Teenagers are retarded.


Well-Known Member
This is when I can fully agree to you.
Dogs are very loyal and friendly if the owner is friendly.
Could we get back to "teenagers are getting dumb"?
Somebody said that it's not the kids getting dumber but rather it's the parents earlier in this thread.

That was a bit eye opening. It's completely true. It's not like our brains are having negative mutations each generation that causes us to be more dumb. It's the parents and the way they teach. Each generation of parents passes down crappier and crappier advice. And then what do their kids do when they have kids? Pass down crappier advice. So it's the parents' responsibility to take a stand and teach the young future for the better.


Well-Known Member
You're now an adult and although I assume you were smacked when you were younger that does not mean it's for everybody. How would you like a punch to the face every time you're having a bad day? Smacking your kids.... pfft, educate your kids.

They wont do anything anywhere near worthy of a "smack" ever again. Let them have their ups and downs, it's part of being a human. Not just a kid.

Somebody said that it's not the kids getting dumber but rather it's the parents earlier in this thread.

That was a bit eye opening. It's completely true. It's not like our brains are having negative mutations each generation that causes us to be more dumb. It's the parents and the way they teach. Each generation of parents passes down crappier and crappier advice. And then what do their kids do when they have kids? Pass down crappier advice. So it's the parents' responsibility to take a stand and teach the young future for the better.
I completely agree. Parents should stop worrying about their kids actions and worry more so about their own. Especially their own towards their kids.


Well-Known Member
With each generation lately, kids have had to spend less and less time with their parents, due to technology improvements. Many kids are unable to interact socially in a face to face setting, but can type 100 words a minute on their phone. But that's cool...they're ALL winners.:hug: LOL!


Ursus marijanus
Oh lmao, I'm a pussy because of that? Chosen don't you have anything better to do?>
I'm a pussy because When I saw someone treating a dog bad I didn't run to my closet, get dressed, go outside, run to where the guy has gone while I was getting dressed and giving him a lesson of how to be a good person.. right... "Ti kto takoj? Davaj dasvidanija"
No point to be Russian into things. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Goddamn chosen, I was in my kitchen, in my boxers, Was i supposed to get dressed in 20 secs and go slap him right then? And even if I got there in time if i slapped him he'd tell someone, then it'd end with police in my house.
You could have called him to your door, taken the dog, and made him go home to get the mother and make her come get the dog so you could explain.


New Member
My sister's son's classmate is one hell of a retard, He acts to other kids like he's on top oh them , better, but he's just totally dumb. (From what I gathered while seeing him on the bus multiple times). Now I'm pretty stoned, and maybe I'm writing some jibber jabber but I just saw that kid walkin ghis dog out and like the dog's looking around having fun, the fucking kid shouts at him "lets go, you piece of shit!" And pulls him hard by the leash.
Hid did that several times. The dog sure looked very sad. It made me think, how fucking retarded do you have to be to do shit like that?
I'd have to say something to him or take video and let the proper authorities go over there and give him a warning to maybe teach him some sort of responsibility, might shake him up somewhat and maybe think about the way he acts in general, or at least tell his parents.


Well-Known Member
that kid yeah dumb ass, but on the other hand there are kids out there if they awere give a decent freedom guideline life would be better. if parents taught kids at an early age save for a car,house,school all in that order then teens would have a better wrap. but till the future. they can be dumb


Well-Known Member
As a teenager, possessing greater linguistic ability than you, I'd like to request you refrain from referring to us as 'retarded'.

I agree that most people in my age group can be a little... Nonsensical.

They do tend to act on impulse and have little regard for anyone's well being but their own- even then, consequences of actions beyond the immediate future are not always taken into consideration.

I do stupid things some of the time, but some of the responses here scream hypocrisy.

As for what the kid did, that's just heartless...