Teenagers are retarded.


Well-Known Member
My Dog is usually awesome but she can be a true bitch aswell, if I yelled at her and pulled her leash 'cos she wouldn't listen and some wanker came and tried to lecture me I'd tell them to fuck right off. It's the same with kids, some kids need a smack now and then and to be told to behave. It's nobodies business unless the owner/parent is properly harming the victim. If you don't teach your dog who's boss they will try to be the dominant one in the relationship and hurt you, it happens alot. Look at natural dog behavior, they fight and bite each other all the time. Have you seen a mother dog tell off her pups when they are pissing her off?
You shouldn't feel bad OP, and yes teens are getting much more retarded these days imo, I think it's the Idiocracy effect
You're now an adult and although I assume you were smacked when you were younger that does not mean it's for everybody. How would you like a punch to the face every time you're having a bad day? Smacking your kids.... pfft, educate your kids.

They wont do anything anywhere near worthy of a "smack" ever again. Let them have their ups and downs, it's part of being a human. Not just a kid.


Active Member
If I'm ever in Aotearoa I will keep an eye out for any ass hole dog owners that are abusing their animals and I am going to make sure I have an extra long lecture for them.

And btw I never said anything about beating a child, beat the fuck out of them, idc.
Hahaha righto mate, My pups love me, they also respect me. They are hunting/working dogs and they have a much better live than most pussy little handbag dogs that people have these days. That's abuse if you ask me, my dogs get to do what they are meant to do. They are pack animals and they NEED an alpha so if you think its abuse you must be one of the teens the OP is talking about.


Active Member
You're now an adult and although I assume you were smacked when you were younger that does not mean it's for everybody. How would you like a punch to the face every time you're having a bad day? Smacking your kids.... pfft, educate your kids.

They wont do anything anywhere near worthy of a "smack" ever again. Let them have their ups and downs, it's part of being a human. Not just a kid.
I don't have kids but I'm not going to get in someones business because they give their child a little smack on the bum or yell at them to stop being a little shit, like I said If the child was being hurt I would do something. But you guys are just PC whiney bitches
And my childhood was great thanks, a punch in the face for a bad day is not a good comparison at all


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids but I'm not going to get in someones business because they give their child a little smack on the bum or yell at them to stop being a little shit, like I said If the child was being hurt I would do something. But you guys are just PC whiney bitches

No don't worry, some people are taking what I have said and are putting a spin on it to make my stance out to be something it is not. I have witnessed first hand what happens when a pack of dogs loses the alpha (she died of old age). The five of them got along great, but after the alpha died they were all fighting for dominance and they have to be separated for the most part.


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids but I'm not going to get in someones business because they give their child a little smack on the bum or yell at them to stop being a little shit, like I said If the child was being hurt I would do something. But you guys are just PC whiney bitches
No, I do agree with you. I interpreted your previous post wrongly. It came across that you had kids and that it was a real common occurrence that you'd smack them.


Well-Known Member
, and yes teens are getting much more retarded these days imo, I think it's the Idiocracy effect
Somebody who gets to the root of why this thread was written.

Chosen, You're talking about baby learning from getting scratched by a cat. I suppose you'll let your kids go out and hit every animal they see, because "he will truly learn"
But at the same time, you always step in when someone abuses animals. You trolled me good.


Active Member
No don't worry, some people are taking what I have said and are putting a spin on it to make my stance out to be something it is not. I have witnessed first hand what happens when a pack of dogs loses the alpha (she died of old age). The five of them got along great, but after the alpha died they were all fighting for dominance and they have to be separated for the most part.
There was a woman here a few years back would be harsh sometimes and let the dog do anything it wanted the rest of the time. The dog decided it would be alpha and scalped her, took ages for the cops to get near it and it needed a bullet as it was protecting its kill. Probably would be somewhere in google land


Well-Known Member
Chosen, You're talking about baby learning from getting scratched by a cat. I suppose you'll let your kids go out and hit every animal they see, because "he will truly learn"
But at the same time, you always step in when someone abuses animals. You trolled me good.

I never said the baby would learn anything, you guys did.

I just said it belonged in this thread. It's my opinion, and my prerogative. Just like it was your prerogative to watch the dog be abused.


Well-Known Member
There was a woman here a few years back would be harsh sometimes and let the dog do anything it wanted the rest of the time. The dog decided it would be alpha and scalped her, took ages for the cops to get near it and it needed a bullet as it was protecting its kill. Probably would be somewhere in google land
Depending on what "harsh" is classified as, I think if she truly abused the animal then she learnt the hard way sadly. If she was simply trying to teach the animal and it required a little harshness then I am horrified that she had to experience when an animal goes angry even without being provoked as many do...


Well-Known Member
I think parents are getting worse.

I would say so. Especially if they're perpetuating an environment where animal abuse is acceptable.

Depending on what "harsh" is classified as, I think if she truly abused the animal then she learnt the hard way sadly. If she was simply trying to teach the animal and it required a little harshness then I am horrified that she had to experience when an animal goes angry even without being provoked as many do...
Animals are completely capable of learning without "harshness." Violent dogs are made, not bred.


Well-Known Member
I agree with gaztron.. People are too sensitive when it comes to giving a dog a smack. It happens naturally in their own kingdom, only far worse. Within their own pack, they get killed or beaten near death.. So what's a little smack on their butt?

Most dogs NEED an alpha like gaz was saying. They need it for their mental health. Many dogs work better as pets when you take control. If you don't take control, have fun getting your ass bit. My cousin used to have a big ass german shepherd. They'd treat the dog like it was god. Give it hugs and tell him no no when he did something wrong and let the dog think it was ok to nibble on them harder and harder. Soon enough the dog made it known that they were his bitches. Whenever we'd toss around a football or kick the soccer ball, that big ass dog would come and jump on you while trying to bite you. Fuck, that's abuse on humans. HUMAN ABUSE!! And all he would do is lock the dog inside. Pussy.


Active Member
Depending on what "harsh" is classified as, I think if she truly abused the animal then she learnt the hard way sadly. If she was simply trying to teach the animal and it required a little harshness then I am horrified that she had to experience when an animal goes angry even without being provoked as many do...
From what I remember she didn't train the dog at all and it was very aggressive, she let it go on so its sad but she kinda made it happen.
And chosen I don't agree about violent dogs made not bred, some dogs are just plain stupid and some are violent by nature and there's nothing you can do. Just like people. They are predators and they are born to kill. Its centuries of domestication which has made them mans best friend.


Well-Known Member
From what I remember she didn't train the dog at all and it was very aggressive, she let it go on so its sad but she kinda made it happen.
And chosen I don't agree about violent dogs made not bred, some dogs are just plain stupid and some are violent by nature and there's nothing you can do. Just like people. They are predators and they are born to kill. Its centuries of domestication which has made them mans best friend.
Yup. There's no denying many breds are more violent by nature. Now I'm not saying it's impossible to train a dog to behave but it's harder for some species. I'd rather have an intelligent german shepherd than a more aggressive pitbull. And no I'm not stereotyping.. I could have easily said a chihuahua.. But nobody would take me seriously.


Active Member
Yup. There's no denying many breds are more violent by nature. Now I'm not saying it's impossible to train a dog to behave but it's harder for some species. I'd rather have an intelligent german shepherd than a more aggressive pitbull. And no I'm not stereotyping.. I could have easily said a chihuahua.. But nobody would take me seriously.
Fox terriers and jack russels are awesome pig dogs strangely enough, chihuaua not so sure.......


Well-Known Member
Animals are completely capable of learning without "harshness." Violent dogs are made, not bred.
This is when I can fully agree to you.
Dogs are very loyal and friendly if the owner is friendly.
Could we get back to "teenagers are getting dumb"?


Active Member
This is when I can fully agree to you.
Dogs are very loyal and friendly if the owner is friendly.
Could we get back to "teenagers are getting dumb"?
Do they dress different where you are? These days the style cracks me up, its kinda a gay/80's/skatey/WTF??? thing lol
Have to be a bit retarded methinks