Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!


Well-Known Member
More boilerpate rightist guff. The vast majority of the regulations you complain about affect your local businesses only slightly. How about naming 5 regs that have an effect on your local businesses - I doubt you can.

And yes, as far as local regs are concerned, there are times when I believe we should tell businesses what to "do with their money". You don't put road kill in the meals you sell others, you don't erect structures that could fall down upon patrons, you don't sell children cigarettes or liquor.

Or are those regulations too much to ask.
I could talk about Obamacare as job killing regulations, but for you its an entitlement. So whats the point? I could talk about how the EPA wants to classify a puddle people step over in the same category as rivers and lakes. So they can regulate irrigation and farmers out of business. But you would say its to protect the environment. So whats the point? You're a broken record. I could talk about how the interior department is trying to outlaw a newer, safer form of fracking. But whats the point? You want to drive up the cost of energy. You want to kill the jobs it creates. When Obama became president, the price of gas was 1.84$ a gallon. Since then, most energy production jobs on federal land have been outlawed.


Well-Known Member
I am talking about ALL of you. As someone from outside of America, it's pretty worrying to know that the person put in charge of the USA is being voted in by people with your mentalities, creationalists or not, you all act like 10 year olds, and that is being pretty harsh on ten year olds. You guys are too embroiled in your shit tossing to realise how bloody pathetic you all are. Grow up. Sorry if it is insulting, but as i say, it is just pathetic, you are supposed to be grown men and women.
I think your hostility is misguided, the American people are a bunch of idiots, but our political system is designed to keep us that way. Compound that with the politicians themselves, throw a little organized religion in and its a recipe for catastrophe.

In other words, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Or you can become a cynical asshole like me and hate everyone. I don't recommend it though..


Well-Known Member
I am talking about ALL of you. As someone from outside of America, it's pretty worrying to know that the person put in charge of the USA is being voted in by people with your mentalities, creationalists or not, you all act like 10 year olds, and that is being pretty harsh on ten year olds. You guys are too embroiled in your shit tossing to realise how bloody pathetic you all are. Grow up. Sorry if it is insulting, but as i say, it is just pathetic, you are supposed to be grown men and women.

We have been doing this for a couple of hundred years - we don't have many riots, we know how our government works from generation to generation and we actually have some say in what happens in our country,

How, exactly do you folks do it?


New Member
Uhhh..............He, (Obama), inherited the economy just like romney inherited his millions. Difference?? Obama had to scrabble for his edumacation, while romney inherited his, plus his first job, Romney's, was given to him at Bain by his father. Difference??? One hard working deserving person, Obama, VS one spoiled millionaire silver spoon brat, Romney. Who do you think is more interested in us, the middle class, the poor, the disenfranchised. (you know who you are)?
Yeah, and Regan inherited Carter's piss a crap economy and turned it around in his first term.
I won't comment on your jealousy, that's your problem.


Well-Known Member
I could talk about Obamacare as job killing regulations, but for you its an entitlement. So whats the point? I could talk about how the EPA wants to classify a puddle people step over in the same category as rivers and lakes. So they can regulate irrigation and farmers out of business. But you would say its to protect the environment. So whats the point? You're a broken record. I could talk about how the interior department is trying to outlaw a newer, safer form of fracking. But whats the point? You want to drive up the cost of energy. You want to kill the jobs it creates. When Obama became president, the price of gas was 1.84$ a gallon. Since then, most energy production jobs on federal land have been outlawed.
You could? then do so. Never mind that Obama care is exactly what conservatives wanted before Obama wanted it. You don't get to complain that we are "forced" to pay for something we don't want and then say it is an entitlement. Pick one.

Outlaw new "safer" forms of fracking implies that the old ones, the ones you folks said were safe, are not. Check out the earth quakes in Texas.

Yes, I want the cost of energy driven up, and you do too. What jobs will it create? I hasten to remind you that the first time gas prices touched 4 bucks was under Bush. I further hasten to ask you how exactly do you think Obama raised the price of gas?

Finally, energy production job on federal land have been...outlawed? Show me.


New Member
You could? then do so. Never mind that Obama care is exactly what conservatives wanted before Obama wanted it. You don't get to complain that we are "forced" to pay for something we don't want and then say it is an entitlement. Pick one.

Outlaw new "safer" forms of fracking implies that the old ones, the ones you folks said were safe, are not. Check out the earth quakes in Texas.

Yes, I want the cost of energy driven up, and you do too. What jobs will it create? I hasten to remind you that the first time gas prices touched 4 bucks was under Bush. I further hasten to ask you how exactly do you think Obama raised the price of gas?

Finally, energy production job on federal land have been...outlawed? Show me.
Cmon canndo, are you pretending you haven't heard that the EPA wants to redefine navigable water? Please! LOL http://www.epa.gov/osweroe1/content/spcc/spcc_nov08waters.htm

And to your other point that Obamacare is exactly what conservatives wanted before Obama did, really, exactly?
You're the one always asking for links to prove assertions, where's yours?
Let's talk about gas prices, when the democrats took over the House and Senate and refused to lift federal moratoriums on offshore drilling, President Bush had to issue an executive order and gas prices dropped accordingly! http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-4257757.html


Well-Known Member
UUUHHHHH. Drilling for oil. Building the pipeline. How about those? You answered your own question right after you asked it with your follow up question. What a moron! You're an idiot Obama Drone. :lol:

The pipeline will create very few jobs and not do a thing for the price of fuel.

But you believe all of that stuff because you dont do your own research.


Well-Known Member
Cmon canndo, are you pretending you haven't heard that the EPA wants to redefine navigable water? Please! LOL http://www.epa.gov/osweroe1/content/spcc/spcc_nov08waters.htm

And to your other point that Obamacare is exactly what conservatives wanted before Obama did, really, exactly?
You're the one always asking for links to prove assertions, where's yours?
Let's talk about gas prices, when the democrats took over the House and Senate and refused to lift federal moratoriums on offshore drilling, President Bush had to issue an executive order and gas prices dropped accordingly! http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-4257757.html

Yes, exactly what the right wanted. In fact if you will recall the original idea was spearheaded by the heritage foundation.

Bush having to issue an exec order has nothing to do with Obama and the current price of fuel, need I remind you that our biggest export is gasoline?


Well-Known Member
The pipeline will create very few jobs and not do a thing for the price of fuel.

But you believe all of that stuff because you dont do your own research.
The pipeline will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Unless you consider Canada an enemy it is a pretty good idea.

But hey, just like much of what Obama says... He really isnt interested in foreign oil independence...


Well-Known Member
The pipeline will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Unless you consider Canada an enemy it is a pretty good idea.

But hey, just like much of what Obama says... He really isnt interested in foreign oil independence...

Bunk, as I already said, we gasoline is our largest export, this will only add to that number. The pipeline is a rightist ruse and an affront to our soverignty.


Well-Known Member
The pipeline will create very few jobs and not do a thing for the price of fuel.

But you believe all of that stuff because you dont do your own research.
Thats why the Chinese are about to take the contract instead right? Sure buddy. Could you tell me how oil companies competing to sell an abundant supply of oil does not lower the price of gas? Because for me its basic economics. Supply and demand. Why do you keep questioning everything I post with the most absurd idiotic responses? Just put me on ignore. If I keep talking to you it might make me stupid.


Well-Known Member
Bunk, as I already said, we gasoline is our largest export, this will only add to that number. The pipeline is a rightist ruse and an affront to our soverignty.

LOL!! A RUSE by the rightitst to create jobs and a pipeline to refine oil... DAMN THEM!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, exactly what the right wanted. In fact if you will recall the original idea was spearheaded by the heritage foundation.

Bush having to issue an exec order has nothing to do with Obama and the current price of fuel, need I remind you that our biggest export is gasoline?
Under Obama, our biggest export has been jobs.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
LOL!! A RUSE by the rightitst to create jobs and a pipeline to refine oil... DAMN THEM!!!
he already told you that it would create few jobs. Pay attention. Plus the oil is slated to be sold out of the country. The only benefit will be to the oil companies, once again. The oil that is supposed to run through these pipes is highly corrosive tar sand - diluted bitumen - which boosts the risks of pipeline failure. The proposed pipeline will run through the Oglala Aquifer which is one of the world's largest fresh water aquifers. A spill there would be devastating and affect a vast area of people and wildlife. It would be a disaster.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dude but money

if you put the environment that effects everyone before making lots of money your crazy . . . .money last forever the environment only matters as long as your(you are, sorry .. sorry) alive


Well-Known Member
he already told you that it would create few jobs. Pay attention. Plus the oil is slated to be sold out of the country. The only benefit will be to the oil companies, once again. The oil that is supposed to run through these pipes is highly corrosive tar sand - diluted bitumen - which boosts the risks of pipeline failure. The proposed pipeline will run through the Oglala Aquifer which is one of the world's largest fresh water aquifers. A spill there would be devastating and affect a vast area of people and wildlife. It would be a disaster.

Correction, they rerouted portions of the pipeline to skirt the aquifer. The pipeline is a ruse and there was enough PR spread in order to have republicans believe the bull - as you can plainly see.


Well-Known Member
Under Obama, our biggest export has been jobs.

Cute line but it skirts the issue - if gasoline is being exported, why, that means it is in abundance, if it is in abundance then..... why is the price so high? Oh, I forgot, it's Obama's fault because..... he isn't letting us produce any more - right?


New Member
he already told you that it would create few jobs. Pay attention. Plus the oil is slated to be sold out of the country. The only benefit will be to the oil companies, once again. The oil that is supposed to run through these pipes is highly corrosive tar sand - diluted bitumen - which boosts the risks of pipeline failure. The proposed pipeline will run through the Oglala Aquifer which is one of the world's largest fresh water aquifers. A spill there would be devastating and affect a vast area of people and wildlife. It would be a disaster.
"highly corrosive", "risks of pipeline failure", "devastating", "affect a vast area", "disaster"

Very cool story!


Well-Known Member
"highly corrosive", "risks of pipeline failure", "devastating", "affect a vast area", "disaster"

Very cool story!
Except to anyone who knows anything about this proposed pipeline, the one before it
(that has spilled and leaked numberous times) and it's effects, those things are all pretty much true.

DO you know anything at all about keystone?