New Obama video revealed


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine what would be said if Romney were to go to Mississippi or Alabama and talk with a drawl?
Most racist president since Wilson.

Never heard Bush get all Texan on his Texas constitutancy? He put on that drawl like a pair of cowboy boots.


Well-Known Member
"level headed voter" - oh, you mean Obama hater.

This was 5 years ago - got it? Five Years - if you guys want to run on his bad record, then do so but to go back to this pre-presidency event of a black man talking to a black audience is just typical of the current desperation of the right.
It's Raegan's fault.....How many years ago was that?
It's Bush's fault.....How many years ago was that?


Well-Known Member
It's Raegan's fault.....How many years ago was that?
It's Bush's fault.....How many years ago was that?

Here is a hit - REAGAN and BUSH had their hands on the controls for 8 years each. They left a legacy other than a single speech to a crowded church - you guys are having some serious trouble seeing things clearly.


Well-Known Member
Here is a hit - REAGAN and BUSH had their hands on the controls for 8 years each. They left a legacy other than a single speech to a crowded church - you guys are having some serious trouble seeing things clearly.
You mean us Libertarians? No, I think we see things very clearly.


New Member
Never heard Bush get all Texan on his Texas constitutancy? He put on that drawl like a pair of cowboy boots.
Never noticed it myself but it could be the fact Bush grew up in Texas since he was two years old!
Where did Obama get his southern drawl, Hawaii or Chicago? LMAO

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
"level headed voter" - oh, you mean Obama hater.

This was 5 years ago - got it? Five Years - if you guys want to run on his bad record, then do so but to go back to this pre-presidency event of a black man talking to a black audience is just typical of the current desperation of the right.
It shows that he is disingenuous, fake, dishonest, pandering, lying and patronizes whoever he is talking to.


Well-Known Member
I believe the fact that Obama has zero integrity has always been part of the game plan. It has no effect on the Kool Aid drinkers (see UncleBuck). Provided with facts they'll call you a bigot with some ridiculous one-liner, their ignorance is clearly bliss.

If just one of these fools stopped writing and started reading the world would be better for it. I would suggest reading Sol Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Obama has not only studied his work, as Bill Ayres, he has taught it. I ask you to take the guiding principle of this school to heart: ... the perennial question, "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"

I would be interested their feelings as they realize exactly how much their leaders necessarily require their ignorance to successfully gain power with no "true" end in sight.

If O succeeds this country fails ...

... What is O's story-line today?!? Can you do the math? What do our children owe today? Following O's own logic, what does that say about him as a man?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much of this is true, but from my personal research I can assure you that much of it is. Consider the source here, but try to keep your left wing bigotry/propaganda in check and think it through ...

... do you really know this man?


Well-Known Member
Anyone care to justify all of these lies or how the lack of integrity of the President of the United States is now so acceptable?!?


New Member
Right on schedule. Like clockwork. The new GOP talking point. Pay no attention to the debates. WATCH A 5 YEAR OLD VIDEO! You're getting sleepy. Very sleepy.
How long ago did Mitt Romney haze the gay college student, oh yeah over 50 years ago!
What about the dog on the roof of his car the liberal press had a hay day with, 30 years ago!
And you're whining about five years? LOL

this video has been on the web for 5+ years, you fucking douchebag.
Just want to set the facts straight, the video is over 40 minutes long, only the 8-9 minute edited version has been on the web, until now. Absolute proof the media has been and still is, in the tank for Barack Obama.


Active Member
I didn't give a fuck which one of these assholes wins because they agree on all most important issues, but this election season sucked me in. It's like that time I watched a whole season of American Idol even though I didn't care for any of the singers.
That being said, I think the right has a lot of work to do before next season. Everything they've done for the last few weeks have FAILed miserably. The worst thing this video shows is a pandering politician. Had Drudge and Hannity presented it that way, it still would have been yawn inducing but at least they wouldn't have looked like fools. By hyping it all fucking day and calling it a "bombshell" and focusing on the nonexistent racial undertones, they made themselves look like amateur propagandists. The reason the 47% remark resonated was because it confirmed suspicions that Romney was mostly concerned with helping the wealthy. This Obama video tells no such story. I don't know what happened to the right. They used to be good at this kind of shit.


Well-Known Member
FUCK "Read my lips no new taxes" and Bush #1 got the boot ... What happened to American integrity?!?


New Member
I didn't give a fuck which one of these assholes wins because they agree on all most important issues, but this election season sucked me in. It's like that time I watched a whole season of American Idol even though I didn't care for any of the singers.
That being said, I think the right has a lot of work to do before next season. Everything they've done for the last few weeks have FAILed miserably. The worst thing this video shows is a pandering politician. Had Drudge and Hannity presented it that way, it still would have been yawn inducing but at least they wouldn't have looked like fools. By hyping it all fucking day and calling it a "bombshell" and focusing on the nonexistent racial undertones, they made themselves look like amateur propagandists. The reason the 47% remark resonated was because it confirmed suspicions that Romney was mostly concerned with helping the wealthy. This Obama video tells no such story. I don't know what happened to the right. They used to be good at this kind of shit.
Wow, perhaps you should watch the video a few more times to pick up the obvious message Obama is sending.
Sorry you were let down, what did you expect to hear from a politician, "hey fuck you whitey!"

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
and focusing on the nonexistent racial undertones...

The reason the 47% remark resonated was because it confirmed suspicions that Romney was mostly concerned with helping the wealthy. This Obama video tells no such story.
LOL, you poor, sad soul.


Well-Known Member
The public record of bigotry Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his black liberation theology church teach is unquestionable. The fact that Obama spent 20 years as a member of such an organization ... How can anyone take accusations of bigotry from known bigots is beyond me. How is this OK on the left?