pc/ultimate scrog grow yield!


Well-Known Member
who SOS? none. ive only ordered attitude once, im kinda an "American guy" i believe in the people not the government. so most of my seeds are from the good ol US of A. lots of finding seeds in highgrade weed. asking around for seeds and breeding my own with the highgrades i got and local clones obtained.

other than that is ordered attitude when i first started one seed pack on a CC in my friends name to his house, no problems. tbh if i had them to give i would give you some.


Active Member
Oh how I wish you were able to do that lol..it ok though I'll stick to this bagseed and wish for the best lol...im really hoping its a female my last 5 plants were all male and they were under a 400whps 1 month beg they were looking beautiful but for my careless days one fucken (dick) polinated all my other babies what a waste now im stuck smoking shake from my last grow . :(


Well-Known Member
You know you are legally allowed to own seeds as a 'collector' there is no law saying you can't have seeds... if the government kept tabs on everyone who ordered seeds off the internet... well they'd have a LOT of work to do, and do you think they can afford that for a plant that's gradually being legalized, I know the American authorities are right dicks about these things but it's fine :)

I use attitude seeds they are the best every time, always throw in freebies etc, I think their American delivery is quite good as well, and hundreds of people on this forum get their seeds from there.

And femmed seeds 99% of the time turn out fem :) I've never had a herm or male from them!


Active Member
awesome ima read more about attitude because i have heard it be recommended alot. an that will definitley stop my disappointment after every veg to find out its a male. hopefully my next grow will be from thier. ill try to get one of those temporary cards to order it in and see if one of my friends wont mind to get it delivered thier.

LORET55TA- sorry man cant see the pics. try posting them again?


Active Member
awesome ima read more about attitude because i have heard it be recommended alot. an that will definitley stop my disappointment after every veg to find out its a male. hopefully my next grow will be from thier. ill try to get one of those temporary cards to order it in and see if one of my friends wont mind to get it delivered thier.

LORET55TA- sorry man cant see the pics. try posting them again?
matchbox is right greenlight.

no need to worry about ordering from attitude or any seed place.

it is just a souvenir -- totally legal.

i also did my first order from there -- with no guaranteed shipping.

received the item in about 10 days.


Active Member
Nice thanks for the advice.
Hey does anybody know where my main colas will be popping out of I see lots of new growth and don't know yet which are the main ones lol.


Active Member
Yea I think I see those coming out its just really bushy lol.
And ill post some tonight I promise.

Any suggestions on distilled water or purified water???


Active Member
my baby after bieng topped already a huge diffrence really bushy and you can see the 4 colas coming along just great.
hey i never tested my ph but i have had a succesful grow with my water but because of the ph of my water(if its bad)
can it be the reason why my leafs are never even they always come out kinda twisty looking or just like (handicap) lol
well let me know what you think switching to 12/12 on sat. or should i wait a bit longer?



Well-Known Member
Looks good! 'sup to you if you want to wait a bit longer but earlier is good for the first round lol, has it had a weeks recovery? if so it looks good to switch, put the screen in about a inch above the plant and train it into the screen as the flower stretch kicks in. :) My old grows used to be vegged for 4 weeks, topped, recovered 1 week then flowered all the time, only recently started doing 6-8 week veg's.

And this is an amazing article on RIU I refer to and always remember or learn something new! https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/172536-good-scrog-bible.html

PH and soil isn't really much of an issue, if your soil is a good ph which it should be for proper soil! (should say on the bag somewhere) The dirt acts as a ph buffer so you can put slightly off balanced water in and it will generally be buffered to what the soil is, so long as your not feeding them acid or alkali you should be alright, I found soil too easy which is why I moved to passive hydro and then active hydro :) but some like it easy, I like the sciency side :p

Keep it up


Active Member
Thanks again matchbox.
And yea it hits its 1 week of recovery on Saturday. So I will switch to 12/12
thanks for the link read the entire thing. Idk if your remember but do you believe in the buddus interruptus you know to make your buds heavier if you put 24/0 on the fifth week of flower? Its kinda interesting.

Also how long does a clone take to root. I still have the top of my baby cloning it hasn't died looks healthy but it hasn't rooted lol.
Why I know because I pulled it out to see lol..
But thanks on the advice and my ph well it has to be good my soil is fox farm ocean forest.
idk what it is then but all my plants get a couple twisty wierd looking leaves lol..


Well-Known Member
I've seen it used and the results can be quite good, so long as you stick to the guidelines, don't do it more than twice and a week or so in between, depending on strain it might add extra bud or it might herm them, depends how sensitive your plant is :) Though 1st grow I wouldn't do it, just learn all you can before trying things that are a bit drastic XD

Cones take about 1 - 3 weeks to root depending on method, root hormone usually does it in 1.5 weeks, just water takes the longest, Hydro bubble cloners can do it in a few days to a week.

Twisty leaves could be heat stress or the soil may be a tad hot, a lot of people blame things on PH as a scapegoat, unless your PH is WAY off it generally doesn't affect that much.


Active Member
Nice I would love to see a grow with that method.
I always wanted bud over budz it looks amazing like its really packing lol.
Will see all I did was cut it at a 45degree angle and put it in soil and cover the pot with clear rap to keep it moist and humid.

My ph idk what it is never tested it. I have those ph strips from my job but idk how to use them for the water used for the plants what ppm should it be in??


Well-Known Member
do you have a ppm reader? lol ppm isn't too important with soil (so far I'm finding it doesn't matter with hydro either but that's my luck). PH however should be around 5.6-7.2 it's quite a broad range for healthy plants, the ideal scenario would have it starting at 5.6 or 7.2 and fluctuating up or down to match the plants needs. which I've found it just does without having to play around with it in my hydro setup anyway!

I think that's the mistake new (and even some more experienced myself included at some point :p) growers make thinking this is such a hard plant to grow have to get all factors spot on, and over thinking :) if you know what to look for, growing anything is as easy as putting some water in a pot, and feeding once in a while lol XD


Active Member
Yea I've grown in soil with my same tap water and it was a good grow. idk maybe soil might be hot or maybe my water is hot. Does it make a difference if the water is hot or cold. I usually just let it sit to room temp. then water..

Never done hydro I want to go hydro with my micro grow but once I have mastered scrogging.

So I was going thru your thread and you have inspire me on doing a 2x2x2 stealth box with a 250w my 400w its to hot and I don't have the space for it right now.
And scrogging is gonna be my thing now. :)

Also idk if you caught my earlier question.
i seen people use distilled water in this case with fox farm ocean forest soil which is better distilled water or purified water,?

If this place wasn't so sneaky I would easily make a deal for you and trade my 400w for your 250w.


Well-Known Member
Lol :) though I've just splashed out on a shiny new LED light at 270w to replace my 250 HPS... Just because for my grow style I think LED's will yield more than my HPS

Distilled, purified, tap its all the same to me, I use 7.6 ph tap water in hydro and my plants love it, despite 'everyone' going 'you should ph this ph that'.. whatever I'm growing extremely well with what I do only adjusted PH twice at the beginning of my grow. Also doesn't make much difference if the water is warm or cold just so long as its not boiling or freezing. A small tip... if your soil is REALLY dry add a drop or 2 of dish soap, it makes the water 'wetter' and soaks in a lot better and more thoroughly!

if you can get a box say Width x 3ft, Height x 2ft, Depth x 1ft you'll appreciate it more :) otherwise it's too deep to reach into and train your plants properly and the extra width just makes it the same cubic foot-age!

Edit:^^ that would be my absolute minimum space for a 250w and you'll need a good 4" inline exhaust and cool tube to keep temps under check!


Active Member
(MATCHBOX) I understand what your saying with the grow box. but i already have a 2x2x2 built and thats the biggest i can go. is that to small. im pretty sure i can fit atleast 2 plants in thier get some fem. seeds and grow and make it prepurtal grow im tired of building and rebuilding my grow boxes. so ima make a great grow box just to provide enough smoke for me and my girl i usually only smoke at night before bedtime anyways :) so hopefully 2oz every 2 months would be great. use my pc case for a veg box :) and the bigger box my flowering box :) and 2x2x2 is what i have is it extremely hard to train or are you just saying that it would just be easier to train if i had that set up?

THANKS for the advice about the water just gonna keep it the same too.


The 4 colas are looking great i have the screen exactly 1inch over my plant. and just switched to 12/12 today lights turned on at 6pm after thier last day of 18/6 and they will turn off at 6am.



Well-Known Member
Gah why is Rollitup so damn slow of late... couldn't quite load up big versions of your pics just yet, but from the little ones they're looking really good! they're about the same height as when I used to flip, averaged about 2-3oz a plant.

It wont be impossible to train in that box just difficult to get to the back once they start filling it up :)

You could keep a female mother plant in the pc box, take a clone or 2 every 3 weeks, once they root veg a bit, top, rest a week and put them in flower at 4 week intervals, that way you can harvest 1 plant every 4 weeks with about 2 plants in the flower box at a time. You'll have to calculate your times better than that (I'm just estimating lol) but so long as you have 1 rooted, topped, recovered clone every 4 weeks you should have enough space for a good perpetual of about 2-4 oz every 4 weeks or so (depending how well you dial it down as grows progress!

The reason I say do it that way is your limited space (before anyone jumps in and says sea of green would be better lol) 2 medium- large plants in your area will be more efficient than say 5-8 rooted clones straight to flower, you'd get more regular harvests but I reckon it'll be a little less in weight as you need established plants to yield the best, that's my ethos anyway :)

As for your 2x2x2 cooling shouldn't be a problem if you want a 250w HPS so long as you can fit a cool tube in it, just run the ducting outside and mount the fan on the outside, unless you have space on the inside but I don't think you will, cooltube is about 45+cm long fan takes up a good 25-30cm. ANYWAY the moral of the story is XD so long as you have a good exhaust and a cool tube you'll be ace!

Sorry I always seem to write a stupid amount for such a simple reply lol :)

Stay Frosty!


Active Member
Thanks I wouldn't be doing this grow tight at all if it wasn't for your help. 2-3oz wow I wad thinking like half an oz lol hopefully I get that I doubt it with cfls.

Well guess what I madE it a 3ftH-3ftL-1 1/2FTD. I got the 400w in their with only 1 intake fan I need to get me a exhaust fan somewhere temps tight now at 85-90 degrees once I get that exhaust fan im pretty sure will brig the temps down.

So how do I keep my mother plant in the PC box just vegging 24/7 of course i after I find out its a female. what if it over grows the box or I clone it 2-3 times then just flower it and grow a new mother plant?

Its okay man I can use all the information. Needed always good to learn.
How's your grow I read you might have to chop down early. Did you or did you get it under control?