Dont Tell Anybody....anybody!!!!

Mr. Marge

Active Member
Dude, thx for the help, but growing with a partner is even a worse idea...

That is a bigger problem then telling a family member.

I might disagree. My current grow is actually in connection with one of my roommates. Communication is the thing. You have to both be very aware of how serious a crime you are committing and how important it is that it stays between you and your partner. Of course, finding someone like that might be very difficult. But looking at the potential consequences (mainly jail) you both just have to realize, NO ONE can know.

It works out well too for both of our work schedules. Our hours are always scattered throughout the week and some days my partner gets the chance to water on days I'm away all day, and so forth. Plus the set up was 1000x quicker.

I wouldn't say I recommend a partner, but I wouldn't say it is a worse idea than telling some random family member.


New Member
Im just bumping this to let EVERYBODY know that I have dodged this bullshit!!!

Now they think i am not growing at all!!!

Now my biggest plant is 2 inches tall!!! and its only 2 days old :D

closet grower

Well-Known Member
I've been growing for quite some time now and I tell NO ONE! My second youngest who is 11 came to me last night and asked what I was growing. She knows I grow all different types of plants but she noticed something different about these ones. She asked what they were and I told her they were "Maples Trees".:hump: She asked why they are growing in the closet and not outside and I told her they will have to be transplanted in a couple of months because they will be too big for the house then. lol She bought my story, told me I was an awesome mom 'cause I'm helping the earth. I'll be harvesting my 5 beautiful Jack Herer's in about 7 weeks now... right about the time the "Maple Trees" will leave the closet... lol My next grow will have to be elsewhere in the house now - with a padlocked door! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good man... Now I gotta find a way to avoid friends till they forget. I fucked up too I let I couple friends know. I know I'm a dumb ass. But I was excited and figure I'm within my limits so... after my bike got jacked 2weeks ago, I dnt trust at all anymore ( as I should of already. ) I've been teaching shit to them but after I hook them up with cuts I'm gonna dissappear into the darkness for a while. Plus I think I'm gonna move and they're not gonna see my op after that.


Sector 5 Moderator
Great thread man!! That was totally cool of you to show what *usually* happens - not sometimes but most of the time when you tell just ONE person. Hope your plants thrive and give you some awesome bud. Mine did. :)


Well-Known Member
Usually people who have never grown weed, dont know the severity of telling people they grow pot unless they are told countless, and i mean COUNTLESS!!! times what can happen if they tell even ONE person. Thats why the number one rule NEVER TELL ANYONE. "If you can do this then you will have more security than a castle equipped with guard dogs henchmen and the works" from Marijuana Bible.


Active Member
i think the hardest part of growing weed is not bragging about it, not sharing or telling anybody!!!!!!

its a lonely sport!
Amen to that! I want to show my wifes supplier why his services are no longer needed, but I know better. You are so true, LB. "Its a lonely sport"



Well-Known Member
Amen to that! I want to show my wifes supplier why his services are no longer needed, but I know better. You are so true, LB. "Its a lonely sport"

yea... hell hath no fury like a dealer scorned... worst person to tell because you are hitting their wallet hard!!!

and to the person with the "maple trees", what will happen if your kid goes to school and says "mommy's growing maple trees in the closet.." and then the maple trees disappear from the closet, but no trees in the yard... oh you could buy maple trees at a hardware store, but they will look nothing like the closet trees.... kids are almost as bad as telling a dealer because kids are innocent and think nothing of bragging about "mommy helping the earth with her closet trees"

food for thought!!


New Member
I've been growing for quite some time now and I tell NO ONE! My second youngest who is 11 came to me last night and asked what I was growing. She knows I grow all different types of plants but she noticed something different about these ones. She asked what they were and I told her they were "Maples Trees".:hump: She asked why they are growing in the closet and not outside and I told her they will have to be transplanted in a couple of months because they will be too big for the house then. lol She bought my story, told me I was an awesome mom 'cause I'm helping the earth. I'll be harvesting my 5 beautiful Jack Herer's in about 7 weeks now... right about the time the "Maple Trees" will leave the closet... lol My next grow will have to be elsewhere in the house now - with a padlocked door! :mrgreen:

you know i was going to suggest making an entrance way into your attic in your closet untill the guy below this mentioned this piece

yea... hell hath no fury like a dealer scorned... worst person to tell because you are hitting their wallet hard!!!

and to the person with the "maple trees", what will happen if your kid goes to school and says "mommy's growing maple trees in the closet.." and then the maple trees disappear from the closet, but no trees in the yard... oh you could buy maple trees at a hardware store, but they will look nothing like the closet trees.... kids are almost as bad as telling a dealer because kids are innocent and think nothing of bragging about "mommy helping the earth with her closet trees"

food for thought!!
and hes right sure enough......kinds like to talk about their families a whole lot. It would do very good to remember that as well. no more peeking into the closet when the kids are around if i were you, and lock the rooms door behind you when you do.


Well-Known Member
Aren't you worried that your sister or at least her boyfriend who already know about this website are going to find your posts in this thread? I mean, you changed your identity but the story is going to match, right? Then they would know that you are growing again?

I sure hope not. But you are calling them names like rat and stupid and telling us that you are lying to them about not growing when you actually are again. They may get pretty pissed off about it and do something out of spite. Like I said, I really hope not, but if it's really a concern, you may want really stop growing for awhile and change your name one more time.

Just trying to look out for you man.


New Member
Aren't you worried that your sister or at least her boyfriend who already know about this website are going to find your posts in this thread? I mean, you changed your identity but the story is going to match, right? Then they would know that you are growing again?

I sure hope not. But you are calling them names like rat and stupid and telling us that you are lying to them about not growing when you actually are again. They may get pretty pissed off about it and do something out of spite. Like I said, I really hope not, but if it's really a concern, you may want really stop growing for awhile and change your name one more time.

Just trying to look out for you man.
Good lookin out man.

FUCK! Now that i think about it, my moms boyfriend could've seen my screen name or what ever... and if he wanted to he could probably search for my posts and shit :cry:

Guess i gotta be smart and change my name :-|

Other then that.. I DID fuck up only ONE time, and told my sister...

and on the other hand my moms boyfriend started asking me if i was planning on growing marijuana :evil: .

he asked me cause he looked in my favorites folder and found marijuana growing websites.

Please wish me gool luck guys, this weed will save my life, I am sick and tired of living in pain :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
If you felt an overwhelming urge to tell somebody and chose her, how can you be surprised if she also felt the need to share? I do feel sympathy for you if news of your activites have spread beyond what you intended, but at the end of the day, YOU are the person who is most invested in keeping what you're doing secret and anyone you tell increases the risk of having such news travel beyond what you are able to control.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hows about you grow legal tomatoes, bell peppers...all that shit...then dry up some of the leaves and have her smoke them! And if ya get raided, you have the pleasure of innocently stating...what? Can't a man grow roses in his closet?

closet grower

Well-Known Member
Koncyse, you are absolutely right about my daughter possibly telling her friends and or teachers at school. That immediately crossed my mind when she asked the question and I told her they were Maple Trees. I have a plan in the works as we speak. The kids are going to the aunts' house for the weekend and I am moving the plants to another area of the house that my kids know is off limits no matter what. When they come home, and IF she asks me how they are doing, I will tell her they got the dreaded Spider Mites and I had to throw them out. She will totally believe that story because she has seen other species of my plants be murdered by those nasty creatures in a matter or days. All is well, no worries. ;-)


Well-Known Member
If you MUST involve someone, make sure they have just as much to lose as you.

I would never tell any of my siblings, not because I don't trust them, just because they don't have any risk invested in the op.

However, if we get busted out of our house (which we wont), my husband and I are both going down for it because the house is in both our names. It's usually not like that with a sibling.
I agree with you on this. I only told one person and it was family.BUT she smokes and she also is in a job that if she was to get busted she would loose her license , job etc.....She has just as much to loose. Plus she raised me and even though she is NOT MY MOTHER she would NEVER rat me out. She is the one that suggested that I grow. But I would not tell anybody else!!

As for my sister..... She is married to a cop so she does not come in to my house. Thank God she lives a 1000 miles away. Don't get me wrong I like her and all, just glad she is not dropping by.


Active Member
I don't have a grow going, but I am interested in the hobby. My dealer is also my best friend and you would think you could trust your best friend, right? Well one day he and I were at lunch and I was feeling him out to see if he would make a good grow partner. The subject of growing came up and he told me that he knows several growers around town. He said it right out loud in a crowded restaurant. This is when I decided I could NEVER tell him ANYTHING. I can't even tell him that I'm considering a grow because he will be at lunch with another dude and spill the beans. It doesn't matter if he trusts the dude he lunches with because everyone else in the restaurant will hear. If there is a cop in there, my dealer friend may get interrogated and then there will be the end of my grow and my freedom and my job and my marriage and my etc...

You can't even trust the ones you trust the most. Even if they are careful they might screw you on accident.