operation gunrunner is NOT gun running, gun runners are the target, by allowing mexico guatemala, brazil chile et al access to our gun serial number tracking database and software. it had nothing to do with placing guns into the black market to track them, that was wide reciever, a small pilot program with GPS trackers placed inside of a small number of guns which were then inserted into the black market with the assistance of the mexican federal police....
fast n fiurious was unrelated to the PILOT PROGRAM "wide receiver' that was canceled in the first year for being unworkable, while "operation gunrunner" was expanded, because it was about tracing guns through their transaction history, not selling guns to the cartels you insufferable dimwit.
youre a moron. there are 3 separate programs and you have squeezed them all together like a child with a lump of play-dough.
"Gun Runner": tracking guns seized in crimes by their serial number through their transaction history to see if any particular person or company has resulted in an abnormally large number of guns winding up in the hands of criminals. it is quite simple. the forms you fill out for the ATF when you buy or transfer a gun these days goes into a database that is "Totally Not Gun Registration" gun registration. if your gun later winds up in the hands of the cops from a crime scene, you may have to answer questions about this gun. if a dozen guns belonging to you wind up in a cartel shootout with the federale's you may wind up in a mexican prison waiting for your turn at trial.
"Wide Receiver": a small pilot program started under dubya's administration, with the intention of fitting GPS receivers into the bodies of a FEW guns, and inserting them into the black market to track the migratory patterns of black marketeers. this program was a JOINT operation with the DOJ, ATF, and Mexican Federal Police. few guns, tracking devices, with mexico's help and consent, it was canceled as unworkable after the first year and about 20 guns.
"Fast 'N' Furious": wholesale distribution of blackmarket guns by the DOJ and ATF and their informants to mexican drug cartels with no tracking devices, no limits on the number of guns, and no consent from the mexican government. it was actual gun running performed by agents and informants of the us government to supply criminals in mexico for a profit, and the seed money for the enterprise was from the stimulus bill. millions of dollars, thousands of guns, no control, no tracking, no law enforcement utility, just gun running for profit at taxpayers expense, and the cost of many lives in mexico and the US.