US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


Well-Known Member
the economy is doing better
Too bad you aren't part of the economy. Bankers, hedge funds and Wall Street are the economy, and they are doing great. But you? You have to survive on the same pay, all the while everything you buy gets more expensive.

The report either lies or it doesn't, you say it doesn't. so the 600,000 people that lost those full time jobs should be asked if they think things are getting better. Perhaps pit them against the 114,000 who found jobs (Waitresses and bartenders were #1).

You know why waitstaff is always the #1 metric as far as type of job hires hired? Because so many people are on food stamps.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Too bad you aren't part of the economy. Bankers, hedge funds and Wall Street are the economy, and they are doing great. But you? You have to survive on the same pay, all the while everything you buy gets more expensive.
Sounds like they should get another taxcut, you? well you're going to loose your deductions so they can say they didn't "technically" raise your's the republican way.


Well-Known Member
Want to view a video as educational (I suspect vastly more) as the most recent jobs report?

At least when X say he "gone giv it 2 ya", then he gonna fuckin give it to you.[video=youtube;fGx6K90TmCI][/video]


Well-Known Member
Why so many jobs in 3 years? Hmmm Just curious
Doesn't sound to stable.
When you get laid off
You take work even if it pays 80 bucks a week more than unemployment
Then you have the luxury of looking for a better job

And I have
I got a check yesterday
My take home is 1733 for 2 weeks
I know guys I worked with 3 years ago
That still dont have a job
I wont vouch for them

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
COOPER: So, do you really believe that people in the Obama campaign, the Chicago guys that you tweeted about, that they cooked the numbers?

Welch: The plausibility just doesn't seem right. Now, maybe the numbers were wrong before. Maybe they're wrong now, I don't know. But I'm involved in this economy in a very deep way right now with lots of businesses, and this economy is not growing, I'll guarantee you, at five percent.

COOPER: But what evidence -- WELCH: I have no evidence.
COOPER: You don't have any evidence.
COOPER: It's one thing to doubt the numbers and say --
WELCH: I used question marks last night.
COOPER: Well, you said these Chicago guys will do anything.
WELCH: A question mark might have been better. Last night I had a question mark.
COOPER: But you are. You are saying these Chicago guys will do anything. WELCH: Well, you've seen they have been calling Romney a liar for the last two days. I mean --
COOPER: But how would they cook the books? How would they cook the numbers, given the process?
WELCH: Look, I have no idea whether these books are cooked. I'm very clear about that.

VELSHI: There are two great facts you make, Jack. You know, as the best CEO America has ever had, there are two very powerful things you can say here. One is let's take a look at how the BLS, bureau of labor statistics and department of labor measures unemployment, number one, and b, maybe you think Barack Obama's not doing a good job and Mitt Romney should be replacing him. But to honestly suggest that there's corruption that the Obama campaign may have had something to do with cooking these books, why do you need to do that at a time when U.S. trust for government and institutions is at an all-time low. That is not good for society. What does Jack Welch gain by introducing this? There are so many CEOs who talk nonsense. What do you gain from this, Jack? Why don't you take this opportunity to take it back?
WELCH: Ali, I love you. I'm not talking nonsense, OK?

VELSHI: OK. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this, Jack.
I agree with you. This is a lousy economy. 1.3 percent GDP growth is lousy and yet on Wednesday night, Mitt Romney said again and by the way, Barack Obama backs up this claim that either one of them will create 12 million jobs in four years. That is three million jobs a year or 250,000 jobs a month. We got 114.

At 1.3 percent economic growth there's not an economist in this country who thinks it will be higher than three percent in 2013 and probably similar in 2014 and 2015. That's a lie, too, right? Why don't you call Mitt Romney out on that?
WELCH: Well, because Mitt Romney is thinking about a plan which would lower regulations, which would change the tax, which would drive an energy policy that's very aggressive. I don't know if he's going to get 12. I'm not a Romney surrogate. I'm not in the campaign. I have never talked to the campaign.
Rightwing fail again :[

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Why so many jobs in 3 years? Hmmm Just curious
Doesn't sound to stable.
When Ray-gun was Prez, I would sometimes work for 10 different construction companies per year.

Only happened while Ray-gun was Prez, no other time in 35 years.

Guess it had something to do with his 'trickle down' policy and the fact that every time Republicans get elected, all infra-structure maintenance in the USA comes to a screamin halt so the 'job creators' can get their well deserved tax breaks.


Well-Known Member
OBAMA talks about greedy white people
