many common foods such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cress, horseradish,
kale, kohlrabi, mustard seeds and mustard greens, white pepper, radish, rapeseed (canola), rutabaga,
turnip, wasabi, etc.The pungent compounds characteristic of these plants are released, as with
cyanogenic glycosides, when the plant is crushed, causing mixing of glucosinolates with the usually
segregated enzymes myrosinase or thioglucosidase, and ultimately yielding isothiocyanates and nitriles
(with general formulas R&#8211;N=C=S and R&#8211;C&#8801;N). These toxins help to deter some but not all
&#8226; Sinigrin: The glucosinolate Sinigrin is responsible for the pungency of black mustard (Brassica nigra),
horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, which also contains the glucosinolate gluconasturtiin), and wasabi
(Wasabia Japonica).Sinigrin is also found in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and leaf mustard
greens (brown Indian mustard, Brassica juncea). &#8220;Chinese hot mustard is made with dry
mustard ... which, like Dijon, is made with the stronger brown mustard seeds, called Brassica
juncea.&#8221; When an animal chews the plant, the enzymatic reaction on sinigrin leads to the release of
allyl isothiocyanate, the chemical compound ultimately responsible for the pungent taste. Allyl
isothiocyanate can also be distilled from [brown] mustard seeds : the pungent product obtained in this
fashion is known as volatile oil of mustard, an essential oil which contains up to 92% allyl
isothiocyanate and is used sparingly in India as a flavoring. (Undistilled mustard oil, made from
pressed seeds of Brassica juncea, is a different product, consumed in India but not generally
considered suitable for human consumption in the United States.) Black pepper (produced from the
unripe and still-green berries of the pepper plant Piper nigrum) also contains sinigrin, but the
peppery taste is apparently largely attributable to the alkaloid Piperine.
&#8226; Sinalbin: The pungent thioglycoside or glucosinolate Sinalbin is found in white pepper (which is also
made from Piper nigrum, but from the fully ripe seed and with the surrounding fruit removed), and in
white or yellow mustard (Sinapis alba AKA Brassica alba AKA Brassica hirta, the source of the
standard American hot dog condiment, yellow mustard).
&#8226; Rapeseed glucosinolates: Ongoing efforts are being made to breed a rapeseed (Brassica napus) with
lower seed indole glucosinolate content to improve the edibility and safety of extracted canola oil for
humans, and of rapeseed meal for mammals and poultry feed. Rapeseed glucosinolates include
progoitrine, gluconapine, glucobrassicanapine, sinalbine, and glucobrassicine, and can induce
hypothyroidism and cause other toxicities when ingested in relatively high amounts.
Going to roll a joint....
Hope wasn't sooooo boring......
I'm here for the party. Gretchen Wilson

Not a sophisticated,mono-block, high-end sound amplifier.... WTF a hi-end audio reference? My other passion

I'm here for the party. Gretchen Wilson

Not a sophisticated,mono-block, high-end sound amplifier.... WTF a hi-end audio reference? My other passion

View attachment 2340764

OMFG. Are those 6' mahogany speakers? Talk about getting brought to a rapid climax aurally (see what I did there snikker)

Please tell me that you don't listen to modern rock music with those delicate and beautiful things? They need Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart and shit loads of Rachmaninoff or at very least, if it has to be something modern, then William Orbit, The Orb or Aphex Twins selected ambient works... I am genuinely giddy at the thought of listening to something like this through those! Two phat bongs and a comfy chair FUCK YES.
39th day...
Today I trimmed the lower 1/3 of the plant...
Lots of pop-corn....
(that means a lot of light diffused ,at lower part of plant...Nice...)
41st low.jpg41st tops.jpgbud 41st.jpgpop corn 41st.jpgtrims 41.jpg
Holy Sh..............

(I just have a 'humble' NAD sound system....
But my real passion is music...
Well heard music...)


I feel jealous....

lol At several points I had all tube systems, but they were too sensitive for my more sensible sensibilities. My hi-end CD player uses tubes, but it is in sick bay- non-tube issues, so currently (NPI) my system is 100% solid state, but it sounds like tubes are in the mix

Most of the equipment has been replaced. The Magnepan 3.5Rs + powered sub (now on its' side) allows me to play classical as well as rock, and everything in between with great delicacy as well as power.

Any of you who would appreciate hearing it are welcome, but I am in S FL and it seems like you guys are across the pond. But this is a great place for holiday

Now back to leds...

Please explain why each of your panels has different NW/CW/WW ratios

I can see having one small panel above the canopy + 2-3 on the sides perhaps 4-6" below the top light possible angled ~ 70*

I have a 2 X 4 X 5 ft tent. Thinking 3 similar panels to yours would cover 3 of the 4 ft nicely. The other foot is for equipment

How to arrange the arrays? Should warm whites be on perimeter then NWs and in the middle CWs? Or is the layout on 12" x 12" panels critical?

lol At several points I had all tube systems, but they were too sensitive for my more sensible sensibilities. My hi-end CD player uses tubes, but it is in sick bay- non-tube issues, so currently (NPI) my system is 100% solid state, but it sounds like tubes are in the mix

Most of the equipment has been replaced. The Magnepan 3.5Rs + powered sub (now on its' side) allows me to play classical as well as rock, and everything in between with great delicacy as well as power

Ohh,please stoooppp...
I feel really jealous....

Nw back to leds...

Please explain why each of your panels has different NW/CW/WW ratios

...Left overs from various experiments...
They yield almost equally fine...
Very subtle differences,amongst 'em......
2 to 4 different leds ...

I can see having one small panel above the canopy + 2-3 on the sides perhaps 4-6" below the top light possible angled ~ 70*

one on top ,two on sides at approx 70°..Correct...

I have a 2 X 4 X 5 ft tent. Thinking 3 similar panels to yours would cover 3 of the 4 ft nicely. The other foot is for equipment

How to arrange the arrays? Should warm whites be on perimeter then NWs and in the middle CWs? Or is the layout on 12' x 12' panels critical?

Each panel covers very effectively a 'stereo' space of 1.2' x 1.2' x 2' (depth)..
Yes..One has to arrange the different spectra leds,with the maximal homogeneity ,possible..
So,warm whites be on perimeter then NWs and in the middle CWs,it's a definite no-no...
Though -opposite of soundwaves-light with greater frequency(lower wls) tends to be more 'omnidirectional'..
Photons/wls of blue are more easily scattered,than these of red...
So warms/reds are more directional,in a way....
Try to place them as 'spatially equal' or as "evenly mixed "as possible ,in the PCB..
(Sorry,my English,aren't that good,so to know exactly,which word(s) should I use..... Hope you understood me ...)

Any of you who would appreciate hearing it are welcome, but I am in S FL and it seems like you guys are across the pond. But this is a great place for holiday

You're kidding me,aren't you ...?
I could swim across the Atlantic ,just to listen to your rig...
Sit back in your couch ...
Open my ears & close my eyes...
While smokin' a bit, of your flowers...
Dream Over


Sitting back on my chair...
Smoking (testing) the oven-dried trims...
(Weird ,but it doesn't taste "grassy"..While it contains a hint of that ,characteristic,sweet smell of WR...)


A bit of philosophy about leds....

In the beginning of controlled enviroment growing ,we had the known artif. light sources...
For growing..
VH /VHO FLs' , CFLs' later...
HQI at 70's ,MH/HPS/LPS later and nowdays Sulfur plasma,CMH & induction(a kind of FL ,really...)...

Almost all of them ,they share some common characteristics....

-They emit the light ,omnidirectional...
We can,with a bit 'freedom' of physics,that light has the shape(or is emitted at a shape ) of a big sphere..
Give or take....(It can be more like a 'drop shaped', 'egg shaped',ect...)
So ,the use of a reflector ,is a 'must' ,in order to concentrate as much light to a certain direction and minimise ,of course,any light losses ...
We create a 'cone' (or a 'pyramid') of light.....
Of course ,depending on various characteristics of the reflector ,some losses(in light Power &#934; ) are almost unavoidable..
But very small...

-Almost all of them are used as single-point lights...Usually on top of the plants..Zenital...
Although one can have 4 X 250 Watt HID all-over & over or/and sideways to plant(s) ,usually 1 X 1000 Watt is used just on top ...
In fact,growers are utilising many techniques to take as much advantage of the single-point ,cone of light ..
Like SOG,SCROG,topping,ect....
Growers try to 'lay' the leaf canopy ,at the optimal distance from light source(sweet zone) and give to it the optimal total area...
They seek ..'Coverage'

Comparing to 'normal' ( unmodified ) plant(s),which grow(s) 'tree-style' ,usually those techniques ,offer bigger final yields..
Correct ?

And that's because of:

-Light power diminishes with covered distance..In fact it diminishes geometrically..
According to the type : &#934;= &#934;[SUB]0[/SUB] / r[SUP]2[/SUP] ....Whereas &#934;[SUB]0 [/SUB]is the power at 0m distance from the light source...
So 1 m away ? &#934;= &#934;[SUB]0[/SUB] /1 ....For an area of 1 m[SUP]2[/SUP]
2 m away ? &#934;= &#934;[SUB]0[/SUB] / 4.. For an area of 4 m[SUP]2[/SUP]
...For each 1 m[SUP]2[/SUP] power is &#934;[SUB]0 [/SUB]/ 16 !!!!
Oooopsss..Thats 4x times less power ,for double the distance...
For triple the distance ,power diminishes 9x times...And so on....

So...If on "tree style" ...The top of the plant either it's on the sweet zone ,the middle part ,thirsts for light,
and the lower part of the plant,just tries to survive...(photosynthetically meaning )..
Or either the top burns,the middle flourishes,the bottom ..At least tries to do something....

While on SCROG,SOG,ect the canopy is " screened" flat towards the "base" of the light cone....
Optimally ? At the 'sweet zone' of light....

Wait a minute..

In that 'base' of light cone ...
Has ,the light,equal power all over the area oh the 'base' ?


At the center (exactly downwards ,from the point-light source) it has more power....
Depending on the reflector used ,changes the shape and the distribution of power ,from incident light...

So,again the grower 'arranges' the plant(s) ,according to that,also....
One could have more than one light or make the light..move around !!!

-The light as it falls to the leaves ,it gets absorbed..
The light that "escapes" the top leaves,diffuses as "flakes"
to the lower leaves..Still being diminished by distance from source,still being absorbed by leaves...
So,there is a limit,how 'deep' ,in the canopy light will reach...


Let us call it 'penetration limit'..or just 'penetration' ,
measured in m,cm,ft,inches,whatever...

While,'penetration' of light plays a crucial role when growing 'tree-style' ,
In SOG,SCrOG,ect...No,it doesn't...
There is area coverage,that matters...

Ok,yes ,there are exceptions to all these...
Vertical grow takes full advantage of 'sphere' or 'roll' of light..
(Coverage ,again...)
Small wattage cfls can be placed ,wherever possible...
(Coverage ,all over again...)
But they also, have pros' 'n' cons'....

Can you see where I'm "going " ?

Now Leds....

Already emit light at a cone shape
No need for a reflector....(They have one inside them,actually..)


That means that we can have a bunch of these little cones ,virtually everywhere ?

Yes !

But ,for a weird reason ,we try to gather led light (with using a lot of power/using lenses )
again back to single point light source ...
We will examine what really happens,later on ....
First things ,first....

Also,the base of the cone of incident light ,hasn't the same power all over the area...
(Lambertian) ...

lambertian lens.jpg
Typical Lambertian Power emission scheme..
Without any additional lenses.
("View" angles =
Lambertian : 140°-150° & Lambertian II : 120°-130°),

Lambertian 140°-150°:
Leds emit 100% RP at 90° to the die plane .
R.Power drops to 80% at angle of approx. 45° the die plane.
Approx at 15° ,from die plane,R.Power drops to 50%.So,
90-15=75..x2("two" "sides")=150...
The led we say,has a 2&#952;/2=150°
The "sides" of the cone have R.Power of 50%...
Same for Lambertian II ...90-30=60..x2=120°.
50% of R.Power at a cone angle of 120°.

(pause for joint...To be continued..)