Contaminated Cannabis


Well-Known Member
I'm UK too and am surprised this stuff is still around after all the publicity about it. I had a friend who got some and when she baked with it, cake ended up being full of little hard crunchy bits and ended up having to be binned. Doesn't really make sense to me because it might be good for one-time quick sale, but it would make you avoid that dealer forever so not really a good long term thing. When you think about it, as commercial grower knows he/she won't have to smoke product, they can do whatever they want when growing and use any kind of unhealthy products or unsanitary conditions to grow in.


Well-Known Member
Its been around for about 2 years now since i first saw it. There was a huge drought in the uk for a long period. People were contaminating it with the sandy stuff (noone is still 100% what it is) industrial adhesive, honey, other subtances. Sandy stuff being the most common. Grits on your teeth you can tell it a mile off, crystals look too big.

I remember i saw it on another forum where somone with alot of knowlegde tested the sandy stuff. He told me that some of the particals are so small, superheated when u inhale rip your lungs apart!!

I asked every dealer when i was picking up to inspect it. They quikly got the messege as and told me if it was sandy or not.

Yes it still going about and it fucking disguts me, its weed, not crack. I wonder how much profit they make what % of contaminents are in the weed.

I had alot of trouble but now i have a couple of very good dealers that know there shit and always get me clean potent grade.

Saying that, prices are very high at the moments. I took for granted all my life here how easy we had it, now its all tits up!

Hopefully we'll see a crash in prices soon! :(


Well-Known Member
Edit: Just saw your other post with NF at the bottom.


I really hope your not refering to the National Front are you?

The Stig

Well-Known Member
thats scary... glass and sand on the weed wow... :neutral:

thanks for showing that, and as some other people said, its another reason to grow your own stuff, so we dont end up smoking GlasSand weed :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That shit is being purposefully contaminated and pushed onto the streets by your government (probably some conservative quasi-political party..) for propaganda purposes (ie; demonizing marijuana and blaming immigrants).


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with the government. The fact is that 80% of grow houses in this country are run by Thai's. As i already said, there was a drought for 2+ years, hence why they comtaminate to increase yeild. They really just dnt give a fuck!

Another improtant fact i forgot to mention is that they are sprayed with the sand the whole way thoughout growth. Its right down the the stalk and all the way through the bud!


Well-Known Member
That shit is being purposefully contaminated and pushed onto the streets by your government (probably some conservative quasi-political party..) for propaganda purposes (ie; demonizing marijuana and blaming immigrants).
I was thinking it sounds like how a tobacco company would grow it.:spew:


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with the government. The fact is that 80% of grow houses in this country are run by Thai's. As i already said, there was a drought for 2+ years, hence why they comtaminate to increase yeild. They really just dnt give a fuck!

Another improtant fact i forgot to mention is that they are sprayed with the sand the whole way thoughout growth. Its right down the the stalk and all the way through the bud!
Is that a fact? I'd love to see some statistics to back that up.. And I'd like to know how all these independent grow houses are using the exact same contaminates and method of contamination.. No dude, this is single source distribution on a massive scale, a group of growers with an agenda, whether it be greed or propaganda.

With no proof to back up your theories your rhetoric sounds like racist, alarmist BS to me.


Well-Known Member
Is that a fact? I'd love to see some statistics to back that up.. And I'd like to know how all these independent grow houses are using the exact same contaminates and method of contamination.. No dude, this is single source distribution on a massive scale, a group of growers with an agenda, whether it be greed or propaganda.

With no proof to back up your theories your rhetoric sounds like racist, alarmist BS to me.
I find it kind of ironic that you're demanding statistics and proof to back that up but you say the following:

That shit is being purposefully contaminated and pushed onto the streets by your government (probably some conservative quasi-political party..) for propaganda purposes (ie; demonizing marijuana and blaming immigrants).

and offer no proof at all to back that up. In my opinion, you sound more like the consiracy theorist.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was a fact.. But the timing clearly implicates the British or Welsh government authorities, by design or by prohibitionist policy, with the responsibility for the dangerous micro-glass contaminated pot.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was a fact.. But the timing clearly implicates the British or Welsh government authorities, by design or by prohibitionist policy, with the responsibility for the dangerous micro-glass contaminated pot.
You certainly stated it like it was one and am not sure how repeating the same information in a different font strengthens your case.

If your theory was correct it would mean that either the British government had undertaken cannabis cultivation themselves on a massive scale in order to intentionally contaminate the end product or had made a huge-scale purchase of cannabis already grown and intentionally contaminated this and then distrubuted it to a network of dealers throughout the country. Either scenario sounds highly unlikely in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
lol, I was going to use the word "probably", but I decided to use it in the part about conservative political parties instead, and thought it would look funny to use it twice. It's hard to convey connotation in online postings..

And what's so unbelievable about government involvement in drug trafficking? The CIA certainly has in the past (Contra scandal). And possibly still is, though the reports are sketchy, there was some rumors that a CIA airplane used for extraordinary renditions of terrorist suspects was used to transport hundreds of pounds of cocaine. Only time will tell of course.


Well-Known Member
lol, I was going to use the word "probably", but I decided to use it in the part about conservative political parties instead, and thought it would look funny to use it twice. It's hard to convey connotation in online postings..

And what's so unbelievable about government involvement in drug trafficking? The CIA certainly has in the past (Contra scandal). And possibly still is, though the reports are sketchy, there was some rumors that a CIA airplane used for extraordinary renditions of terrorist suspects was used to transport hundreds of pounds of cocaine. Only time will tell of course.
Even the use of the word "probably" seems unwarranted in this case as there is no evidence at all to suggest this explanation is more "probable" than any alternative.

I did not say that Government involvement was impossible, only that it seemed improbable when you considered the logistics of such an operation, not to mention the relatively insignificant rewards vs the enormous risk if such a scheme was uncovered. The fact that the US has been involved in such activites has no bearing on the actions of the British Government. If only time will tell, doesn't that make your accusations somewhat premature?


Well-Known Member
Believe what you will, I admit it sounds far fetched, and maybe I'm just jaded by my own distrust of most if not all forms of government.

From a prohibitionist point of view, weed that is actually harmful goes miles in helping them achieve their goals. And really, what do they have to lose? It would be trivial for MI5 or whatever the DEA equivalent is over there to use proxy growers/distributors (people busted and looking for a way out of a hefty prison sentence) to flood the market with this shit without much risk to themselves. And the harm it does to the marijuana legalization movement is irreparable. I seem to remember that marijuana was to be made a different schedule (from a class B to class C) shortly before this phenomena occurred, now it's being taken off the table by Brown because of the "..involvement of serious crime in the cannabis trade.. and public health concerns"

From a marijuana market view, weed that makes people sick and has received world wide coverage for being harmful and adulterated will only hurt sales. Even bad weed sells well during dry spells, so why would they continue this process for as long as they have knowing full well that it has been exposed. It seems to me that anyone who has the know how to produce hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of marijuana without getting caught would understand basic economic concepts of supply and demand. As dry as it may get, the demand for poison marijuana will always remain low no matter the supply.

The U.S. government and the British government are intrinsically connected in most socio-economic policy as allies and purveyors of western culture. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you that all governments are capable of great and dastardly deeds in order to further their point of view or cause.

As for a premature accusation.. this isn't the New York Times, it's a pot forum. I'm a pot head with an opinion, sue me.


Well-Known Member
I am the least racist person u will ever meet i have blood in me from all over the world and i dnt have any quams with thais.. why would i? Dnt start that shit with me.

I was wrong about it being thai as i heard about this a few years ago. It is acutally Vietnamese gangs. Thats my bad.

It has been over the press for the last 4yrs+ that ALOT of grow houses that are busted are Vietnamese, where in most cases they have have been forced into growing as a means of repaying debt or working for a low wage. There was a huge bust a few years back which caused a drought. Which is where i remember it from.

As far as independent grow house in the uk there are few as far as i know. The couple of friends i have that shift large weights buy from abroad.

75% of grow houses in the uk are Vietnamese gangs.

Police 'can't cope' as Vietnamese flood drugs trade | UK news | The Observer

A quote from the article

"Between April 2003 and March 2004, the Met recovered 468,364kg (103,000lb) of herbal cannabis, which includes plants grown and harvested. Between April 2004 and March 2005, its officers seized 1,009,487kg (222,600lb) - more than twice the amount of the previous year. Two-thirds of this was seized in the final six months. Already this year police have raided more than 250 cannabis factories across London, the majority of them run by Vietnamese gangs, and the trend shows no sign of slowing down"

Do u live in the uk? Havnt u heard about this if u are?


Well-Known Member
Believe what you will, I admit it sounds far fetched, and maybe I'm just jaded by my own distrust of most if not all forms of government.

From a prohibitionist point of view, weed that is actually harmful goes miles in helping them achieve their goals. And really, what do they have to lose? It would be trivial for MI5 or whatever the DEA equivalent is over there to use proxy growers/distributors (people busted and looking for a way out of a hefty prison sentence) to flood the market with this shit without much risk to themselves. And the harm it does to the marijuana legalization movement is irreparable. I seem to remember that marijuana was to be made a different schedule (from a class B to class C) shortly before this phenomena occurred, now it's being taken off the table by Brown because of the "..involvement of serious crime in the cannabis trade.. and public health concerns"

From a marijuana market view, weed that makes people sick and has received world wide coverage for being harmful and adulterated will only hurt sales. Even bad weed sells well during dry spells, so why would they continue this process for as long as they have knowing full well that it has been exposed. It seems to me that anyone who has the know how to produce hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of marijuana without getting caught would understand basic economic concepts of supply and demand. As dry as it may get, the demand for poison marijuana will always remain low no matter the supply.

The U.S. government and the British government are intrinsically connected in most socio-economic policy as allies and purveyors of western culture. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you that all governments are capable of great and dastardly deeds in order to further their point of view or cause.

As for a premature accusation.. this isn't the New York Times, it's a pot forum. I'm a pot head with an opinion, sue me.
I would suggest that what the British Government have to lose is the following:

1. The scale of the scheme which you suggest - ie making huge amounts of contaminated cannabis available for sale increases the likelihood of health problems encountered by those affected. As the health system of the UK is directly Govt. funded - ie the NHS - it will ultimately end up in the hands of Govt. and indirectly taxpayers to remedy any health problems encountered by smoking such products.

2. The sheer scale of the operation which would be necessary to distribute such contaminated products throughout the country would involve a lot of people. Not only would dealers have to be given license to operate freely, it would mean that police would have to be notified not to bust specific dealers who were distributing this product as doing so would interfere in the Government's attempt to get it out there and purchased and smoked by as many mj users as possible.

3. While it may contribute to the argument that it is inadvisable to purchase cannabis on the grounds it could be contaminated, such an argument only strengthens the case that it is preferable to grow one's own. It does nothing to undermine the case that mj is less harmful than other legally available products such as tobacco or alcohol and does nothing to suggest that uncontaminated marijuana is harmful in itself. As a current resident of the UK I would suggest that the fact that the Govt. is focussing on issues such as the supposed mental health concerns about using cannabis and the supposed risk of the increased strength of many strains available for sale does not support the idea that they are promoting the sale of contaminated products in order to then use this as a justification for stricter laws regarding its sale and distribution.


Well-Known Member
1. I mentioned clandestine. It's not like MI5(?) would need approval from the NHS to run such an operation, public funds are spent on worse things. (Illegal extraordinary rendition for one.) While I have no idea how many people will actually smoke themselves sick with contaminated marijuana, what drain on tax payer money by the health care system could be returned ten fold with stiffer penalties against drugs and mandatory drug intake counseling. They could even make a special fine that goes towards the health care of infirmed youths as a result of contaminated marijuana. You're a walking, talking, statistical paycheck..

2. How many people does it take to run a warehouse full of pot? Automatic lights, irrigation system. 2 maybe 3 people to oversee the grow, half a dozen for drying, curing, packaging, etc. A few distributors. All of these could easily be rubber stamped as narco's, informants, whatever. But even that isn't necessary, why intervene if they get busted, there's lots of fish in the sea so to speak. It's also completely possible that only one person is given a deal, the rest of the "employees" could know nothing about it. Using career criminals also insures plausible deniability, as their testimony is worthless, against cops anyway.

3. Sensationalism sells. The argument that government regulation and distribution would lessen contaminants has been made for every illicit drug under the sun for years to no avail. The governments stance on drugs is not one of facts, they cherry pick the most demonizing properties of the drug trade and that is what their policy is based on (as demonstrated by Brown's rejection of re-classification). They use force, intimidation, disinformation, propaganda and so on to get the job done.

Of course there are those in government who want change; compassionate laws, lesser penalties. Directly attacking them politically would only serve to strengthen the anti-prohibitionist's cause, but by associating marijuana use and sale with harmful affects they can undermine their efforts. The statistics will read what the prohibitionists want them to read. Health problems from contaminated pot will get no distinctive category, it will fall right in with all the other "marijuana health risks".

I think that covers your talking points, correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
All you say may have merit but with no evidence to support the fact that Government is participating in the spread of contaminated cannabis it remains nothing but wild and unproven speculation. Anyone can devise any kind of conspiracy theory directed at any government, organization or individual that they please. In the absence of any conclusive evidence it remains just that - a THEORY. The onus is not upon those who wish to disprove such a claim, in the same way it would not be the responsibility to disprove the claim of a person who claimed to havve seen fairies in their backyard/the face of Jesus in their tortilla/ a voice of God in their head driving them to certian actions. The burden of proof is on the individual making such a claim and in the same way, if you have nothing to back up the allegation that the British Government is directly involved in the distribution of contaminated cannabis, such a claim remains pure speculation with no evidence.

I began this exchange with you only to point out that it has not been determined with any certainty, where the source of this contaminated cannabis is. You seemed so eager to insist upon your own idea that it was government related that you have closed yourself off to any alternative. All I would say to that is to keep an open mind until you have more decisive proof.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, they have not found out who is responsible for the contamination, what with all these busts of the Asiatics why isn't there evidence of their involvement?

But I digress, and it's getting late, so let's crack this case open another day eh? I'm open to all ideas and all avenues of evidence, I didn't claim to be providing facts in my retort (rant? lol). Simply providing my views and contrary arguments to yours. Though my views aren't quite as insubstantial as supernatural phenomenon like faeries and jesus since my ideas have at least a possibility of proving to be true.
I do agree with you that it's unlikely, though it could be done given enough motivation on the part of prohibitionists. I enjoyed the debate, you're obviously a smart cookie and you make valid points, I hope you won't hold my cynical world view against me. It's all in good fun.

Personally, I don't mind being wrong. In this case, let's hope I'm wrong. As I said before, time will tell. ;)


Well-Known Member
unfortunitly this is London and the place is full of scum bags (mostly forieners) that dont give a shit about poeple, just as long as you have the cash they would sell you dog shit if they thought they would get away with it.....

But a friend of mine will be Dealing with this prick for shore he'll proberply take all this shit of this bloke and give him a stern warning (Boiling water over his hands)
England for the English
i live in south east kent... we get the same shit down here m8